Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Big Girls Don't Cry

All's Fair In Love and War

by xlosersx 3 reviews

Lexi's life is gonna change forever, for better or worse This story is written by the so called "girly one"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-17 - Updated: 2007-07-17 - 760 words

Ray's POV
"Thanks man, I really needed that shower." said Ray.
"Yeah you did man." said Frank laughing
" Well bye." I said getting out of Frank's car.
I watched Frank drive off, As I walked up to Alexa's car. Maybe now she's willing to talk to me. I had left my car here, so she still think i was in was my car,and she wouldn't leave. I looked in her car, shit! she wasn't there, where could of she fucking gone!
I got in my car, drove to her friend's Lindsey's house. Maybe she was over there, or maybe Lindsey would know where went off to, or at least her cell phone number....

Lexi's POV
"So your dad is here." said Jason while looking at a takeout meal.
"Yeah the bastard is here." I said casually.
" Wow Lex that's harsh, maybe you should give the guy a chance." said Jason looking at me.
"Yeah right why would I give bastard who left my mom a chance." I said laughing.
" But Lex..." said Jason before I cut him off.
" Soo when am I gonna meet this roommate of yours?" I asked changing the subject.
"Oh Sean he went to Circuit City to get some software for his laptop, he should be back soon." said Jason picking up the phone to order our takeout.
" Hey Jason where am I supposed to sleep?" I asked looking around.
" Oh i haven't thought about that, you can have my bed I'll sleep on the couch." said Jason.
" No it's okay I'll sleep on the couch." I said.
" No Lex." said Jason dialing the takeout number.
I walked into Jason's and Sean's room, I knew which bed was Jason's because. It had a picture of me and him at beach, on his nightstand. I plopped on Jason's bed, and looked around there were clothes all over the floor. There was a guitar on Sean's bed guess he must be into music.
All of a sudden i felt something vibrate in my pocket, someone was calling me. It was Lindsey. Should I answer I was a little mad at her. But I should answer.
"Hello?" I said
"Alexa?" asked the other voice.
My eyes widened, what the hell I thought.
"Alexa... are you there?" asked the bastard.
"What do you want!" I yelled.
" Alexa I just want to talk to you." he said.
" Ok, you got two minutes." I said.
I heard a sigh on the other end.
" How should I put this, I'm sorry for everything I know I've hurt your mother and you but I'm sorry." he said
" Yeah right bastard!" I said, starting to cry.
" Alexa...." I heard him say, before I hit the end button on my phone.
" Hey Lex the Chinese is here." I heard Jason say.
I just sat on his bed crying.
" Lex... come on Lex let's eat." said Jason before coming in the room.
" Lex What's wrong?" asks Jason.
" The bastard called." I said quietly.
" It's okay Lex." said Jason hugging me.
Then I heard a voice say.
" oooo Chinese." said the voice
" Hey Jason where are you?" asked the voice.
" I"m in here Sean." Said Jason before getting up and handing me a tissue.
" Holy shit who's the babe, Jason you naughty boy you know this is a guy's dorm." said Sean looking at me.
"This is my cousin Lexi, she's gonna stay with us for a while, so don't anything." said Jason.
" Alright." said Sean still looking at me.
" Hi I'm Sean." he said smiling at me.
He was cute, he was short black hair in with his hair covering his right eye. he had a piercing green left eye, and his right one is probably the same way, or maybe he has one blue eye, and one green eye. But if he did he would still be cute, and he had a tan, guess he's at the beach alot. I was gonna like living with Jason.

Ray's POV
" So how did it go with Lexi?" asked Alexa's friend Lindsey.
"Not well, she hung up on me." I said
"Oh, I'll call her later ok." said her friend Lindsey.
" Thanks well I better get going." I said walking out the door, and getting into my car.
I drove to Starbucks I needed some time to think. And I needed to find Alexa, I was worried about her...

Sean's POV
Wow Jason's cousin Lexi was hot. Her long brown hair, her deep brown eyes, her calfornia. I hope we could be friends wait more than friends
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