Categories > Books > Harry Potter > To Serve the Dark

Silent Decision

by blood-fangs-of-doom 0 reviews

What if Harry has to become evil in order to save the Wizarding World and destory the Dark Lord? Is there any escape to the idea and how can it be possible to do such a thing?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror - Characters: Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Tom Riddle, Voldemort, Other - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2005-12-11 - Updated: 2005-12-12 - 435 words

To Serve the Dark

Well hello there? I suppose you were curious. I know, the summary is a bit catchy isn't it, along with the title. This is nota dark angsty Harry Potter fic, nor a bright and lightish story as well, but just around the middle. If you read the summary, you'll know why. I did kind of think it over a bit before writing up this story, since it was rather weird, but I couldn't help it. And the stories that I can't help happen to be the greatest! At least, in my opinion:D lol Anyways, I've talked too much! Go on, dive in, cure your curiousity by reading! After you do that, please review and tell me what you think:) Also Sirius isn't dead! (yay's!) AND it you are wondering, I'm not going to write ANYTHING about Horcruxes, cause I don't like it!

Disclaimer: I do not, I repeat, do not own anything except the characters I have created and the plot I have thought of. Other than that, I own nothing! It is all from J.K.Rowling's fantastic imagination and I admire it dearly.

Summary: What if Harry has to become evil in order to save the Wizarding World and destory the Dark Lord? Is there any escape to the idea and how can it be possible to do such a thing?

Silent Decision

You have come here

In pursuit of your deepest urge

In pursuit of that wish which till now

Has been silent


I have brought you

That our passions may fuse and merge

In your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses

Completely succumbed to me

Now you are here with me

No second thoughts

You've decided


Past the point of no return

No backward glances

Our games of make-believe are at an end.

Past all thought of "if" or "when"

No use resisting

Abandon thought and let the dream descend

What raging FIRE shall flood the soul

What rich desire unlocks its door

What sweet seduction lies before us?

Past the point of no return

The final threshold

What warm unspoken secrets

Will we learn

beyond the point of no return?

You have brought me

To that moment when words run dry

To that moment when speech disappears

Into silence


I have come here,

Hardly knowing the reason why

In my mind I've already imagined

Our bodies entwining

Defenseless and silent,

Now I am here with you

No second thoughts

I've decided


A/N: And now continue on to the next chapter, where the real story is:)
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