Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Almost

Chapter Eight- I Wish I Woulda Had The Nerve To Ask You To Stay

by Silvana 3 reviews

In Which She Leaves

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-07-19 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 357 words - Complete

Chapter Eight- I Wish I Woulda Had The Nerve To Ask You To Stay

"I Don't Love You is a very powerfully emotional song. Is there any background behinds it?"
" It was juts an idea. Something that The Patient remembered and experienced."

Flashback- 18th August 1999

The first thing he noted when she opened the door was that her eyes were red rimmed as if she'd been crying.
"Leah?" he asked concerned. "You okay?"
She nodded silently, pushing a stray tear out of her eye with the heel of her hand. "Come in," she mumbled. "Tash's gone out," she told him, referring to her flat mate. He stepped across the threshold and immediately realised there was about half the stuff missing form the room, mainly Leah's stuff.
"Where's all your stuff?" he asked bemused, turning on the spot, taking in the emptiness of the room.
"In a van," Leah murmured. "I'm leaving today."
"What?" He turned to face her, his eyes betraying his confusion. "I thought...I thought you weren't leaving for another two weeks."
Leah nodded; her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I was...but I've got a job already Gee. Starts Monday so I'm going now."
Gerard's smile froze awkwardly and his mouth went dry. "W-what?"
She just shrugged. "Leaving in an hour."
"Don't go," he said hoarsely. "Please Lee. Stay here. With me."
Leah took stepped back, away from his pleading eyes and open arms. "Gee..." She stopped, pushing her hair back with one hand. "I want to split."
Gerard stumbled backwards like she'd hit him. "You don't mean that," he told her, but it was hesitant.
She bit her lip, tears rolling down her cheeks once more. "I do. I'm sorry." I just don't love you the same anymore." As she finished she bowed her head.
"So yesterday when you said you loved me you were lying?" he half asked wryly. When she didn't reply he laughed bitterly. "Well I love you too Lee." And with that he spun on his heel and stormed out of the flat, slamming the door behind him, leaving Leah Watkins to wipe away her own tears.
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