Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Almost

Chapter Seven- The Drugs That I Almost Got Hooked On

by Silvana 2 reviews

In Which The L Word Is Mentioned

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-07-16 - Updated: 2007-07-16 - 1007 words - Complete

Chapter Seven- The Drugs That I Almost Got Hooked On

"How low did the drugs make you?"
"Bottom. I was suicidal. If Brian hadn't answered his phone one night, I wouldn't be here for this interview."

Flashback- 31st December 1996

They were standing on the dark street, her head against his chest; his arms wrapped around her because she was cold, even though she was wearing a thick black coat.
"Lee," he began, almost hesitantly, his air misting in the cold night air. "I love you."
She nodded slightly. "Yeah."
He looked down at her, bemused. "Okay..."
She looked up to meet his gaze, puzzled. "What?"
"Well I was expecting a better reaction than yeah, considering we've been together for a year and a half and that's the first time that I've told you that," he explained, resting his chin on top of her straight coffee coloured hair.
"Mm," she replied. "But I know that anyway. I don't need you to tell me."
He rolled his eyes. "So much for it being one of the most romantic moments of a woman's life."
"Oh. My. God," she exclaimed, stepping back so she could look at him. "Gee, it was romantic." She paused and grinned wickedly at him before adding, "I think. No, honestly Gee, I'm honoured that you've told me. But you didn't have to tell me. I already knew."
He smiled, his hands in the pockets of his khaki army coat. "Thanks Leah," he murmured.
She fully smiled at him. "You're welcome. Now, don't we have a party to get to?"
He threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing off the dingy walls of the buildings. "You, Leah Watkins, are such a party girl it's unbelievable."
She beamed at him and struck a pose; one hip jutting out, the leg bent, her hands on her hips and her head thrown back. "And with a figure like this who wouldn't be?" she teased as she watched him drink in her shape with sparkling hazel eyes. She took his hand. It was huge compared to hers. Hers was delicate with shapely nails; his hands were rough, often covered in ink splodges. "Now come on, lover boy. We have some partying to do."

He'd gone to get another drink when she came shimming up to him.
"Gee! Darlin'!"
Gerard turned around, surprise scrawled across his face. "Leah?"
"The one and only," she replied, dancing on the spot. "Babe, come and dance."
"Lee, are you okay?" She hardly ever used terms of endearment. If she was being ironic then yeah, but never seriously. She beamed at him, her smile so wide he thought her head was going to split in two and flung herself at him; her arms winding around his body, kissing him fervently. He abruptly pulled away and looked straight into her eyes.
"Lee, have you taken something?" he asked anxiously. She batted a hand. "S'only some weed, Gee. Nuffin serious."
He took her hand and started to lead her out of the club. "Gee! I don' wanna go!" she mewed pitifully. He turned, and with serious effort, positioned himself close to her before whispering in her ear, "How about we go back to yours so I can take your clothes off?" He was acting of course, but from past experience he'd found that it worked. And it worked again.
She let him almost drag her out of the club, push her into a taxi and carry her into her bedroom. By the time he'd lain her down on her bed, she was asleep. Gerard sighed as he sat on the beanbag that was in her room. He glanced at the clock. 00.04 am. "Happy New Year Lee," he murmured, his eyes on her sleeping form. "Hope it's a good one."

Leah blearily opened her eyes to see the winter sunshine streaming into her room. She slowly sat up, pushing her hair out of her eyes ineffectively. She looked across to see Gerard asleep on the beanbag, looking very uncomfortable but peaceful. She smiled to herself, her hair slipping across her face once more. She gracefully slid out of the bed and knelt next to him, whispering his name.
"Gee...Gee..." She kissed his cheek as his eyes fluttered open.
"Lee. What the hell were you thinking?! Don't take drugs, cause you'll go and do random things and then you'll get pregnant and then you'll have to drop out of school so you can get a job but you won't be able to finance your addiction AND a kid and then you'll go into to rehab and the kid'll be adopted and then I'll come and visit you with the kid, and then you'll cry." He looked at her agitatedly. "S'not funny Lee!"
She bit her lip to prevent the laugh from coming out, and looked at him from under her eyelashes. "Sorry. It just kinda happened."
He looked at her and sighed, shaking his head as his placed an arm round her shoulder and squeezed her. "Just don't do it again, yeah?"
She leant into him, her head resting on his shoulder. "If I don't does it mean I get give you the lecture when you eventually can afford drugs?"
He laughed. "Yeah, I guess," he smiled before kissing her on the top of her head. She grinned before reaching for a glass of water and soaking him thoroughly.
His face displayed his shock. "What the fuck was that for?"
She smiled sweetly. "If I remember correctly, and I think I do, you were going to take my clothes off. Well now you've got to take yours off as well."
It was in that moment Gerard realised that what he'd said the night before really was true. He did love her; even though sometimes she selfish and stupid, there were the times when she was sweet, times when she was sexy and then there were the times when it felt like they were the only two people in the world.

It was a shame that it couldn't last.
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