Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Chick Drama

1. Questions, and Answers with Opinions

by glo316 2 reviews

Cheyenne High School, Jack and Daniel are having girl troubles. But what can you expect from a couple of teenage boys?

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-12-03 - Updated: 2005-12-03 - 1894 words

1. Questions, and Answers with Opinions

Jack and the gang were conversing in the hallway of Cheyenne High School. Jack and Charlie had their backs resting against nearby lockers. It wasn't as much conversation as it was words. They all, out of turn added their own views on their chosen topic.
"They were point of them even coming two playing, made it a sure wiped their faces in the more win of the season...played like pussey-boys...pussey-boys, more like gay boys...think they sent their b-team...those jerseys were a-team material, shame the players weren't..." At points during the conversation, they all laughed.

When the bell rang to signify registration, they strolled into their classroom. The gang, all except Jack sat on the desks at the back of the room. As Jack entered, he saw Sam and Daniel chatting away.
"Hey kids!" he said with enthusiasm.
Sam and Daniel both looked up, "We're all the same age. How- how can you call us 'kids'?" Daniel stated.
"Like this - Hey Kids." this time putting emphasis on the words 'kids' as he spoke.
"Ump..." Sam sounded. Unimpressed.
"Hey to you too." Jack aimed at Sam.
"Jack, we were trying to have an intelligent conversation." Sam said spitefully.
Daniel watched as his friends riled themselves up for their once-in-a-while routine of bickering. He had learned in past times not to interfere, with this in mind he picked up his book which was laid on his desk, found his place and continued to read.
"Look who got up on the wrong side of bed this morning. What happened - too much homework?...Nah, that's not it. Boyfriend? Family problems? Time of the month?"
"Jack!" Daniel intervened from behind his book.
"Okay Daniel! Apparently I'm too dumb to talk to you two. FINE!" Jack said with a sarcastic ring.
At that moment, Anise Reafy walked through the door. Jack turned, accidentally stepping into her gaze.
"Hey." she said softly to Jack as she passed by, brushing his arm.
"Hello to you too." Jack replied checking her out. Even Daniel watched as she walked between the single desks to the back of the room where she took a seat.
Out of earshot, Sam said, "I hate girls like that."
"More like you envy them." Jack replied, his eyes still focused on Anise.
"Why would I?"
"Carter, I know that past that brain of yours, that there's a sexy minx dying to get out."
Daniel chuckled. Sam eyed Jack, while Jack smiled back.
"Come on O'Neill!" Harry called from the back of the room, motioning with his arm.
"I'll talk to you guys later."
As Jack was talking, Daniel was searching the class, "Where's Janet?"
"Whoa, Fraiser's not here. She hasn't had a day off sick in her life. I thought she was immortal - guess that goes out the window."
"I wonder what's happened to her. Daniel, I'm worried." Sam said looking at him, her forehead crinkled, "she's never ill."
"Sam we could stop by her house after school?" Daniel suggested.
"She'll be fine. Probably just slept in late or something. Chill Carter."
Sam ignored Jack's remark and spoke to Daniel, "thanks."
Jack noticed Sam's attitude and scattered to the back of the room, then Mr Hammond walked through the door.
"Sorry I'm late." Hammond said. The class stopped and heard, and then carried on with their previously started conversations.
"Man, how can you hang with geeks like that?" Harry said.
"They're not geeks Maybourne!" Jack retaliated.
"Whatever Jack."
"Don't WHATEVER me, Harry! Don't talk about Daniel and Sam like that or I'll-"
"Jack, you know Coach Davis wants to see us at lunch." Kawalsky interrupted. This, his attempt to change the subject. He knew Jack well enough to know that tone of his voice, it sounded as if he was about to hit Harry.
"I didn't know that. Why?" Jack asked.
"I dunno. I saw Coach in the hall earlier and goes 'can you and Jack see me at lunch'." Kawalsky replied.

Lessons made themselves known by the ringing of the school bell. Once it sounded, everyone wandered off to their lessons. Like all school days, time was suspended. Minutes would pass slower than any on a weekend. In second lesson, Sam was in the science lab mixing chemicals.
"Annie, if we work together, we'll get this done quicker!" Sam said, becoming stressed.
"And." Annie replied, holding her hand up in the air trying to see if she had filed her nails precisely the right length, "you're smart enough for the both of us."
"It's not about being smart! Could you just stop filing you nails and help me?"
"I'm busy." She answered, beginning to file her nails again.
All of a sudden, Janet walked through the door. She had an almost distant face, and Sam noticed it. She thought of walking over to her, but took one look at her work and thought otherwise. Janet walked over to the teacher's desk and dropped her late slip. Sam watched as Janet stayed there for a while, whilst Sam assumed the teacher was explaining the experiment to her. When Sam asked Janet where she had been and she just replied with 'I'll tell you later'.

Jack had just got out of the shower in the changing rooms. Charlie, Louis and Jack were standing around in nothing but towels around their waists, soaking wet.
"Kawalsky, I'm glad you stopped me this morning. I know I was about to do to him." Jack said while rubbing his head with a hand towel.
"You know I've always got your back." Kawalsky was pulling on his jeans.
"How could Harry call Samantha Carter a geek? He's gotta be blind! If she dressed more like Hathor, I'd ask her out in a flash." Ferretti added.
"Annie Hathor?" Kawalsky asked.
"Nah, her sister...of course Annie Hathor. Yeah, but did you see the look Anise gave me this morning. That girl wants me."
They all laughed.
"I actually heard Anise talking to Jo - Jo Linar about you after the game last night. You know, girly crap."
"Jack, you're in!" Kawalsky high-fived Jack.
"What you got next?"
"You have that HOT teacher, Miss Weir?"
"Yeah, but she isn't that hot. Daniel thinks she hot too, I don't see what's so hot about her."
"Jack, come on. She doesn't float your boat one little bit?" Kawalsky questioned.
"Nah, I liked her more when she was blonde."

Jack and Daniel met up outside of English.
"Phys Ed?" Daniel asked, seeing Jack's semi-wet hair.
"Ya think?" Jack replied sarcastically.
"Do you know when T.C's coming back?"
"I spoke to him last night, he said 'a few days'?"
"Did Crab go with him?"
"Of course. It was a family matter."
Walking into the classroom, Miss Weir was standing in front of the white board, writing. She wrote the title and date, turned around and said,
"Sit down class."
Everyone slowly sat after greeting and chatting with friends.
"That's fifteen minutes off your lunch." she said to the class. The reaction was a murmur of 'huh?' from all sides of the room. This was an empty threat, a ploy to make them work. Daniel did the smart ass thing and questioned her calculated fifteen minutes,
"Miss Weir, it's only ten minutes into lesson."
"Thank you Daniel. Ten minute class!" this caused the annoyed class to 'ahmp' as one, and Harry to say,
"You fucking geek!" Harry was sitting behind Jack, who was sitting next to Daniel. Harry's outburst of a profanity made Miss Weir turn and look in Jack's direction.
"You should've zipped it Danny." Jack said shaking his head, while Daniel just shrugged his shoulders in the I'm-smart-yet-so-dumb way.
"See me after class!" she said pointing at Jack.
"Me? What did I do?"
"Get out of my classroom."
"What?" Jack couldn't believe his luck. There have been many times when he should be sent out of a classroom, but not today, not now. He hadn't even said anything.
"Just stand outside. I'll deal with you in a minute!"
Jack gave her a glance and walked out of the door. In the hall he sat on the side of a desk, swinging his legs like a hyper child.

Inside the classroom Miss Weir was explaining that they were going to read Shakespeare's Macbeth. And after it they would be writing an essay based on it. Daniel was interested because Shakespeare is a major part of English history and the history of theatre. As soon as Miss Weir left the classroom to chat to Jack about his behaviour, Harry said,
"It's your geeky fault that Jack's outside getting told off. Man, you're such a fucking nerd!" he finished by flicking Daniel's ear, this annoyed him but he did nothing and opened his book and wrote the date and title 'Macbeth'.

When class ended, Harry left after chanting 'geek' just loud enough so Daniel could hear. Once Harry had left the room, Jack turned to Daniel,
"Do you want me to take care of him?"
"No." as he said this, his head turned to Jack.
"There's no reason for him to do it. It's not like you've done anything to him."
"He's just being immature."
"He's bullying you! You can't just let him. Fight back."
"Jack, not everything has to be solved by throwing fists."
"Speaking of that, I was about to this morning."
"Because he called you-"
"-A geek?"
"Yeah." Jack said through a sigh, shaking his head.
"Jack, it's okay. I know what everyone thinks of me. And you know what?- I don't care. I'm what I am and I'm not changing for a-"
"-Son of a bitch like that?"
"Good on you." Jack said, patting Daniel on the back.
"Jack could you come here." Miss Weir was calling Jack to the front of the room.
Jack spun at the sound of her voice and strolled over to her desk, "Yes Miss?"
Daniel stood at the back of the room, watching and listening to their conversation.
"You shouldn't used abusive language towards other pupils."
"But they deserved it!"
"Lower your voice! Daniel come here."
He practically jogged to the front of the room, "Miss?"
"I thought you two were friends? Why Jack, did you call Daniel a..."
"Miss, you've got it mixed up." Daniel realised she was talking about what Harry had said, "You mean ...geek, right?"
"That wasn't Jack, that was Harry. We were just talking about him a moment ago."
"Is he bulling you, Daniel?"
"Yes." Jack said butting in.
"Miss, he's just being immature. It's okay."
"It's not okay." Jack interfered again.
Staring at Jack, Daniel said, "It is. I don't even see him that much."
"I'm sorry I mistook you, Jack."
"If that's it, can I go now?"
"Yes you may."

Down the school hallway Jack and Daniel were on their way to the cafeteria.
"Do you think Sam's still worrying about Janet?" Jack asked.
They had just stepped through the open double doors of the entrance of the cafeteria.
"No, I don't." Daniel replied, pointing at a table where Sam and Janet were sat, eating lunch.
They went over to them first, "Hey Fraiser, so you are immortal after all."
Janet smiled and nodded.
"Where were you?"
"Well...I've got something to tell you."
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