Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > what are best friends for?

chapter one

by Lost_Souls_Cry_To_Me 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-07-22 - Updated: 2007-07-22 - 1422 words

Helena Way, Helena was a very unique girl, although she was very witty, opinionated, self spoken, spontaneous and some people would even say contagious, in a good way, she never really understood why people stood clear of her, it wasn't like she was going to bite them or anything, people just didn't treat her like they did other people,
'Normal' people.
Helena often thought it was because of the clothes she wore, her usual, black skinny-leg jeans, her black korn t-shirt, and her red and black tartan converse shoes. On the other hand, maybe it was because of her make-up, thick black eyeliner, white face, black lipstick and mascara, once at the shopping mall Helena scared a little boy so bad that he fainted. The only person in the whole world who really knew Helena was her best friend, Gerard; they had been friends since pre-school.

It is mid-summer break and all is going well for Helena, until one day after her art class she came home to find police cars parked out side and as she walked in she was swamped in police officers her father in cuffs and a mysterious body covered by a forensics case. A tall and very tanned police officer walked toward Helena, "hello there, do you live here?" Helena looked up at the police officer "Um, yes, ah what's going on officer?" The police officer noticed that Helena was very concerned,
" Well a young woman has just been murdered, we suspect it was the man standing in the corridor, do you know him?" Helena was extremely shocked, she didn't think that her father would be capable of killing someone, "Yes I do, he's my father," Helena felt the tears welling up in her eyes. "How did this woman die?" the police officer was shocked hear that he was her father, and understood how hard it must have been for Helena to hear this, "She was burned to death, we don't know who she is, maybe you could come and identify her?" Helena did not think that she would be able to help the officer's but she agreed to try "Ok just this way, if you change your mind just tell me"
Helena followed the man around the corner and into the lounge room, "ok we might get a name from this so get a pen and paper" the police officer whispered to the forensic investigators. "Are you ready?" Helena nodded "ok lift the blanket" the doctor slowly lifted the blanket off the body and Helena saw the face that belonged to her mother "Oh my god!" Helena was so confused, she couldn't control her emotions, one minute she was as mad as hell then she was confused but suddenly she snapped, she grabbed the officer's club and ran into the corridor, her father saw her coming but before he could say anything, she struck him as hard as she could across the face. He fell to the ground, as she bashed him she yelled "why?!" Helena screamed at her father crying more than ever before, "I thought she was cheating on me, with some English bloke she kept meeting!" her father yelled back "what, mom never ever cheated on you, that English bloke was her golf instructor!" Helena looked at her father in disgust "Do you know what his name is; we could take him in for questioning." "Kane Western, I think he said" Helena told the police officer. "Kane western, oh god." all the other police officers gasped in horror.
"What? Why do you all look so surprised?" Helena didn't understand, what made them all so worried about that man? "That man, Kane Western, he has only just got out of jail," one of the detectives shuddered at the sound of his name "Murderer he was, very clever too, always left the scene spotless, except for a riddle that he left pinned to the door leading us to his next victim. We were lucky to find catch him at the grocery store, preparing for his next victim."
Helena fell to the ground and remembered when her mother had first told her about this new class she was taking, Helena knew that her father would eventually find out.
"She didn't want me to tell you, we both knew that you would be jealous" the police officer put his hand on Helena's shoulder, "ok, I need you to come with me, so we can get a statement and find some one for you to live with for the time being"
Helena looked at the officer and wiped the tears off her face as she picked herself off the ground"um is it possible that I could live with my friend if his parents approve?" the police officer had never heard of this,
"I'm not sure, you can phone them when we get to the station and if you can stay with them they will have to sign some forms, ok?" Helena sighed in relief "Yeah, sure"
As Helena climbed into the front seat of the officer's car, still extremely mad and confused, she could hear her father cursing at the police, saying that Helena was next.
"Ok, all set to go, you ready?" the police officer looked over at Helena with a comforting smile, "yeah, let's go" Helena said wiping more tears from her face. All the way to the station, the atmosphere between Helena and the police officer was very awkward. When they finally arrived at the station, three officers came out to get Helena's father. They put him in lockdown until they needed him. "The phone is just over there, you can call your friend now" the officer gestured to the phone that was sitting on his desk, "oh, thanks" Helena said smiling faintly, as she started to dial the number,
"Hello?" Gerard, Helena's friend, picked up "hey gee, um, ok this is hard to say so I'm just going to come straight out with it," Helena wasn't sure whether to tell him about her mother or to ask to stay, "um, my mother has been murdered," Helena battled to control her tears, "oh my god! " Gerard dropped to the floor, Helena reached out for the tissues and continued, "and they think it was my dad who did it," Helena pulled the chair over and sat down "where are you, Lena?" Gerard said, picking himself up off the floor Helena knew that Gerard was worried for her, she could always tell when Gerard was worried about something, "I'm at the police station, do you think you could pick me up?" Gerard was as shocked as Helena was, he just could not believe it... how her father could do something like that, "Hold on I will just go and ask mum, just stay there, ok?" Gerard dropped the phone and ran to his mother,
"Mum Helena's mum has just been murdered, and they think it was her father who did it" Gerard's mother, Casey, was as shocked as Gerard was, and she ran to the phone," ok, don't worry sweetie, where are you?"
"I'm at the police station" Helena was relieved to hear Casey's voice, "ok we are coming now, don't worry" Casey hung up and raced around gathering her car keys and her jacket to find Gerard already in the car waiting for her.
Meanwhile, back at the police station Helena was rather hungry, "um, excuse officer, um, could I have something to eat?" the police officer smiled "the name is Larry, and of course you can, Right this way ma'am," Helena followed Larry out to the cafeteria, "do you guys have burgers here?" Larry laughed, "Yea, right over there,"
Helena walked over to a bench covered in all sorts of burgers, she grabbed two beef burgers and two boxes of hot chips, " for a little girl, you sure have a huge appetite,"
Larry stared at Helena, as she took huge bites out of her burger "well when you havn't eaten for days you get kinda hungry," Larry started to get worried about Helena. "Well if you haven't been eating properly then we need to get you to the doctor," Helena trembled at the sound of a doctor, "if I do go to the doctor can you promise that I wont have to have a needle?" Larry saw the seriousness in Helena's eyes, "I can't promise that, but I can promise that I will be right there next to you if you do," Helena started to get dizzy, everything went grey, and suddenly, she fainted!
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