Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > what are best friends for?

chapter two

by Lost_Souls_Cry_To_Me 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-07-23 - Updated: 2007-07-23 - 1167 words

Larry dropped to his knees and lifted Helena's head "Someone help me here! She's fainted!"
Helena woke up on a white bed and she had a needle in her right hand. Helena called for Gerard, and he came straight to her side, "I'm here Lena, its ok, I'm here." Helena felt Gerard's warm hand against hers, "gee? What am I doing here? Why have I got a needle in my hand?" Helena started to panic, "Lena settle down, it's ok, your in hospital and you are here because you fainted, the doctor said that you hadn't eaten for days?" Helena started to gag, "nurse!, nurse please hurry!!" a nurse came in and reached under the bed and pulled out a green banana shaped bowl, and held it up to Helena's mouth, it turned out that she was bulimic, "god I hate this!" Helena yelled in pain, "Helena, do you know why you are throwing up after eating?" Helena looked up at the nurse "Dad, he always made me throw up after eating, it was punishment for being happy," Gerard cared for Helena much more than she knew, I guess you could say that he loved her, and hated seeing her sad. "Lena, I'm here, don't worry he cant hurt you now."
Gerard was leaning onto the bed, gripping Helena's hand even firmer, "promise you will never leave me, gee,"
Helena was looking straight into Gerard's eyes, "promise," they both smiled "thanks, love you gee," he leaned down and kissed Helena on the forehead, "love you too, Lena," at that moment Casey walked in, "hey, look who's awake,"
She said with a big smile on her face as she stared at Gerard, "yeah isn't it great?" he said, getting a little embarrassed, Helena thought that she should break the awkwardness between them, "so when can I leave?" Casey looked over at Helena "well, the doctors aren't sure yet, they have to do some more tests, but what I can tell you is that when you can go, you are coming with us," Helena and Gerard both smiled at each other, "awesome!"
Helena thought that if she was going to live with them, would that make Gerard related to her. "And no, you wouldn't be related, and no I don't mind if you two are going out,"
Helena and Gerard both went a little red, "oh, you saw that," Helena was getting very embarrassed, "well yea, but as I said, I don't mind." Helena reached out to give Gerard a hug and he hugged back, "cool, well do I have to stay the night?" Helena looked at Casey, "well yes but both of us are going to be here, the whole night."
Two nurses came in pushing two more beds into the room, the nurses smiled.
Helena had almost forgotten about her mother's death. It came to ten o'clock so Gerard, Casey and Helena all decided that they were going to go to sleep.
Seven am the next morning the nurse came in and woke Helena up, "good morning sweetie do you need to go to the toilet at all?" Helena struggled to open her eyes, "um, yes, can I have a shower too?" the nurse smiled, "well that's probably a good idea, because the people that were here last night have just left to get you some new clothes." Helena smiled at the thought of Gerard, "where is the shower Please?" the nurse pointed to a door on the other side of the room, "thanks" Helena smiled at the nurse, and the nurse walked out of the room.
Helena struggled to get out of bed because she had not eaten, and that made her weak, when she eventually got in the shower, and started to wash herself she started to cough, and it was not normal ,harmless coughing, she was actually coughing up blood! "Nurse!! Help me!!" the emergency button looked so far away so Helena reached out for it but slipped, as she fell she managed to push it before she hit the tiles and knocked herself out!
When the nurse got in there she called for more help and she performed mouth to mouth to get Helena breathing, and by the time the extra help got there she was breathing but she was covered in blood, "we need to wash her down and find out how all this blood got here!",
Helena let the nurses clean her up, "I started to cough," she said to one of the nurses, "is that where this blood came from?" one of the other nurses left to get some more towels.
Helena nodded, "ok all clean, and it sounds like your clothes are here," Helena could hear Gerard, "what's happened? Where is she? Is she okay?" the nurse explained what had happened and then, passed the clothes through a small gap in the door, "gee, I'm in here, I'm fine," Gerard sighed in relief,
Helena came out of the bathroom and Gerard ran to her, and he held onto her as if they were never going to see each other again, "I'm never going to leave you alone again," Helena felt safe around Gerard and she knew that she could trust Gerard,
"If you could get back onto your bed then we can get you some food if you like," the nurse smiled and helped Helena onto her bed, "will I throw up again?" Helena really hated throwing up after eating, "no, we gave you some antibiotics to stop that." Helena sighed in relief.

"After you have eaten you can go home if you like, you just have to be really careful," Casey smiled "well if you're going to live with us we will have to start looking for another house,"
Gerard's smile grew bigger at the thought of having Helena living with him, that way he could check on her all the time and help her with anything at any time, "so does this mean I will get a bigger room?" Casey laughed, she had been promising that she would give Gerard a bigger room for years. "I guess so," Gerard turned to Helena; he smiled as if life could not get any better for him.
"So, what colours do you like Helena?" Helena only liked dark colours, "well, purple and black, I don't like bright colours, mum always used to say that colours are supposed to reflect your feelings,"
The sound of her mother made Helena angry again, she kept thinking of all those times that she had told her mother that she hated her and that she wished she had a different mum.
"Fair enough, when we leave do you want to go shopping to get some new clothes?"
Helena loved the thought of having Casey for a mother, she always thought of her as a second mum any way, "um, sure," it was Helena's birthday in two days, it made her more sad that neither of her parents would be there to share it with her,
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