Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Class of the Titans: Family Ties

chapter two: Michael and Emily

by Angel1307 0 reviews

every family has it's problems,fights, bad family vacations, ect. well immagine if your many times great grand father turned out to be the god of time! And to make things worse, he's plotting to ta...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-23 - Updated: 2007-07-23 - 2011 words

Chapter two: Michel and Emily

Armed with nothing but a photograph and the little knowledge about this girl they had, they set out the dirt road leading into the forest.
Atlanta peered over the dashboard, "so where exactly are we going any way?"
Odie reached for a small piece of paper in his pocket. "According to Hermes it's basically in the middle of no where"
"Are we almost there?" Archie complained as he pushed aside some grocery bags "I'd actually like to have some room to move soon!"
"Yeah, sorry about that" Herry laughed, "granny wanted me to pick up a few things."
"A few?" Neil pulled a plastic shopping bag off of his head.
After driving fir what seemed like hours the finally pulled into a small lot surrounded by an ocean of trees and a couple of fields, blue with berries.
"Wow you'd never see anything like this back in the city," Theresa admitted
"The air actually smells, it smells" Neil tried to find the right word.
"Fresh?" Odie finished
"Ok guys, we'll have time to take in the scenery once we find Emily" Jay scanned the property, but there seemed to be no sign of the girl infact the small cabin didn't seem to have been lived in for years.
"Maybe we have the wrong address?" Atlanta suggested
"Impossible, with the state of the art G.P.S system I installed in this truck there's just no way" Odie bragged
"Well lets just take a look around, just to be sure" Jay lead the team into one of the fields, thinking that they would find her hanging around the edge of the trees.
"Can we just leave now, she's obviously not here, we might as well admit that we mad a wrong turn at the..." Neil trailed off.
"Hi-yah!" suddenly a teenaged boy leaped from a tree and tackled Neil to the ground.
"Hey, watch the hair, watch the hair!" Neil warned, screaming at the top of his lungs.
"What are you guys doing snooping around my house?" the young man asked angrily.
Jay took out the photograph from his pocket. "We're looking for this girl, we were told she lives around here, have you seen her?"
The boy took the picture and studied it closely "yeah I've seen her, but what do you want with my little sister?"
"Sister?" the group looked at each other.
Just then a girl wearing a pink t-shirt and a denim skirt ran up the field to where they were standing. "Michael, Michael, get off of him!" she scolded. The girl helped Neil up and dusted him off. "Michael you've got to stop jumping people like that"
"Sorry Em. But these guys were trespassing"
The girl turned around and noticed six more people standing behind her.
"Oh, I didn't see you there, my name's Emily and you've already met Michael, you'll have to forgive him, he's been a little protective ever since our parents died."
"Hey I'm Jay this is Herry, Odie, Theresa, Archie, Atlanta, and you already know Neil"
Emily giggled. "So why are you guys looking for me anyway?"
Jay rubbed the back of his neck and tried to find the right way tot tell her that a power hungry god was after her. "You're not going to believe us, but" Jay took a deep breath, "you're related to the Greek god of time who's trying to take over the world, and now he's looking for you because with your powers and his combined it would give him the edge he needs to finally rule man-kind again"
Emily looked at Michael who by now was laughing to the point of tears were steaming down his face. "Michael, I think he's telling the truth, think about it a lot of weird stuff's been happening to me, like the clocks stopping and..."
"Emily you can't seriously believe these jokers, besides were not even Greek"
"Michael we're not lying" Jay insisted "we've been sent by the goddess Hera, to bring your sister back with us so,"
"Look buddy" Michael exclaimed, "I'm 18 years old, I've went to collage and I can tell you that's all a bunch of Greek hooey!"
"Oh really," an older unfamiliar voice entered the conversation "is that what you think?"
At the sound of the man's voice a sudden chill ran down Emily's spin. "Please tell me that was one of you, or at least say that that hummer of yours seats eight and you just forgot your dad in there"
The heroes pulled out their weapons and shook their heads. Emily turned around and came face to face with a tall graying man dressed in a black suit. His slicked back hair was blacker then the darkest moment she could remember, all except for the white streaks leading from his sideburns and the tuff of hair at the front of his head.
"A who are you?" she asked nervously
The man gave a sly look, "why my dear, you're telling me that you don't even recognize your own many times great grandfather?" he said as he began to approach her.
"Hey creep, stay away from my sister!" Michael yelled as he got between them.
"So there's two of you now?" The man said stroking his beard "never the less it's only her I want"
"Leave her alone Cronus!" Jay shouted
"What, this guy's for real?" Michael exclaimed
"I'm standing right here aren't I?"
"See I told you we should've listened to them"
Michael gritted his teeth, "Emily shut up and get behind the big guy over there!" he barked pointing to Herry.
"Hey!" Herry scowled, hearing the comment.
"But-but Michael, you can't take this guy by yourself"
"Now Emily!"
Fallowing her brother's orders, Emily watched nervously behind the heroes.
"You honestly think you can beat me by yourself boy" Cronus laughed
"Yeah, so what's it to yah?"
"This should be good" Cronus muttered under his breath
Suddenly Michael's fists flew at Cronus from all directions, but some how the guy had managed to dodge every blow. "Don't tell me that's all you've got he mocked
Michael was breathing hard, and frankly he was getting sick of the god's frivolous taunting. "All right let finish this" using the last bit of strength he had, the young man threw a final punch, but it was no use, Cronus had caught his arm before he could lay a single scratch on him. Then without warning, Cronus hurled him against the trunk of a tree.
"Michael!" breaking free of Archie's grip, Emily raced over to her brother's aid.
"No!" Michael yelled writhing in pain, "get back!"
"Mike, shut your mouth and listen to me, your hurt and I'm going to help"
Just the Atlanta and Herry ran up to them. "Emily we've got to get you out of here and fast" Atlanta said hastily
"But we can't leave mike here"
"I on it" Herry lifted the injured boy over his shoulder
"Where are you taking my sister?"
"Don't worry about that, with the shape your in you're going to have to come too"
" Fine by me, just get her away from that freak!"
" I know a short cut to the house," Emily chirped "fallow me." everyone fallowed her down long winding, mud caked path, as stray branches whipped at their bodies and stung the exposed flesh of their face and arms. "Wow" Odie tripped on one of the limbs of an up rooted tree brining Neil down on top of Emily as well. "Get up, we're almost there" she insured. Finally the trail ended behind a large blue house.
"I thought you lived in that cabin up there," Herry asked
"Oh no, that thing's been abandoned for years. Come on, we can hid in here for a minute while I get Mike's medication"
"Medication?" Archie repeated
" you can let me down now, thanks" Michael told Herry going off topic for a second. "I'm a diabetic, so it's just my insulin and medical kit, it's only as big small novel, so it's no problem"
"Ahhhh!" a girlish shriek echoed through the house.
"Emily!" Michael yelled worriedly
"It's ok, I'm fine Neil just caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, that's all!"
"My gorgeous locks will never by the same" He moaned.
Leave it to Neil to have a nervous breakdown about his hair when there're in the middle of fleeing from Cronus.
"Is that guy always like that?"
"Yeah, pretty much" the seven heroes agreed
"Ok" Michael said slightly wired out by Neil's obsession with himself.
"Ahhh!" again another scream broke the silence.
"Neil your hair can't be that bad" Archie cried out.
Suddenly Neil walked out of the bathroom with his hair in a towel. "That wasn't me"
"Well if it wasn't you then who..." Jay began.
"Emily!" All at once everyone scrambled down the hallway to the source of the scream.
"Emily, Em!" Michael led Jay and the others downstairs to a large recroom, "Emily!"
"Neil, Jay, someone! I could use a little help here!"
Michael was stunned to find his baby sister falling into some sort of portal and clinging to nothing but a single sickle.
"I gotcha" Archie said as he pulled her to safety
"He knows we're here, we've got to leave now" Jay insisted
"Why leave so soon, the party's just beginning" Suddenly Cronus appeared at the doorway "besides you still have something I want"
In a burst of crimson light a second sickle appeared in Emily's free hand. "I have a feeling he's talking about me isn't he"
"Gee, yah think!" Herry replied sarcastically
"Um, Em Stupid question, since when can you do that?" Michael said completely over whelmed with the situation.
"You know when I told you that strange this have been happening to me lately"
"Well I didn't exactly tell you everything"
Cronus glanced around the room, clearly he was out numbered but why should he be worried, they were merely mortals and he was an all-powerful god. "Emily you can make this easier on us all if you just surrender yourself to me, and no one will get hurt"
" Don't listen to him!" Jay advised
"Fine, then it seems I'll have to get a bit persuasive in order change your mind" Cronus raised his hand sending out a beam of red light directly at the nine teenagers.
"Watch out!" Michael roared as he shoved his sister out of the way, just seconds before she too could be engulfed by the beam. Emily watched in horror as one by one her friends started dropping like flies in a huge unconscious heap on the floor, until she found herself completely alone, left to fend on her own.
"Now I'll give you one last chance, come with me or else I finish them off"
Emily just stood there, speechless and unable to move, she was so stiff with fear that when she opened her mouth to speak, nothing but a small squeak came out.
"Well I guess that's that then" once again Cronus raised his hand, only this time instead of a beam of light, a huge fire ball began growing larger by the second in his palm.
Suddenly Emily snapped back into reality, and the brutal reality was her friends were in danger and she had to do something. "No! Wait stop I'll do it!" she yelled as she jumped into the line of fire.
"What was that?" Cronus grinned as he immediately ceased the growth of the flame
"I said, I surrender I'll come with you just don't hurt them"
"Very well then" Cronus opened yet another portal "after you"
Teary eyed and fearful for what was to happen to her, she obeyed Cronus's wishes and entered the portal. Before fallowing his granddaughter the god took one last look back at his handy work and laughed, "I win Jay, I finally win!"

finaly chapter two! sorry it took so long but i ahd to redo it three times to get it right
anyway tell me what you thinl R&R

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