Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My life without you in it, Is a life not worth living.

Paper Airplanes

by A_Silent_Killing 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-07-28 - Updated: 2007-07-28 - 777 words

"Frank?" I asked walking in the room. He was lying on the coach watching TV.

"FRANK!" I sort of yelled and him to get his attention and he got him self into a sitting position.

"Huh?" he said. I sat down next to him.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah just really tired" he said laying his head in my lap.

"Ok, Frank what if the guys see I though u said u didn't want the to know yet" I said stroking his hair.

"I don't care any more I realized last night that I love you and no one will change that they can accept it or not there our friends they shouldn't care" he said sitting up and looking me in the eyes his face was so close to mine.

"I Love you too and that's good we wont have to sneak around" I said laughing a little to see if I could get him to laugh.

"Exactly" he said laughing and leaning in to kiss me. We deepened the kiss as Ray walked in.

"Whoa sorry" he said walking back out of the room. I looked at frank and smiled we had been found out.

"Guess the cats out of the bag" I said laughing.

"Yep lets go inform them" he said getting up and sticking his hand in my face. I took his hand and we walked out to were the rest of the guys were at. Ray jumped.

"I'm really sorry I walk in on you guys" he said.

"It's ok. Then I guess you guys know?" I asked. I noticed Mikey smiling.

"Yeah Mikey told us yesterday" Ray said.

"Mikey that good you kept a secret for a whole day" I said looking at him and laughing.

"Sorry" he said returning to his video game.

"It's ok" Frank said smiling.

I kissed the top of his head and walk over to our fridge to get something to drink. Frank went and sat at the table watching Mikey and ray play video games. Bob was also sitting at the same table with frank but a crossed him yelling at Ray to push buttons. I got my drink and sat next to frank. Frank smiled and put his head on my shoulder as we watched Mikey and ray play a fighting game and bob yelling at ray that he was doing it wrong.

We finally got to our first venue of out love warped tour. We all got out of the bus me and frank hand in hand as we went to look around the bus that was parked behind us was the used me and Bert had a weird past but we agreed to come on this tour before we knew who was going to be on it so we had no choice I don't know about the rest of the guys but I'm not going to be mean and ignore them if they talk to me I will talk to them

"I'm hungry I'm going to look for food I will bring you back something if you want" Frank said. We were just standing out side of the bus the rest of the guys had all taken off.

"Um I think I'm good for now" I told him.

"Ok I will met you back here in like and hour or so and we will go exploring" he said kissing me and walking off. I walked back toured the bus and sat down outside the door and pulled out a cigarette lit it up and took a drag. I never notice that someone had sat down next to me till he talked.

"What are you doing?" I asked Bert.

"I wanted to see how you were doing?" he said.

"Oh I'm doing fine" I said taking another drag.

"That's good. So are you and frank....."

"Dating yes we are" I said in and aggravated tone I didn't want to talk to him.

"That's cool I guess I will talk to you later" he said getting up and walking away. I took another drag and closed my eyes. I got the weird smell of a hamburger and open my eyes and jumped frank was sitting in front of me handing me a hamburger.

"You scared me" I said laughing.

"That was the point I brought you a hamburger I know you said u didn't want anything but these hamburgers are really good" he said laughing.

"Thanks I was actually getting a little hungry" taking the hamburger from him and kissing him. Then taking a bit.

"Hey these are good" I said smiling.

"Duh, i said that" frank said laughing kissing me again.

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