Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Golden

The Outcome

by romanceisdead11 0 reviews

though i carried carats for everyone to see

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-08-12 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 1563 words - Complete

Chapter Eleven:
The Outcome
‽Though, I carried carats for everyone to see.”


And when I slept I dreamt. Although, my dream was not a dream but a nightmare. A nightmare that would change the way I felt about being a creature of the night forever.
The alleyway was deserted, pieces of last week†s newspaper blowing down across the way, flanked by two brick buildings, both old, both falling apart, and two dumpsters against the far right wall. The alleyway was blocked off by a chain linked fence with a hole at the bottom left corner where the city†s rodents would then come and scour the dumpsters while the stray cats were away.
There were things about the city that I didn†t know. The city seemed to hold a quantity of secrets waiting for someone to unlock its forbidden company. The city was never safe; you†d carried a mirror with you to see around the corners just in case of any muggers. The humans in the city had become like animals, fighting over food, and shelter, and clothes. It wasn†t unusual to see someone in their birthday suit running around looking for a place to stay, food to eat, and clothes to cover their nakedness.
It was then when I noticed where I was. I was at the foot of the alley in which I was berthed. In which an English vampire wearing a derby hat decided he would like to ruin just one more person†s life. Though, he was not successful for in result of turning me undead I gained a love.
To me the most wondrous love in the world. Who would ever think that a west side girl like me would fall in love with a dark haired, bass playing, girl jeans wearing, vampire boy? And in the time that I had come to love him he had changed me for the better. I knew the risks of being a vampire, I had accidentally fallen to one of them. But he seemed to make my transformation easier, more pleasurable. I loved the way --.
‽Why hello, love,” I heard the whisper come in touch with my right ear.
I spun around quickly, hand formed in a fist to catch my opponent off guard. It was then that I met the steely gaze of him. He grabbed my wrist as it came towards his head, and he held it there for a minute. I looked at him up and down. He was in his usual suit and derby hat, and I couldn†t help but think that I wanted to knock that prim and proper hat right off his fucking head. I grabbed my wrist violently back from him. ‽Why are you here?” I asked angrily.
He smiled at my tone, and I could catch just the hint of his vampire teeth. ‽Why, I am the one who is giving you this dream. To warn you of things to come,” he answered. Like I needed to be protected. I had all the protection I needed in Pete. ‽Not as much protection as you think.”
‽What?” my eyes grew wide at the thought of what I knew to be true.
He chuckled. ‽Yes, I can read your mind. For you are connected to me in a very special way. I am you†re maker, and you are like my child. I can read your thoughts, enter your mind, and give you dreams just like these.”
‽You mean nightmares,” I snorted. ‽So, what do you mean Pete can†t protect me?”
‽Well, it†s much easier for me to show you instead of me to actually tell you,” he grabbed my hand.
I snatched my hand away from him. ‽I†ll follow you.”
We walked through the dingy streets of the city, and as we did he explained to me what he meant. ‽You†re starting to change, Randilyn. I sent that vampire to get you to drink he blood. It†s only fitting that you killed her. Now that you†ve had your first taste of human blood it won†t be long before you start drinking their blood permanently. Even though you tried to get around me with drinking animal blood, you clever little vampire. But soon that will not satisfy your thirst, and you will have to make the complete transformation.”
As he finished his sadistic lecture, like it was no big deal, we came upon the warehouse that the boys and I shared. ‽Why are we here?” I asked scared for my friends, and lover.
His devilish smile spread across his alabaster stone face. ‽I†m here to show you what will happen if you do not come to me.”
‽Yeah, like you could do anything more to me,” I said snorting.
He just shook his head, and lead the way into the warehouse.
When we entered I saw four rigid men sitting at a table, back hunched over in deep conversation. I could hear their voices carry over to me.
‽Do we have to? Is there any other way?” I heard Pete†s angelic voice take a desperate tone. What were they talking about?
I saw Patrick shake his head. ‽We have to, Pete, if we don†t then she could kill the whole city. All those innocent people will loose their lives at her hand. I don†t think she would have wanted it that way.”
‽I can†t. I won†t let you kill her,” he said angrily.
Wait. What? Why did I have to die?
‽Pete, we†re gonna have to. It†s what she would want. Do you think we should let her out, and kill half the population?” Andy asked.
Pete looked defeated. He got up, and walked over to a cage in the corner. My eyes followed him, and in the cage I could distinguish a huddled figure. I took in this new character with horror to find that it was me.
My clothes were in rags, my face blood stained from the tears, I could see some patches of hair pulled from my scalp, and bite marks on my own skin.
‽William, what happened to me?” I asked.
He put a hand on my shoulder and was surprised when I didn†t pull away. ‽You became a victim of bloodlust. You kept drinking animal blood, and it did not satisfy. You†re thirsty , and you can†t quench it. It†s driving you crazy,” he explained my fate.
I froze, and just kept staring at Pete who was sitting by the cage crying. I could barely make out what he was saying.
‽Baby girl, we have to do it. I†m sorry. I love you and I would never want to hurt you, but I know this is what you would have wanted if you weren†t overrun with bloodlust. Oh, please if there is a god of the damned hear my prayer. Watch over her please, and explain to her what I†m explaining,” he then broke down into sobs.
I took a breath in, and out. ‽You are going to do this to me?” I asked William. I felt him nod behind me. ‽Why?”
‽If I show you what happens if you stay with him, and continue drinking animal blood then maybe you†ll enough sense to come to me,” he answered.
I felt a blood red tear exit my eye. I wiped it away, and I could smell the sweet metallic, elemental smell of the blood. My body went nuts.

The next scene William showed me was of my own death. They had knocked me unconscious, and placed me into a fire barrel filled with gasoline. Pete wasn†t there to watch Patrick, Andy, and Joe light it on fire. In a few mere hours I became ashes.

Now we stood back at the alley in which William met me. ‽So, you see you have a sad fate really. I†m sorry it would have to be that way, but that†s the way fate made it. Just like fate made you turn into a vampire,” he said from behind me.
My voice was raw as I spoke. ‽As I remember it you turned me into a vampire for your own personal gain.”
‽I asked fate to.”
‽I believe people make their own fate,” I countered back.
‽That may be true,” he said. We sat there a few minutes in silence, and then I felt him approach my back. He grabbed my waist, and I was too weak to pull back. I felt his lips upon my cheek and neck as he spoke. ‽You are mind. I own you. I own your heart, your body, and your immortal soul.”
I turned my body in rage, swinging my fists violently. ‽You son of a bitch!” I screamed, but I only came in contact with air.
He was gone.


She yelled in her sleep, and went into a whimper. What was William doing in her mind? I thought.
What story was he making up this time?

A/N: Hey guys. Please forgive me for going MIA. Summer has been fun, but I†ll be going back to school, and I†ll get my laptop back, so I can write a bit more. Thanks for reading. Please review.
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