Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > No One Loves A Shadow

No One Loves A Shadow

by Deli_Senpai 0 reviews

Miya Aogiri finds herself in trouble all the time. Faced with new and old enemies, how will Miya face these new troubles?

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Amy Rose,Knuckles,Miles "Tails" Prower,Shadow,Sonic - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2007-08-13 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 1637 words

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Sonic characters but I do own the chimera's Miya and later on the story Cyrus. I hope you like. Enjoy!

No One loves a Shadow

Moral: When one has never touched love, never touched memories or even warm blood...he cries out to the world for sympathy.

Chapter 1
It was raining outside; I could hear it tap on the roof. I was afraid it might have dripped inside, but that was the least of my worries right then. I had to do something before it got out of control. Sweat dripped off of my strands of hair as I hid crouched, behind the stove in the middle of our kitchen.

He had been driven only true friend...then I find myself there, trapped within my own home and hiding with steel knife in hand. He had outfoxed me, by spiking my water with an elixir to make my abilities dormant. Then my body, for certain, was human.

The double doors to the kitchen blasted open, and my breathing quickened with unbelievable fear and dread. My hold on the knife loosened, and it was sliding away from me, covered with perspiration. I feared I couldn't hold on anymore, but I knew I had to hold it close. For my own sake, I peered around the corner and saw his air shoes soaked with rainwater and mud.

He walked slowly, expectantly, as though he was really enjoying that.

"I know you're in here, Miya," he said. "I can trace you because of that aromatic scent of roses you carry; it's all too easy for me."

Shadow rounded a corner of the stove, and I was forced to crawl to its other side. He laughed a little, probably knowing where I was already.

"It doesn't matter where you go." He said, his voice shook a little.

Yet I was so determined that shivers raced down my spine and, out of instinct, I sought a clear passage out of the room.

"I've locked all the doors and windows from the outside. You and your family can't leave." Again he laughed. "Soon you'll see how it is to be in my position. I find it quite fun to play fox and rat. Ironically, I am the fox and you are the rat..."

I turned around the stove again and I dropped the knife. As it clattered to the floor, signaling my location, I made a dash out of the kitchen. I started for the front door, but to my dismay, I found he hadn't bluffed about the doors. The kitchen doors squeaked open again, accelerating my plans to escape.

I had no where to go but, unfortunately, upstairs. I huffed and huffed, running to the door to my parents' room. I paused for a few minutes. I vowed I would never enter that room ever again after the time they tried to kill me.

After they noticed my true power and purpose, to kill or be killed, that was when they died. But I guessed it should have been different that time for my parents didn't inhabit the room anymore, he did.

I sighed and opened the door. My eyes wandered for a phone, a missed window, or something else that would have gotten me out of that house. Instead, my vision rested on body parts dispersed throughout the room. Arms, legs, ears...blood dripped from every corner and stained every square inch of the floor.

Frightened, I backed up. I had never seen that much blood since my time on the ark, but that was much worse. I guessed I was, lucky, that time, that she was asleep. Or else she would have come out and killed everyone; even if they were never involved.

I suddenly realized that there were blue quills mingled with the carnage and that more blood was dripping from the ceiling. I glanced up, and found Sonic's head stung on thin wire from the telephone cable. I screamed and screamed, falling to the ground and holding onto the door frame for support. Tears heaved out of my eyes, and I shuddered wildly, not bearing to see the site of my friend, Sonic. He killed Sonic!

Footsteps fell on the stairs, and Shadow's shadow marked his direction, coming straight towards me.
"Do you like it? Do you like this feeling? I hope so. I've had this within me for years. The both of us are so alike, especially now. You can share the pain I had when I was all alone on the ark" and so I screamed.

"But you weren't alone...I was on there with know that! We suffered together; not alone." I heave and then mumble to myself. "We were always together. How could you forget that? You were never alone."

I couldn't stop my crying, but for my own good, I rushed out of the room and slammed the door before I would become too weak to survive. Three people I used to care about died in that room. That wretched room, always haunting me, always mocking me, some day I was going to destroy that room. He was taking his time; he wasn't worried about losing me.

I know he arranged a trap. I would be cornered, pinned fast. What did he want from me? Why was he doing this to me? I didn't want to do him any harm, but for what he had done, I couldn't forgive him...ever!

But why had he done this to me? Of all people why me? Why was it? I didn't want to hurt him? How was it that he could hurt me without thinking?

I ran down the hall, passing my sister's room not even check to see who died. I did have a really good guess who. That had made two deaths in that room. Instead I headed for the end of the hall and went for my room.

I opened to door, and Amy's body slid out and fell limp over my shoulder.

"Damn, I thought you were in my sister's room. I thought that you died in her room, but I was wrong. You died in here because of me."

That made two deaths, one in my room and one in my sister's. I turned Amy over slowly, I screamed again as I saw that her eyes had been pulled out of their sockets.

Dark red holes had bore into my soul. I had set her down and touched her cold face. She was gone too. I had grabbed my blanket and set it over her dead body.

I saw no sign of Shadow but I knew he was there. He was watching me as I cradled Amy's lifeless body in my arms as I knelt on the floor. My tears flushed out again, moans of agony escaped my lips.

I had never ever cried for anyone in my entire life. I guess I really did have a purpose in life that didn't relate to killing others.

That purpose was to have friends and care for someone who cared for you back. But who wanted to care for someone like me? I'm useless and hopeless to everyone I knew.

"I am but your shadow Miya, and whatever happens to the shadow must happen to the body. I have no one in the world, and now, neither do you. I have lost everything now, in a sense, the same has happened to you. There are just three more people left. What are their names again...?"

I was shaking in fear of what he was going to say. My hearts was racing with panic and I could hear myself saying their names.

"Tails, Knuckles, and ----" I gasped "What is wrong with me why cant I say ----!!-----" I screamed but to no avail.

I covered my mouth so that I didn't notify Shadow as to my whereabouts. I knew he heard me. Also, I knew he would not hesitate in saying their names now. I would have to stop him if I wanted to live.

"Yes, those two!! The fox and echidna, Miles Tails Prowler and Knuckles the Echidna, they will be next and also that other boy. What was his name again? I forget and you probably won't tell me anyway. But for now...huh?" Shadow had noticed I was quiet and had stopped my crying.

"Don't you see Miya? I want us to share blood together; it's so sweet isn't it? So thick and rich, share blood with me. I don't want to be alone more."

'But you never were' I yelled at myself.

At last, he revealed himself at the top of the staircase, his body bare and wet. Most of his coat had been torn to shreds, and his skin quivered from the cold. His quills were down and wet.

It had dripped on the carpet. His hair was covering his face, and it was as if Shadow was a different person.

"Your so-called-friend put up quite a struggle. I couldn't stand the way he called your name. It isn't fair!! I never had a friend who would rely on me to save them."

I set Amy on the carpet, standing, my knees nearly caving in on me. I stood with pride as if I was trying to prove something. There were so many tears streaming down my face that I had to stop for my own good.

The people I cared about were gone; they all were, even the ones who were still alive. They felt so far away from me and they probably were. Shadow walked up to me to caress my face. I turned away from his touch, closed my eyes because it hurt so much to see him.
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