Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > No One Loves A Shadow

Chapter 2

by Deli_Senpai 0 reviews

It seems like Miya can't escape her friends psychoness. who will escape the house with their lives intact?

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2007-08-13 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 2010 words

"You cared for that girl, even after a year of not seeing her. Even when you were never committed to her, you wept when you found her body."

"Why?! Why are you doing this to me?!?!"

"Because I care about you. It hurts more to lose your beloveds after a long time, this I know..."

"But bastard!" I screamed. "Why would you choose to murder them?! Why Amy and Sonic?! The only two people that actually cared for me. Why would you kill them? I would much rather lose them to old age, than now, like this!!"
He tried to hold my face again, but I slapped his hand away.

"If I had not done this act, surely, you would have forgotten about me. No one ever thinks of a 'shadow'; it is just there. But Miya, I always think of you, not just as a 'body', but as a treasure that the military didn't want me to have. Now I know why G.U.N. wanted us dead on the ark along with the research. It was because I loved you and that you were a weapon of destruction and not love. When you started to love me back, they wanted the ultimate life form and their weapon of mass destruction dead. You became tainted with friendship, love, and compassion, thus making your desires to kill fade away. When the ark blew up and we escaped you met new people to befriend. You discarded me like trash! What I hated the most was the way you looked out for everyone; the way you made memories with everyone. I could never do that; I only have memories of you and lost ones that burn away like ember. You're the only one left, God forbid I lose you!!"

Shadow unsheathed a dagger he took from my kitchen, he stabbed himself in the side, his crimson blood spurting out of him and splattering on the carpet. I refused to look at it.

'She' was awake. If I did 'she' would be unleashed and I didn't want that to happen. Shadow wouldn't have stood a chance against her. As he withdrew it from within himself, he covered his tired hands with blood, walking up to me and smearing it all over my face and neck.

I flinched with my eyes still closed. I couldn't let her out; I would never let her out...for his sake. I opened my eyes a little seeing no blood. My eyes found his; they were dilated to an extent where they had appeared lifeless.

"You can have my blood Miya, take as much of it as you want. It is all for you. I have no need for such a life."

Terrified, I shoved him and jumped for the string hanging from the ceiling that I had been eying for a while. I pulled the string down; a ladder fell forward and smashed into Shadow's face.

He cursed angrily and I leaped to climb the stairs to the attic. The attic was dark and dusty, unopened boxes and old furniture everywhere. An untidy bed was off to the side with a little picture on the nightstand next to it. My brother used to sleep up her...until that moment.

I took caution in walking around; I ducked between a drawer and a table, pressed against the floor to keep out of sight. Slowly, he climbed up the stairs, and along with his hair, his blood dripped and tapped loudly against the old wood.

I listened to his breathe; it was raspy and weakening by the second. How could he have found the gall to have pierced himself?

"I'm not mad. I cannot stay mad at you for too long, you know that."

Shadow stepped around an old mannequin and pushed several boxes aside to make an opening.

"Remember when you shed blood for Tails? the first time you had met him, you spilled blood. I couldn't believe you did that. I was your partner far longer than you have come to know him and I didn't think you would ever abandon me. But now, now I must make sure it won't happen again. I can't afford for that to happen ever again."

I felt so dizzy, so very dizzy. I felt like vomiting. And thus I did just that. My body convulsed and I held onto the floor. My lips shaking, I threw-up against my will.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Shadow has spotted me. Coming from the other side of the room he stalked towards me, the dagger in hand and more than ready for expelling blood.

His own blood was already dripping from its sharp edge and tip, it had stained the steel. In a month or so it would still be there, but I might not have been here to see it. One of us would have died that day and the other would have mourned that death.

I just hoped that I wasn't the one to mourn. Shadow heaved the table and drawer, separating them to expose me. Kneeled down, he pulled my head up by the chin lightly with his fingers.

With the other hand, he unbuttoned my shirt and drew the dagger across it, subtly slashing me. He touched the blood and a few tears slid out of his eyes. They were tears that made no sense.

"Your blood. It's warm. It's always been warm, hasn't it?"

He cut his wrist and forced me to touch it. My irises widen. It was cold. I guessed 'she' didn't want to come out. She wanted me to suffer in my current state.

"Is that why I'm always shaking? I can't stop this feeling Miya, of being frozen inside and out. I cannot endure this any longer. Share with me your blood!"

He made another cut to a main vein in my arm and I cried out at the shocking torture. Bended over, he lapped up the blood. Then I saw my chance. I grabbed the dagger from his hands and held it over his naked back.

For that moment, he stopped to look at me. There was pain in his eyes; it was so obvious it scared me.

"Do what you have to do, Miya." he said so gently as he rested his head on my chest.

"...I don't mind it...if it is with you..."


I drove the rapier into his back and it shot straight through his stomach. He squirmed, but said nothing except,

"...Thank you..."

Minute by minute, his body stiffened, cool red liquid poured over me. I couldn't move. I had lost Sonic and Amy. I had lost an old friend; I had lost my 'shadow'.

Shadow? Am I your body? If that was so, then why was I still here? I suppose it didn't matter. I was already dead.
"Ow! My head!" I moaned. "What happened? Where am I?"

I couldn't see anything. My eyelids were as heavy as bricks. They refused to open all the way. It was so dark, it almost scared me. Almost.

I tried to move but it seemed like I was chained to the wall. The last thing I remembered was Shadow and I in the attic; Shadow...

"Ow!! Damn it!" I screamed.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, my head was pounding from remembering what happened. I couldn't forgive him, not then at least. I had better things to deal with.

Where the hell was I? I had to find out. If I didn't, something bad was going to happen to me, I could feel it!! I could almost see what was in front of me. I barley opened my eyes and I was not entirely sure, but I thought I was in a cell.

"What am I doing in a cell?"

This made no sense. I shouldn't even be in here. Why was this happening, especially after what had happened between me and Shadow? What had happened afterward? Why couldn't I remember? All I saw was blood and more blood. I hung my hand and there were blood stains all over me.

My shirt was wide open and there was blood all over my skin. Panicked, I stopped looking, but I feared I was too late. 'She' was out!

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" I screamed. "Hehe...hahahaha...hahahhaha...I am free? I'm free!! Hehehe." Mira said hanging there on the wall.

For everyone's sake, I had hoped she stayed on that wall. But, to my dismay, she broke free of the chains. I was still conscience and I could see everyone she saw, but I couldn't control what she did or said. That was where the problem lied. We were walking and somehow Mira found a door. It was locked and if I guessed right, she was going to get mad and break the door down.

And Mira did just that! Mira walked on and looked through a window. I guessed I assumed that no one was here too soon, because when Mira looked through the glass we saw Shadow in a capsule, filled to the brim with water, seemingly dead.

"What the hell?" Mira started to breathe heavily now.

Damn! Why were we here for? Not just Mira and me, but Shadow as well. Who would have brought us here and why? Why couldn't I remember anything?

Mira started to get mad and of course, she tried to break even more things. And by things I meant the window. For some reason it was plastic. Did the people who put us here really think that plastic was going to stop me?

Mira especially was not going to be stopped by anything; let alone plastic. Mira broke the plastic and jumped through the window so that she could reach Shadow. Mira breaks the glass of the capsule and caught Shadow as he fell.

'You know, you could have just pressed the button that says 'release' on it.'

"Shut up you incompetent fool, I will do as I please" Mira snapped.

'Uuuuuhhhhh. How much I hate you!!' I groaned.

"Same goes right back at you!!" Mira replied back. At the same time we groaned. It was always like this. We always fought each other. But maybe she just might be of some help one day.

Or maybe I am just kidding myself. She was only here for destruction and chaos. That was the only reason why she was alive. Then again it was my fault she was even here. I kept my feelings bottled up all the time.

Maybe that was how she lives; feeding off on my feelings. They were like nourishment for her, especially the sad, angry, and lonely emotions I gave too her everyday. No wonder she was still here. Wait why was I complaining about this now? We needed to get out of here.

'Hey Mira, come on, grab Shadow and let's go...this place is starting to freak me out.'

"Fine. Man, you whine too much. You're gonna have to loosen up a little, man." Mira said with a cold tone.

I hated the fact that her voice was so cold and how she was always acting cold to everyone around her. Even 'him'. Then we were moving!!

This was really a surprise. She actually listened to me!! This was scaring me. Why would she then, of all times, listened to me. Did she care that much for him? Did she care as much as I did to have risked her life for him?

That was a question I guessed would never be answered. We were finally outside. Mira shielded our eyes from the sun, changing, I was me again.

"Huh? What the...? Why am I myself again? Why Mira?" I asked a little confused.

I was happy yet puzzled at the same time. Why would she let me out? Why didn't she stay in this body and be the one to have caused destruction in the world? Not that I was complaining or anything, it was just weird.
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