Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > No One Loves A Shadow

A Balst From The Past

by Deli_Senpai 0 reviews

Miya has gotten free of the cell block with the help of her alter ego. when miya seems tired she lies down to go to sleep. but within seconds she's pulled into the past. when will Miya wake up from...

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Amy Rose,Knuckles,Miles ,Shadow,Sonic - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2007-08-14 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 3115 words

A Blast From The Past

Moral: Not everything is bad in your past life. There were good times too. You just have to learn how to let go of the past and look forward to the bright and new future.

Chapter 3
I walk father away from what looked like a mansion. I guessed that was where they were held us and sooner or later someone would have come to check up on us. With Shadow on my back I walked over many hills and then came to a tree.

I set Shadow on the second to lowest branch so that no one could reach him. That way he could sleep without intrusion. I on the other hand, sat on the floor of the tree. I leaned against the tree and I felt like I was losing myself faster by the second. And then I felt like I was falling asleep and so I did.

It's like I was melting into a dream. I watched as my past passed by and then it stopped to a certain point. A point I wished was forgotten. The past I had with Chris and Rath. Such poor fools looking for power, except Rath. He was only looking out for the one he cared for the most.

As I fell deeper into the dream I found myself in the flashback as if it were happening right then! I could see Mira in human form with different clothes on. I forgot how we looked in human form, being Chimera's and all.

Mira and I look the same besides the clothes, her hair with highlights and personality, everything else is the same. Mira was in a room with two guards and Chris. They're talking about the rings.

"We understand how vital you are Mira. We will only treat you with the greatest respect." Chris said looking at her calmly.

"Where is my ring?" she questioned.

"As I said it isn't quite perfected and I would like to ask you something first. What is your purpose? Why do you exist? How is that you continue to live? The ring is life itself to you and an absolute necessity for you to use powers beyond my reach. But you can fly without it; so it must have another function to that regard. Japanese legend describes it as jewel, but other countries have their own versions. A white dress in Poland, a necklace in Scotland, furs in China. When those with your power, they were swans, mermaids, wolves, white cats. While those with no power who don damaged the ring turn into monsters. These things known as the ring can recombine DNA and trigger transformations at the cellular level. The unknown matter suffices your celestial body." The guards in the corner of the room started to talk about Chris.

"The Chief's playing with fire, she looks mad." said the first guard.

"Don't worry their both wearing shields. The projects made them so the Chief's safe." replied the second guard.

"How are there others like me?" Mira whispered. She looked at Chris and asked him again. "Where is it?" Chris replied, hearing what she said to herself.

"Yes that question comes to mind. Along with what your purpose is. Why you are here?"

"I...don't remember. I don't know." Mira replied.

"You do know, don't you? Remember it!" Chris pressed on.

Faint memories passed through our mind...death, life, love, hate; it's all too much for Mira to handle. The memory was like a cut on our arm.

It was searing pain that ran up our spine to our head and Mira had to hold our head to contain the pressure. Forced to talk to Chris, Mira screams.

"No! Stop! I. I don't know!!"
Mira pushed Chris back with her aura and he got up immediately to come back; pushing her to answer him. Chris was yelling then.

"That very matter suffuses your body!"

"No!! Where is it?" She screamed.
The memory flashed to where they were holding Rath. He was strapped down to a machine and I could do nothing to help him. Rath was my twin brother. He was the only one who accepted me for who I was. I guess that's because people treated him the same way. When we were little no one knew of Rath. They only saw my sister and me.

My parents were too ashamed to show Rath to the world. They thought they were protecting him, keeping him from the cruel world. They thought that no one would care as long as he was away; but it didn't.

It made them crazy, keeping him inside was just a sign telling them that something was wrong. Just like showing me outside made them crazy. The crazier they got the more they told Rath how they really felt.

Then when it came to me it was all fake smiles and love and care telling me that no matter what anyone said I was still their special little girl. But it was all a lie. I could tell it in their eyes. Their eyes showed me everything; the pain and misery; they couldn't hide anything from me.

I knew they hated me. I knew that one day all their troubles would come falling down on them and crush their every being. I kind of felt sorry for Rath.

I thought being secluded inside your house without being known to the world was better than being known as the monster in a world you're being secluded from.

Watching him strapped to that device just made me feel unhelping towards him like all those years before. I just watched as my parents locked him upstairs in the attic. And Then I once again, in my life, am useless to help my brother from harm.

A woman named Sarah was in a room full of computers working on Rath. It looked like they were doing test on him to provoke the Ancestor to come out. Whatever it was it looked like Sarah's attempt to help Shadow and me lost her her freedom.

"Do you mind? Stop hovering over me!" Sarah snapped at the guard watching over her.

"Just do your job Ms. Fields." The guard replied.

Guess Chris wasn't going to let Sarah go so easily. I heard her thoughts running through my head.

'All I wanted to do was delve into the legend like the chief. I thought it would point the way to humanity's future but the puzzle only deepens. Come back Rath, you can guide me to the answers.'

I felt sorry for all those innocent people who got involved with Chris and his stupid dream. I had hoped they lived different paths then.
Then as the guard finished talking the memory flashed back to Mira and Chris fighting over the ring. Stupid questions like 'where is it?' and 'why do you need it?'; most of the time I ignored them talking until then.

"Give me the ring! You people have no need of it." She yelled.

"Oh but we do. It's our destiny to gain power such as yours. That way we can leave earth; but nature would take her sweet time, many generations, before we could fully adapt to that kind of power, to different environments! With the ring such adaptation would take no time at all; as you have adapted to life on earth." Chris protested.

"Give it to me!" Mira screamed.
The memory switched back to Sarah and Rath; so quickly I was almost dizzy. Rath opened his eyes fiercely but it wasn't him it was the Ancestor.

"Mira! She's here!! My woman is here and in a fine rage! But, I can't move! Why am I tied down? Chris! Am I expandable now that you have the ring? Is that it? I'll kill you! I'll kill you all and take Mira!" he yelled.

"Drug him!" Sarah screamed, panicked at his statement.

The Ancestor is stabbed with a needle and he fell asleep. Sarah massaged her forehead looking like she couldn't take it anymore.

"It's no use, drugged, strapped to that device, the progenitor is coming unraveled. If Rath doesn't come back they're both doomed."
The memory once again jolted from the lab to the room with Mira and Chris. They were still fighting. Mira was surrounded by a powerful aura bursting with emotions.

"Not possible! The shields were perfect! You can't use you powers here!"

Chris' face was so surprised. I guessed he thought he was safe behind those pathetic bracelets they called shields. Chris seemed so helpless. I couldn't just stand by and watch. So I stopped Mira by yelling at her.

'Mira! Don't keep killing. Think; think what will happen if Shadow finds you on a killing spree!'
Mira fell to the floor from exhaustion, thanks to her usage of her powers.

We changed back and I was back in our body. I called out to Mira but it seemed she really was knocked out. Chris was still shocked but finally realized what happened.

"Hmm...must be the drugs throwing her system off. That would explain the shield failure! Not just her powers but those of the mind. Tell Sarah to fortify the shields!" he said to a guard. Then he said to himself.

'Shadow. You came through as a Guardian after all.'
I woke up to find myself in a bed, it was inside a large room; plain but I felt it has some kind of 'spark' to it. Like it was trying to keep me inside of it so it could feed off my energy. Then two women walked in and startled me.

"Your awake then? That's good. You've been asleep for three days." Surprised I try to get up but she stopped me.

"It's all right. You're safe now."

I relaxed back down to the bed and I realized a new bracelet. I guessed they modified the shields. I wondered how strong it was this time.

"I'm Rebecca Smith and this woman is 'M'. She'll be looking after you. We've had your belongings brought over though we had to confiscate certain things such as your cell phone. You understand I'm sure." Rebecca pointed to the necklace in my hand and said.

"Even asleep you held onto that for dear life. We couldn't pry it loose."

I looked at it and caressed the necklace to my cheek. I never wanted to lose that necklace. It was a gift from Shadow and I would always cherish it. There would be no way that I'd let anyone take it away from me. Not even death.

I looked up at Rebecca and I wanted to ask her something but the answer would depend on much she knew. But what the hell, it was worth a shot too ask where they put Shadow's body. They had killed him after all.

"Where's Shadow? What did you do with him? I want to see him!!"

"I'm sorry, it's not easy to say this but his remains are in very bad shape."

I dropped my head down, depressed. I knew I wouldn't like her answer; they were probably dissecting him by now. Shadow...My poor Shadow, I was sorry I ever brought him into this stupid mess. Mira woke up and tried to console me and did a great job with it.

'Miya pull yourself together. We must look to strength now not sorrow. Switch with me once more and-' I cut her off. I was tried of her asking me to switch with her just to fight.

'And what Mira? What will you do? Fly into another rage? Kill more people? Rath and Shadow mean nothing to you! All you care about are the rings!'

'Now wait, you believe I feel nothing for anyone? You're right, tears are useless. If I'm weak now I'll die. We must be strong.'

It was so simple, to change from spirit to spirit; I was surprised that our body stayed the same except for our hair, eyes, clothes and personality.

Nothing could and still can't, tell us apart unless we knew it, but because of the past, we have nothing. We walked around through the basement with M and saw many things. Mira said that

'We've been here before but what's going on down in this basement?' We looked some more as we walked with M.

'Still no idea where they've put the ring.' M spoke, pulling Mira back to the tour.

"And that's the end of our tour. Keep in mind that your name tag is your I.d. and key to your room, try not to lose it."

Rebecca had taken us into a room full of girls. Getting a second glance at them, they all looked just like Mira. And Mira knew what I was thinking. More girls were transfused with her genomic pattern to use as a weapon.

'What's going on here? Are these the projects?' she questioned herself.

The girls turned and saw us, screaming, they ran towards Mira.

"Miss Rebecca!" they screamed, running towards us.

'So many and they all look alike!' I told her as I looked around the room.

"You must be Miya Aogiri; Mira the first mother!" she said turned towards Mira.

"Excuse me?" Mira asked with a disgusted look on her face as if the girl had called her a bad and ugly name.

"Miss. Rebecca taught us that many creation myths are based on an archetypal man and woman usually twins. They gave birth to humanity and that's the model for the C-projects! Isn't that right?" she asked looking around as the others nod their heads, she turned back to Mira. "We're thrilled to meet you! We heard you and your brother Rath are the true source of this myth!"

I could feel Mira getting mad at the girls. It was only common for projects to be programmed to follow silly little tales like that one.

But to actually believe they only existed to be weapons of mass destruction and have children that would never have a father to look to. Their children being projects as well so that it was an immense line of weapons that could destroy the world and they all looked like Mira.

I could sense the trouble to be. I could feel Mira clench her fist wanting to hit Rebecca and the girl talking to her. If that was me in her position, I would've done it.

"You stirred the blood of our ancestors with in us. In that way you're the mother of all of us here, as well as those on the way."

"All the girls with gold tags are expecting." Rebecca interrupted.

I had got the urge to throw up. They harvested the ova and fertilized them. It made me sick to know they did the same to Kate. It looked like Mira couldn’t stand there and be quiet. She finally spoke her mind.

"It doesn't bother you to be locked up in here carrying the children of men you don't know?"

"What do you mean? We're safe here, protected, assured of a life of peace and harmony. We are cared for, valued. While the outside world knows only filth, violence, abuse and war. We're special modern day celestial maidens gifted with beauty and power. Our only concern and duty is to bear offspring. And these will create a better world, a happier more beautiful one. We are the mothers of a new ascendance! What are men to us, less than nothing." The girl said in reply.

"They really believe this. What fools." Mira said in a low whisper.

"Once they are perfected we will each get a ring and then we will go to heaven; forsaking this lost, doomed world. You want to return to heaven right? We can go together. How's that sound?" the girl asked looking at Mira for an answer. Mira had a killer look in her eyes and the girl looked at our nametag to get away from Mira's gaze. The nametag read: Mira. Then she saw what I didn't. The color of the tag was gold.

"Your expecting too aren't you?" she asked looking up again. Shocked at the girl and the tag I had to ask Mira.

'What? Since when?'

'Shh, Miya. I'll explain later.'

'No tell me now.'


That was when I finally realized what was really different between us. It wasn't the clothes or the hair or even our personalities.

It was what we did while in bodily form. When changing into Mira something so simple as a stomach change in size wouldn't hit me right away unless pointed out.

She would change with me on plea because she was afraid for the baby, not for what Shadow or I thought. She really was only thinking of the baby.

Knowing that Shadow and I had something between us before, no results came out. But now a result from who ever the father was, she had to take care of a new life.

It was her baby not mine. So it was only fair if she picked if she wanted to have it or not. It was finally up to her if something lives and not me. But it made me wonder who the father was. I could understand if it was Shadow.

Mira did always like him. But what I was afraid of was the father being Rath or the Ancestor. Rath was my twin brother and to me I saw that as a no-no, very bad, no incense.

Especially if you looked like me and then Rath got the wrong idea.

I wouldn't have that brother-sisterly bond with him, even if it wasn't my fault. I looked at Mira and she had gotten madder and it looked like she wanted to find a way out.

'This shield has rendered me powerless.' Mira looked around the room for an exit. Clenching her fist she scowled telling me she found none.

'What to do?' She asked herself. Then she got an idea of how to get out. She held her stomach and fell to the floor.

"Ow, ow, my stomach!"

"Oh dear!" cried out other girls in the room. They all tried to see what was going on—but then Rebecca stopped them.

"Calm down everyone. Come with me Mira. I'll contact the infirmary." Rebecca took Mira out of the room and grabbed for a phone. As she dialed the number I cheered.

'Nice, Mira, nice, now lets get out of here.'


'I need a hostage' we said together.
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