Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > No One Loves A Shadow

Chapter 4

by Deli_Senpai 0 reviews

the past unfolds it's self even more and it seems like Mira has so many secrets that her once lover can't hold him self to hear them all. How will Mira escape the evil ancestors grasp? with lies or...

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Amy Rose,Knuckles,Miles ,Shadow,Sonic - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2007-08-14 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 1039 words

Chapter 4
Mira walked outside with Rebecca and Rebecca tries to reach the infirmary to let them know she was coming. Then Mira grabbed my necklace and wrapped it around Rebecca's neck; she was choking her while asking.

"All right! Where's the ring? Take me there, Now!"
The memory melted back to where Rath was. He was asleep. To people were at peace when the slept, even it they were being possessed by an ancestor.

"He's been out ever since. God I need a vacation!"

Sarah looked back at her work. Rath started to move around and then he woke up.


Rath's face was panicked. He had no idea where he was or what was going on.

Poor Rath, to have woken up in a room that was not your own had to get you to think what and where the hell were you.

"Rath?" Sarah looked at him and was just as surprised as he was.

"Where am I?" He tried to move but he was stopped by the device he was strapped to. "Ow! What's all this?"

A Scientist who was helping Sarah went over to check Rath out and gasped.

"Look! All his wounds are gone."

Sarah knew how sly the Ancestor was and she had a right to be suspicious. So she asked Rath. "Rath? Is it really you? Do you know who I am?"

"Sarah! Sarah why am I tied down? What're they doing?"

Sarah looked at Rath and saw that it really was him and screamed. "Get him out of there!"

Two other scientists went in to help the others already inside the cell. They started to take Rath down from the machine. Rath tried talking to them.

"Um...What happened?" he almost fell from the device and the scientist caught him.

"Hey, take it easy. Let me help."

"Thanks." Rath slumped over the scientist arm and then he punched him towards the window. The scientist fell on the floor dead.

"Fools! Did you really think I would let that brat have this body back? Never!" He killed the others and ran into the hallway screaming. "Mira! I'm coming!"
As quickly as it came the memory went back to Mira with Rebecca. They were stopped at a door.

"It's in here you say?"

"Yes but cant you see this is pointless?"

"This whole operation is pointless woman! These projects so well instructed and so devoid of emotion of pride. Yet they believe they're my descendants!" With Mira's back turned the Ancestor grabbed Mira from behind, grabbing her in a headlock. Mira let Rebecca go and tried to free herself from his hold.

"Haha, gotcha, well Mira we've finally caught up with each other again."

I cry out to Mira. I told her to keep in mind that the Ancestor was still using Rath's body. She relaxed and allowed him to do what he had come to do.

"Sure wasn't easy was it?"

"Master!! What's this about?" Rebecca cried out to him.

"Be quiet and open this door! We're leaving; my girl and I. after I kill Chris. He thought he could get rid of me! Bastard's even trying to recreate the ring! Right behind there I bet."
The memory once again went back to Sarah who was on the floor. She was probably traumatized to have watched the way the Ancestor killed everyone in that room with the machine.

She got lucky being in a different room that time. Chris walked in and saw the wreckage.

"What a mess." Sarah said as she shook her head.


"Chief!" Sarah said looking up at him.

"The master's found Mira they're in the hallway outside lab b. where we have the ring. Fortunately it's double-sealed. Very well get up Sarah we have to make the master."

"No! Not me! Not anymore! I can't do it. All these deaths mounting up. Too many for no reason. It wasn't supposed to be like this!"

"Perhaps; but we all knew that going into this project would not succeed without great cost. Some may see us as devils but we are only striving to make a change for the greater good!"

"Well Chris I'm no devil or angel. Just a chimera, that's what you are too, aren't you?"
I saw the sadness in Sarah's eyes but before I could have finished hearing what they were going to do but the memory jumped back to Mira and the Ancestor.

They were yelling at each other like that was what was going to get the door open.

"Let me go!" Mira screamed.

"Still hunting the ring eh?" The Ancestor asked, totally ignoring her.

"Master, I don't have clearance for this lab. We'd best just go." Rebecca pleaded.

"Hear that Mira? We can't get in. You can't get in! So give it up!" The Ancestor clutched Mira tighter and Rebecca was forced to speak up.

"Master please don't hurt her." Rebecca tired to release Mira from the Ancestor's hold but the Ancestor pushed her away which caused her to faint.
The memory went to Chris in the security room. He was watching as The Ancestor pushed Rebecca to the floor. The cameras rotate through the room as if to have gotten a better look. Then finally someone broke him out of his trance.

"Shouldn't we get down there?"

"Why? To further provoke the Ancestor? Just put some projects outside the door. If we wait we just might learn something." Chris bended over to get a closer view as to what was happening.
The memory went back to Mira and the Ancestor again, who was refusing to let her go. He walked up to the door and tried to open it with Rath's powers and his own.

"Damn it's shielded!"

"Your powers will not prevail here." The ancestor gripped her tighter. "Because they're Chaos powers. I gave them to you!"

'Huh you gave him his powers? What for? I thought you--' She cut me off.

'Shh Miya! I'll tell you later'
The memory once again went to Chris and he was transfixed to the Camera screens. Once again someone had taken him out of his trance.


"Wait! We might just get what we're looking for!"
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