Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > No One Loves A Shadow

An Old Friend Encounter

by Deli_Senpai 0 reviews

Miya escapes from the dream and is greeted by an old friend who happens to be the reason she's woken up. Now that Miya's friend is with her, more enemies decided to show up. how will the duo escape...

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Miles ,Shadow - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2007-08-14 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 1893 words

An Old Friend Encounter

Moral: Not everything is as it seems. There are more deceiving things than there are true.

Chapter 8
I'm pulled out of the dream so fast that I almost get dizzy. It's dark in our mind but I see a light. I also hear someone calling me. I wonder who it is. The voice sounds so familiar. Maybe I should go to the light.

It might just show me whose calling. I walk towards the light and I'm pulled out of my slumber to wake up to a grey hedgehog standing in front of me with a most confused look. He speaks to me.

"What you doing?"

"Nothing, just, remembering."

"About what?"

"The past."

"You know, that's bad for you!"

"I know. It just, came to me that's all."

"Oh I see."

I remember him. Suddenly another hedgehog; green; comes and attacks the grey one. Luckily the grey one dodges it.

"Hello Impulse. Come for another beating?" The grey one asks.

"Ha! It's your turn to get beat Cyrus." Impulse replies.

"Let's see you try it!" Cyrus taunts.

Cyrus looks at me. I know what he's thinking and so I tell him.

"Go ahead, I'll follow. I'll help if I find you need it."

"Thanks. Come on let's get this over with." Cyrus says smiling.
Cyrus goes off to fight impulse. They really are against each other and what they do. I guess that's family love for you. The only way to express it is through fighting. As I watch them fight I have to scream.

"Kick his ass!" At that moment Cyrus gets knocked back.


I grab my knife from my pocket. I stab Impulse in the leg. He cries out in pain. I watch as he curls in a ball. I have to say.

"What a baby. Hey Cyrus you alright?"

"Yeah. Just a little beat from a previous fight with him." Cyrus turns super and grabs Impulse. "Chaos Control!" he screams.

I follow Cyrus with the scent the emeralds left. I find them fighting in an open meadow. Impulse decides to turn super as well. Surprising enough he might just put up a fight this time.
"This should be good." Cyrus says snickering.

They increase speed to lightning fast. But to me it seems like a normal rate of speed. I guess that's because I'm not normal. Cyrus blocks Impulse's attacks and Cy pushes him away. A beam shines up in his hand and Cyrus shouts.

"Chaos Blast!"

"Nice choice." I say as I watch from the side. Impulse gets pushed from the blast and now he's angry.

"Yes Cy! Kick him to the curb."
Impulse flies right past Cyrus and comes to attack.

Cyrus curses for letting his guard down. I watch for a second to see who or what Impulse was going to attack. I finally see it's me.

"He better not be after me. Damn. Orb of Despair!" I scream.
An orb surrounds impulse in mid-air. The orb suspends him and makes his greatest fear attack him.

Impulse is almost immediately taken down. While holding the orb I'm in a trance. Cy comes over, tired from chasing Impulse to stop him.

"Whew that was close. You ok?" I'm still in the trance and something is happening. Then I say to myself.

'Unable to get out. I need to stop using this thing. I have to warn Cy.'

"Uh...sucking...powers...away." I finally let out.

Cy runs over and takes the orb but that's exactly why I was trying to warn him. Cyrus screams getting shocked by lightning. I scream as I fall to the floor from the shock of lightning as well.

"Ow, my head."

I rub my head and then look at Cyrus. He's out cold and I curse at myself.

"No, Cyrus. Damn it! You should have never touched to orb. I'm so stupid for using this in the first place. I know it's dangerous but it was the first thing that popped into my head." I look towards Impulse. He's shivering in a ball again. I have to say that kids got guts to withstand that much power.

"At least it took out Impulse." As I get up I moan and walk over to Cyrus. "Here, I'll take you to my house." I pick up Cyrus and put him on my back. "Chaos Control!"
Hours pass by and Cyrus finally wakes up. Not knowing where he is, Cyrus starts screaming.

"Ahh! What happened? Where am I?" His screaming wakes me up; thinking a burglar's here I scream as well.

"Aaaahh! Burglar where? Where the bastard?" Finally I realize it was just Cyrus screaming from shock. "Oh! It was just you. You almost gave me a heart attack! When you had stopped breathing we got to my house, so I used what little power I had to bring you back."

"Thank you, again, for saving my life.

Cyrus gets up from the bed and tries to walk. He immediately falls back down screaming from the pain, on the floor.

I yell stop at him a little too late but it's still worth the try. I walk over to him and lay Cyrus back on the bed. I'm going to try to explain to him how he shouldn't move after a stunt like that.

"Please don't try to walk. The orb's effects on regular people are very fatal. Some would never survive if they touched it. This orb is a family heirloom only my family, what's left of it that is, can wield its power. But, it's very forbidden to use it. I guess, that's why. Never mind, just stay in bed, I'll get you something to eat."

"Ok." he says without argument. Cyrus relaxes on the bed and holds his arm. He starts to complain. "Ah! I feel so weak!"

Coming back, with soup in hand, I set it down and start to talk to Cyrus.

"I'm not surprised. I can hardly move without hurting myself. The orb; it just takes so much out of you. And when you've run out of power....!" Noticing what I'm saying, I retreat. "I'm sorry! Talking of such things at a time like this. Please excuse me."

I get up and walk away to the end of the hallway. Cyrus tries to talk.

"Miya! What's wrong?" He tries to move but fails. Cyrus gives out a yelp from the pain. But despite it he says. "Ahh! Wait!"

Cyrus reaches his hand out and then he falls to the floor. I hear the thump on the floor. Then I start to think to myself again.

'Damn! I shouldn't have brought that up. The orb is used for such things but it's also used to kill your enemies and then turn on our temporary comrades. It erases all evidence that you and the person were working together. The orb really is something not to be toyed with seeing as how it's supposed to be Mira's old orb. I can't tell him; it's been so long since I have told someone. Keeping her a secret is frustrating sometimes. But, it's for his own good. If he would like to stay being one of my friends; he'll have to know! If he doesn't find out from me, he'll find out from someone else and I don't want that.' I take a deep breathe in and walk over to Cyrus. I tug him a little and he wakes up.

"Cyrus, I have to tell you something." He moans from his wounds but gets up and replies.

"Ah! Yeah, what is it?"

"I, I don't know if you've noticed, even if we haven't seen each other in a while, but I'm evil." I wait as what I said processes through his mind. Finally Cyrus says.

"You're evil huh? Well there is only one thing left to do." He stands despite the pain, walking so that he's in front of the door. "Here's your chance to kill me since I'm a hero an all."

"What?" I turn to look at Cyrus with confusion. Would he really be willing to die just because he's a hero? And by the hand of a friend?

"I..." I grab my knife from my back pocket but something comes up to me. "I'm not like that anymore so," I drop the knife and look up at Cyrus. "I can't. I can't kill you Cyrus, I, I'm not that kind of person anymore."

Then I get up and walk right past him. Cyrus falls as we cross paths. But he whispers something before falling asleep.


There's a big thump on the ground signaling that Cy has fallen asleep. I go down stairs and straight to the coat rack. I grab my black cloak and go outside. I look up and it starts to snow. The climates are weird over here but I like the snow and here too.

"He'll be fine here. I have to leave right now. But, I can't, just leave him. What should I do?"

I walk to the side of the house and slide my back against it as I go to sit down. I have no idea of what to do! Do I leave Cyrus for him? Or stay with Cy? Inside the house Cyrus wakes up. He actually manages to get up and slowly walks down the stairs to get outside.

Cyrus can feel the cold chill run up his spine. The snow is falling fast now. I look at him and before I can say anything Cyrus says something I almost don't catch.

"I need to figure out how to get my energy back, but how?"

Cyrus falls and I catch him before he hits the clod snowy floor. He probably drained his energy by just walking.

He needs his rest and for that I need to stay with him. A couple of hours pass by and then something much unexpected happens, a bunch of Brutes come and break down the door.

I try to fight them off but one catches me off guard and knocks me out. The Brutes start to walk around looking for something. One of them moves me up stairs to where Cyrus is.

The Brute places me on the bed and then searches the room. Cyrus wakes up from the noise and attacks the Brute in the room. The Brute goes flying out the room hitting the wall in the hallway. The others come to see the ruckus.

"Don't you guys ever give up?" Cyrus pulls out his chaos emerald. "Is this what you're looking for?"
The Brutes look growl at him and then the leader walks in.

"Actually we're looking for that and two rings." The Leader looks around and finally finds them. "Ah there they are." He points to my hands and walks over to take them and the chaos emerald from Cy. Cyrus gets in front of him and says.

"You have to get through me to get them." The Brutes start to laugh.

"You? Ha! What can a simple hedgehog do? Go into a ball?" They laugh more and I groan from the pain in my head. I'm finally conscience but I can't move. The leader speaks again.

"Get'em boys and when you're finished bring the girl to me." He snickers.

"You'll have to beat me first."
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