Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > The Wild Chick
The Wild Chick
(#) blacknailsgd 2007-08-14
i love it honestly its fucking awesome i cant until i read the next chapter!
bye loves
your girl
Joy!Author's response
thank u so much for the review i've gotquite a bit more of this fic written so if i keep getting good reviews i'll keep posting the updates
thank u so much for the review i've gotquite a bit more of this fic written so if i keep getting good reviews i'll keep posting the updatesThe Wild Chick
(#) beni24 2007-08-15
I really love it!!!
I can't wait to read what Robyn will do to that bitch!(and to Benji)Author's response
thank u for reviewing & there'll b more up soon
thank u for reviewing & there'll b more up soon
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