Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love to Hate Me.

A Story to Tell

by WillBertluverX 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-08-18 - Updated: 2007-08-18 - 892 words

Jersey is dirty, dirtier, the dirtiest. But all that dirt gives you substance. - In the words of Cleaveland Mollow

My shot, at getting more sleep was actually working for awhile, that was until Sam came running into the bed room all agitated. He quickly tore the covers away, I groaned in response.
“Sam, I have to work doubles tonight at the shop. This is sleep I really need!”
“Cleaveland! Some guy left a message on the machine…is there someone else? Are you cheating on me?” the expression on his face was priceless. I tried to keep myself from laughing at him. “ No, there is no possible way for me to ever do that. You keep tabs on me 24/7, I don’t have the privilege or option of cheating!”
“Oh, shut up!”
Rubbing my eyes I sat up in bed making an effort to wake up completely.
“So…what did this message say?”
Sam sat down on the edge of the bed his expression still in the flustered nature. I curled up next to him rubbing his back, he can be such a baby about things.
“ Something about him coming to Jersey for some show. He said he misses you, and can’t wait to see you. Ugh, it was kind of sickening, he was being all mushy about it.”
I laughed. “ Did he give his name?”
Sam paused for a moment then his eyes brightened, the light bulb came on. “ Yea, he did. It’s some really weird name like Jared or Gerald, I can’t really remember.”
My grip tightened, I was now clenching the back of Sam’s shirt. The beats of my heart were becoming irregular, my eyes couldn’t focus on one thing, I was beginning to shake.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I repeated loudly, Sam looked at me confused.
“You know who it is don’t you?”
I nodded my head robotically. “ Gerard…Gerard Way.”
“ That’s little pussy who tried to get you to leave me?” After he said that I slipped back into reality. “ He’s not a pussy Sam, he was my best friend.”
“Whatever, your not going to actually talk to this guy are you?”
I looked at him bug-eyed. “ Yes, I am going to talk to him. If he’s coming all the way back to Jersey to see me then its worth it. It will be good to see an old friend- grow up Sam!”
“ I’m not allowing you to speak to him!”
“ Sam! You can’t stop me from seeing people who are important to me. Why are you so worried anyways?”
“ I know why he’s really coming to see you! He is here to convince you of leaving…he can’t bare to see you with me.”
“ I’m positive he’s not here to do that, and even if he did its my decision! Maybe I’ll just ask him myself, I don’t know why I stay here with you anyway.”
“ Go ahead! Go screw that little bitch, I mean I already have someone on the side.”
I drew my hand back and smacked him as hard as possible. Being caught off guard he hit the floor, I looked down at him in shock. He lifted his head up glowering at me, I lunged from the bed trying to reach the door. Running I rushed down the stairs, Sam followed closely in behind me. Before I even had the chance to turn the doorknob he caught me by the waist heaving me into the living room. Looking up at him I could see he was shaking, I was shaking but not in anger: in terror.
“ Sam, I’m sorry. I won’t ever do that again.”
“I know you won’t.”
He lifted his fist up high, I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the blow. Finally his fist came in contact with my face, one blow, another, another. I didn’t cry, I knew that would only encourage him to do more. Finally he stopped, he looked down at me all out of breath.
I whispered. “ I hope all that was worth it Sam. I really hope you…” I felt something warm running down sides of my face. I lifted my hand slowly to touch my face, it stung. Sam reached down to touch my face, that’s when I started to cry.
I flinched, then pushed him away. “ Sam, don’t touch me. I don’t understand you; do you see these bruises and the bleeding ? DO YOU? DO YOU?! YOU DID THIS!”
“ Cleaveland, you know I can’t help it when I get mad. I can’t control it.”
“ You can control it, you just choose not to. You need to leave now!”
He quickly got up. “ Fine, but you’ll want me back. Like always.”
“ Pack your bags this time, you’re leaving for good.”
He lowered his eyes, I thought he was going to come at me but he reached for his set of car keys that were lying next to me on the couch. After he finished packing and yelling at me I limped to the bathroom to take a shower. Soon it would be time for me to go to work; once I get there I’ll have to show my battle scars and tell my story.
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