Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > everythings going to be fine. right?!

chapter two

by Lost_Souls_Cry_To_Me 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2007-08-19 - Updated: 2007-08-19 - 484 words

the darkness was creeping closer. Wrapping its icy fingers around my grip on reality. Slowly pulling it further and further away. Sending me into a dangerous spiral of horrible negative thoughts swirling around in my head convincing me that this was it. This was the end.

Suddenly It was getting harder and harder to breath. this would eventually be the end of me. I gasped as I clenched at my throat. Hoping to push away whatever was keeping me from living this lie. What’s the point of trying to fight my fate? I thought. My hand fell from my throat and my whole body just collapsed to the ground. My head collided with the cold hard cement floor and the whole word went black.

Dad strutted in. thinking he’s hot shit as usual. If you think 230 kilos of alcohol drugs and unprotected sex it sexy. Then my father is the man for you! Hows that for advertising?

“where’s your scrawny ass brother?” he slurred as he collapsed onto his recliner. Cigar in one hand and pure vodka in the other. “asleep.” I wasn’t going to look at him. He makes me want to vomit. “take my boots off.” I looked at him through the corner of my eye. With a disgusted look plastered across my face I stood from the couch and began walking away. “don’t you dare walk away from me you blood of a bitch. Come here and take my fucking shoes off my fucking feet or the shit will hit the fan!” where the fuck did he get that from? That’s the lamest thing ive ever heard. And ive heard a lot of lame things. You tend to when your best friend is Frankie iero. “ooh im real afraid now. Im shaking in my glam boots.” Yes I wear glam boots. Ive got the whole gothic look going. The hair. The make up. The clothes. And the fangs of a vampire. So I guess that makes me a gothic vampire. That’s hot.

“you better do as I say! If I have to move. All hell is going to break lose and you will wish you were never born.” I decided I was thirsty so I shuffled into he kitchen and searched the fridge for alcohol. None. What a let down. Soda will do. I grabbed a soda and one for mikey and walked into the lounge to see if he had passed out yet. Complete darkness. i couldn’t see one inch in front of my face. Pitch black. “what the fuck?” --–Smack!—um… ouch?
The next thing I know I feel I great heaviness, then I felt like I was flying. Then a hell of a lot of pain in the left side of my body. Im guessing he knocked me out with his vodka bottle. Then everything goes black.
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