Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Agena

Chapter 01 – Things only a child would understand – Year 1

by JErosion 0 reviews

Under the ever watchful eye of Professor Dumbledore. The Last Heir of Slytherin walks the halls of Hogwarts. Now, with his guilding hand he hopes to correct a mistake he made nearly half a century ...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Andromeda Tonks,Dumbledore,Tonks - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-08-19 - Updated: 2007-08-19 - 3060 words



Chapter 01 – Things only a child would understand – Year 1(revise)

She was hiding, or at least she was do her best to. A game of hide and seek had sent her running into the large storage shed that sat at the very back of their yard. She knew it was a bad place to hide. But she figured that since it was so obvious, her dear cousin would probably spend ten minutes searching every other nook and cranny of the property, before coming to look for her in here. So far Nymphadora had yet to disappoint her.

Aside from the shed there were only so many places one could hide while outside. But her /mother/, or she should say her /aunt/, had been very specific, that they where no longer allowed to play in the house. She had to blame Nymphadora for that. Despite being of age as well as an Auror in training, she was an absolute klutz. Most of the time she could walk though the house without tripping or knocking over something. Merlin help her should she ever be in a situation where her life depended on it.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” came a singsong voice from just beyond the door of the shed. Agena ducked behind a barrel that sat near the door.

A moment later the door swung open allowing a tall figure with bright green hair to come strolling in. In all honestly she looked like some grungy teen from the city. But that was far from true. Despite her looks she was a witch. Maybe that was the advantage there family had. She suppose the proper analogy would be, that they had one foot in and one foot out. Her Aunt had married a muggle-born wizard. And in doing so she had gained a great deal of insight into both the world of magic and the ordinary world, that Muggles lived in. And she was thankful for it, as she didn't particularly care for traditional wizard clothing. Just wearing robes felt weird to her. She like her cousin she preferred a blending of the two. There were other things that Agena had an appreciation for. Like when Nymphadora was home from school during the summer, they would go to the muggle movie theaters.

Speaking of Nymphadora, she had kicked open the door suddenly and stood in the doorway as she began survey of the storage building. To her surprize the young woman didn't even look towards her as she entered the shed. Agena knew she was caught, and with cousin standing right there, she knew she would be able to sneak past her to get away.

“Well if your not over there then you must be...” her cousin said loudly, “ OVER HERE!!!”

When she jumped around and lunged towards her. Agena let out a screech. Instead of the warm heart-shaped face she had come to expect, she found her herself looking at the large bulbous nose and the heavy jaw of a troll.

Yet Nymphadora being who she was, she wasn't able to do her quick turn around without stumbling and falling off to the side. Agena took the opportunity and ran for it. She felt Nymphadora take a swipe at her leg in an attempt to grab her, but failed. Agena had always been quick in these situations, and not a second later she was free of the shed, half shrieking and half giggling. This was fun for her.

And that thing that Nymphadora could do was always a lot of fun too. Agena was a little jealous of her. She wished that she had the ability to change her appearance at will. Not that she hadn't tried to do it either. But no matter how long she concentrated in front of the mirror, her face remained the same. Or the mirror broke. But that was just a little use of accidental magic.

While it was disappointing not to be a Metamorphmagus also, she could also say that Nymphadora wasn't the only one with talents. She had the ability to do something that neither her cousin nor her Aunt could do.

She ran into the bushes that marked the edge of the property. There was awooded area that lay beyond that boundary. This area was always out of bounds when it came to their games. But that was mostly because Agena had an advantage here. Now she was far from being a tomboy or awoodsman, but she just had a certain talent when it came to forests. She just knew how to hide in them and how to listen. She couldn't really explain it beyond that. Also she had friends in the woods. They always sought her out. And they would tell her if danger was coming or where to find what she was looking for.

She had found a low spot between the roots of a large tree. She took asecond catch her breath. A heartbeat later she closed her eyes and listened very carefully. Aside from the soft rustle of the leaves, the woods were quiet. That was strange, she knew that Nymphadora was right behind her. But she stayed put. She wasn't going to risk revealing herself to the person that was chasing her unless it was necessary. And besides, she knew she was out there. That girl wasn't one to give up on a game like this, even is the person she was playing against, cheated a little.

Even though they were really cousins, Nymphadora was a sister to her. In asimilar manner Aunt Andromeda was a mother, and nothing would ever change that. She had never known her real parents. Sometimes that did bother her. She didn't know if she would ever have the chance to meet them. In fact she wasn't even sure if her father was even alive. From what she had been told, her biological mother had been locked away in Azkaban. The reasons why was a bit of dark topic in their house. It was something only spoke about sparingly and never in full detail. The same thing was true about the man who sired her. She knew that her father, was not the man that her mother had married. Aunt Andromeda would only tell her that , she didn't know anything about him. But sometimes she didn't know if Aunt Andromeda really knew or not. Either way she was given the impression that he was the same sort of person her mother was.

A tiny whisper caught broke her from her thoughts. She looked around briefly before zeroing in on it's source. Far out in front of her she could see a movement on the ground. Some of the old and dried leaves shifted and sticks rose slightly with the passing of the traveler.

“/Hullo/” she greeted her visitor. She smiled, she was always happy to exercise her abilities. It was sort of odd but the first time it had happened, she didn't even realize that she had done it. She had to guess it had been the same way with Nymphadora's skill. Waking up one day to discover that somehow she had accidentally changed her physical appearance.

Good day. Came a soft murmur. Agena could see a pair of shinny black eyes appear from beneath a small branch. Tentatively it slid out a little further, revealing a small head, that was a muddy brown color.

How are you?” she asked the serpent, she didn't have to speak that loudly. As words whispered in the snake speech always carried much farther than things spoken in the normal tongue.

Good. Good. Came it's response. She watched the snake carefully, it tilted it's head ever so slightly. It's tongue flickered out. It wanted to ask her something. but also it didn't. It wasn't something out of fear, but rather out of respect. Agena thought it had something to do with her being both a witch and being able to speak to them.

I'm hiding right now.” the said quietly, guessing that was what the snake was curious about. She ventured a peek around the tree trunk to see if she could spot her pursuer. Yet she found nothing. Abit of worry start to creep into her. She hadn't run that far into the woods. And her cousin wasn't one to give up so easy. They didn't get the chance to play around like they used to. When she went to Hogwarts, they always had the winter and spring holidays, as well as summer to play around. But now that she was training to be an Auror she had even less time and when she did get breaks, she spent most of them sleeping. This had been one of those rare occasions when the trainees had been given a full week off. And she was ever so happy for it. It had been a while since they had been able to spend some time together.

She smiled, Nymphadora had promised to take her to Diagon Alley later this week.

She had already thought of all the places that she wanted to go, the chief of which was the Fortescues's Ice Cream Parlor. But any further planning was brought to a sudden halt when her companion let out along hiss. She turned to it to see that a rather visible change had come over it.

What's wrong?

Somethings here, something unseen. The snake retreated after delivering that warning, it slowly disappeared beneath the forest debris.

Cautiously she looked around, peering around the trunk of the tree she hid behind. She saw nothing, but the snake was right. She could feel it now. It was subtle. It was sort of like lying down on a newly made bed, that had a sheet of paper hidden beneath the sheets. It's was something you couldn't see visually, but you would feel it and hear it as you laid down on top of it.

But this presence.... It was one she had felt before.

“Professor?” she called out.

“Ah, Your as preceptive as always.”

She jumped at the voice. Whipping around, she suddenly found a very tall and old man standing where just a second before had been nothing. He was a familiar face at their house. So much so, that at one point she had thought that he might have been a relative of hers. But he was no such thing. This was Albus Dumbledore, one of the greatest and most powerful wizards living today. He had done so many incredible things during the course of his life. He defeated the dark wizard Grindelwald. And later he fought against the dark wizard Voldemort, even though he was the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

They say, that Dumbledore, was the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared. That statement alone was a testament to just how powerful the Headmaster was. And that was another thing. Agena always had trouble understanding why so many wizards and witches, never referred to that dark wizard by his name. It was always He-who-must-not-be-named/or /You-know-who. As far as she was concerned it was a little too long winded. And almost every adult she knew cringed at the name. Even her aunt and her cousin did. But it was Professor Dumbledore who was different. He was the only one to encourage her to call him by his name. And that fearing a name, only gave him more power.

That was probably one of the reasons why she liked it when the Professor came around. He encouraged that little bit of rebelliousness in her. That and he looked like a skinny Father Christmas.

“Hello Agena.”

She blushed under his twinkling gaze. The more she thought about it, the more she felt as though he was family as well. From what she understood a few of her “great-grand” relatives were still alive. But most of them regarded Aunt Andromeda with disdain. But that really didn't matter anymore. It seemed as though a sort of melancholy had seized the House of Black. Andromeda's father and mother were dead as were many of family members of their generation. She had a few Aunts and Uncles that were still alive. However her grandparents and great-grandparents had already passed on. So in many ways she had come to regard Professor Dumbledore as the grandfather she never had. He always willing to offer her words of encouragement, not to mention that he usually had a bag of sweets on him.

He had also been the first one to smile at her, when she discovered her ability. At the time her Aunt was mortified. Nymphadora was more curious about it than anything else. The Professor told her that it was very rare gift and that she should be proud of. However, he also warned her that she should be cautious of who she revealed it to. He went on to explain how people in the their world had grown to fear and distrust people who shared her ability. And that Parselmouths were often associated with practitioners of the Dark Arts. But he also told her that there had been just as many good wizards as there had been dark ones, that had the ability.

“So what brings you here Professor.” she asked.

He smiled at her and slid a hand into his robes, and then withdrew a two little sticks of wrapped candy. He offered her one of them and took the other for himself. Agena pulled at the treat's wax paper wrapper and began to crew on her prize. They began walking towards her home he spoke again.

“A few moments ago I was speaking with your Aunt, when I saw you and Nymphadora running out of that storage building. She stopped chasing you when she saw me. Nymphadora was going to come and get you, however I thought it would be better if I came to find you my self. ”

“Oh?Why sir?”

Once more his hand slid into his cloak, but instead of retrieving another candy, he withdrew thick envelope. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of it. Because of Nymphadora being home, she had forgotten all about receiving her letter. She reached forward with shaking hands, to accept the letter from he held out to her.

Brazen across the front in metallic green lettering was. Agena D. Culverin.

Quickly she flipped the envelope over. She intended to rip it open, but paused as her eyes met the wax seal on the back, that bore the impression of the school's coat of arms. Her eyes paused briefly over the image of the snake in the corner. A second later she was pulling out the contents of the envelope. And immediately began reading the cover letter.

“It would have arrived by owl early this month, but I wanted to deliver it personally.” he told her, after giving her a minute to read. She looked up at him, her blue eyes shinned brightly. This was what she had been waiting for. After spending the last two years watching Nymphadora being able to use magic when ever she wanted, she had grown more and more eager to do so herself. She didn't get to go last year because her birthday was in November and well after the September first cutoff. But now she was old enough and had had opportunity to be taught magic.

Nymphadora still had some of her old books, from back during her first year at Hogwarts. They were in bad shape, but still usable. She had been reading though them in hopes of getting a head start. Without a wand she really didn't expect to be able to do much. But she found that when she practiced the words aloud and mimicked the wand movements that were instructed with her hands, sometimes things would happen. Like when she tried a levitation charm, she actually got an old doll of hers to move a bit. And on one occasion time she managed to make it float for a few seconds. But she hadn't been able to repeat her success with any real consistency.

When they cleared the bushes and reentered the yard, she found her aunt and cousin waiting for her. She even saw that Feezy had joined them, which was a rare since she didn't go outside very often these days. Lately the old house elf hadn't been looking very well. Even with her old scars healed up, she wasn't doing so good.

Agena ran ahead to join her waiting family. Hold her letter out above her head, eager to show her family what Professor Dumbledore had given her. Her Aunt immediately pulled her into a hug. Nymphadora, on the other hand, had snatched her letter out of her hand and began to look over her supply list. And Feezy shuffled over, sadly mumbling that her young mistress would be leaving.

Her future headmaster joined them a moment later. Aunt Andromeda offered him some tea, but he declined her offer saying that he had to see about another student, who seemed to be having trouble getting his acceptance letter. And without so much a pop, he vanished from sight. Agena smiled, she couldn't wait to go. She wanted to learn everything she could. Especially Apparition, she wondered if she would be able to do it like Professor Dumbledore did. Most people when they apparated or disapparated, made a loud popping sound when they did it. Even Nymphadora did when she started out. She did it with an ear splitting crack, but since she started her training she had managed to get quieter.

But Agena knew she was along way from doing any of that. In fact she was a long way from doing a lot of things. Sure she had her successes in her experiments. But that wasn't the same as actual instruction. She just couldn't wait to learn. And until then she would be counting the days until she received her wand. She smiled as her eyes lingered at where the Professor had stood. She couldn't wait.

Author's Note: Another revision down four more to go. There where as many mistakes in this one as there were in the previous chapter, but I need to keep on writing. I didn't add to much to this chapter I just smoothed out a few paragraphs here and there.
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