Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Agena

Chapter 02 – Introducing Ms. Culverin – Year 1

by JErosion 3 reviews

In preparation for the school year Agena is taken to Diagon Alley

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Andromeda Tonks,Dumbledore,Hagrid,Tonks - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-08-19 - Updated: 2007-08-20 - 4569 words



Chapter 02 – Introducing Ms. Culverin – Year 1 (revise)


After she had received her acceptance letter, the rest of the week seemed to slip by quickly. There always seemed as though there was something she had to do.

But Agena couldn't complain, since that made the trip to Diagon Alley, that Nymphadora promised her, to come a lot quicker. But the viste to the wizard marketplace wasn't just for fun, it was a necessity now. Aside from a pewter cauldron, they didn't have a single thing that was on the list. And even though Nymphadora still had some of her old school supplies, they were no longer in... an /acceptable/condition. There are only so many Reparo spells you can cast on something, before you just need to throw it out.

For their trip today, they would be taking /The Knight Bus. /It wasn't Agena's first choice when it came to travel, Honestly she preferred Apparition, even though she couldn't do it on her own yet. But she would be able to go that way today. Her Aunt had a thing against Apparition. And the last time Nymphadora took her to Diagon Alley by Side-A-Long Apparition, Aunt Andromeda had an absolute fit. They both got this ridiculous lecture on how they could have gotten hurt or fined because you were only suppose to do Side-A-Long during emergences.

She didn't really worry. Nymphadora may be a cluntz but her spell work was top notch. Both of them just reckoned that Andromeda got herself splinched up bad.

Unfortunately traveling by Floo was out as well. Their fireplace has been disconnected, ever since her Aunt got into that argument with some witch that worked in The Floo Network Office. And chances where that it would remain disconnected for a long time.

Agena was conflicted when it came to using the triple-decker bus to get from place to place. Most of her complaints came from seating arrangements. Instead of the uniform plastic seats found in similar muggle transportation. There was a vast collection of mismatched chairs and benches. That wouldn't have been so bad, but they didn't even both to cast a sticking spell on them to keep them in place. But there was no such luck. She would be resigned to holding onto her chair as every bump and swerve the bus took, would send both her and her seat sliding.

Yet riding the Knight Bus wasn't all discomfort. She and her cousin were often able to share a giggle. Mostly from the conductor of the Knight Bus, a wiry young fellow, by the name of Stan Shunpike. He was about Nymphadora's age give or take. And despite being half her age, he was completely enamored with Andromeda. When ever he saw her get on the bus, his eyes would light up, and a blush would take hold of his acne scared face.

“Good ta see ya there Mrs. Tonks.” he's say nervously while trying to smarten himself up. Which wasn't very effective, considering how sloppy he wore the his uniform. “Here ya go! You can sit right' ere. It's most comfortable chair we's got.”

Agena laughed silently as she watched the boy who, in her opinion, was making a complete fool of himself. Not that she could blame him entirely. Aunt Andromeda was still a very beautiful woman. And on some or another Agena was pretty sure that her Aunt appreciated the attention. And considering that she had spent the last ten years raising two girls on, she was probably feeling a little lonely.

Agena sighed.

There was no reason for it. It was just so illogical. Wizards made up just a small fraction of the larger human population. And how many witches and wizards died in the last war? And how many of those where the pure-bloods that Voldemort claimed to champion? And that doesn't include all of those that vanished without a trace? In a way that was far worse, since the victim's family would always be left questioning what had happened.

It wasn't fair. For Andromeda's husband to be taken away like that.

But the most terrible thing was that her mother had taken part in it. Well that was just conjecture. There was no way to tell whether or not she had any involvement in Uncle Ted's disappearance. But she had willingly joined the ranks of those who had. She looked over to her cousin, who was trying her best to stay upright in the lawn chair in which she was sitting.

When it came to her father, Nymphadora's recollection of him was foggy at best. He had been gone for ten years now, yet he still had a profound effect on Nymphadora. It was his vanishing that had motivated Nymphadora into becoming an Auror.

Nymphadora squealed as her chair went sliding into a park bench. The only good thing about the Knight Bus was that it was quick. Which was ablessing to it's green faced passengers. Agena really only had asecond to notice the country side as it swept past their window. It wasn't long before it gave way to a blur of buildings. And with ahideous jerk as it came to an abrupt stop, sending both Agena and her cousin, siding towards the front of the bus.

And they weren't the only ones. There was a load crash above in one of the upper levels. And their acne scarred conductor had been trying to coax her guardian in some small talk. He was trying so hard, that he neglected to pay attention to anything that was going on around him. So he didn't hear when Ernie Prang, the elderly wizard who drove the bus, said that they were coming up on London.

Stan ended up flat on his back.

“Tol'ya we be comin' up to ar stop. Ya gettin' too distract'd botherin'the pass' ngers. ” Ernie cackled in his thick accent.

Stan sprang up back on to his feet, and tried to straighten himself. But it was a little late to look dignified. Agena was trying very hard not to laugh. The only thing keeping her from doing so, was the sharp look her Aunt was sending her.

As they disembarked from the bus, Agena noticed that they weren't the only ones to get off here. In fact there seemed to be many family groups. One by one they made a procession into The Leaky Cauldron, apub which was literally a dingy hole-in-the-wall, compared to the muggle shops that sat on either side of it.

Nymphadora gave her a push forward as they followed the others. It had been awhile since she had last seen the inside of the tavern. And from the looks of things she wasn't missing too much. As usual, the inside of this building was dark and smoky. But something seemed different today. Like it was brighter. There was a large congregation of witches and wizards all collected at the bar, chatting happily and in an excited manner.

“I can't believe it! I got to shake his hand!” exclaimed a wizard, who was wearing a top hat.

“You got ta' keep an eye out 'em. 'E's gonna do great things that boy!” said another.

“That one will grow into a handsome young man.” said a witch, who was holding a long pipe.

Before she could hear anymore, she received another push from Nymphadora. And before she knew it, she was being ushered though an archway and then down a twisting cobblestone road. From there Diagon Alley opened up into a dizzying array of shops.

“Alright,” Aunt Andromeda started, as she addressed them both, “I think this will go a little quicker if we split up. You two can go ahead and get the books on the list from Flourish and Blotts. Then after that, you can head on over to Madam Malkin's. Hmmm, That will probably take a while, so afterwards we'll all get a bite at that café that's across from the across from the Owl Post.”

“But what will you being doing mum?” Nymphadora asked.

“I'll be taking care of all the... /breakable items/, that she needs” She gave her daughter a smile, which was returned with a frown. Agena giggled a little reminder of Nymphadora's clumsiness.

“Hush up brat!” her cousin growled.

Agena blew her a raspberry.

“Alright, you two.” her Aunt interrupted, with a soft chuckle. “After lunch we'll go to Ollivanders.”

Agena eyes widened. She knew that name. There wasn't a witch or wizard in the whole of Britain who didn't.

“Wait!Why can't we go there first! If we wait too long all the good ones might be taken!” Agena shouted impulsively.

But her Aunt gave her a smile and shook her head.

“It doesn't work that way. It not about getting a good wand, it's about getting the right one. It will have nothing to do with how quickly you get there.” And with that she handed Nymphadora a small bag, that clinked with the sounds of coins. “I'll make a stop over at Gringotts, before I get the other things.”

“Come on Agena,” Nymphadora said as they watched the older woman walk down the street.

They began to head in the opposite direction. Agena looked a little more carefully at the shops they passed. She was going to go to Hogwarts now. And that meant that everything here, had a little relevance to her. There where many shops knew shops that she had never been to before. There was the Apothecary, which she had never been really fond of. A little further down the street was a favorite of hers, The Magical Menagerie, a shop that sold all sorts of interesting creatures.

Then Agena saw something quite startling. For a moment she thought a bear had wandered into Diagon Alley. But no it turn out to be a man, who by her estimates had to be at least ten feet tall. She looked to see if Nymphadora had spotted him too, not like anyone could miss him. How she saw an excited grin take hold of her face.

“Wotcher, Hagrid!” she called out to the giant.

This/Hagrid/ fellow stopped in tracks and turned around. His shaggy coat billowed out enough that he almost knocked over a passing witch. His entire head was tangled mop of hair, and set right in the middle of it all, was a pair of shiny black eyes and a set of rosy cheeks. And oddly enough he was holding a pair of ice cream cones that seemed minuscule when compared to his enormous hands.

“'Ello there, Tonks!” He walked towards her, quickly crossing the distance in three of his giant steps. “'Aven't seen you in almost two years. What brings you here today.”

Nymphadora placed an arm around Agena and brought her forward.

“My little cousin here, is starting her first year at Hogwarts. Hagrid, this is Agena Culverin.” She gave her shoulders a squeeze and then gestured with her hand towards the giant as she introduced them.“And this is Rubeus Hagrid, he's the grounds and game keeper over at Hogwarts. If you should ever find yourself in the forest that's around Hogwarts, he's the man you want to watch your back.”

Hagrid's face reddened complement.

“So Hagrid, what about you? Why did you come to Diagon Alley?” Nymphadora asked.

“Oh, uh.... just a bit of Hogwarts business.”

“Really?” She asked skeptically, nodding at the two ice creams he held.

He gave a short laugh.

“Oh, this? Dumbledore asked.... I got... It's just a little sum'tin for Har... for a student that I'm escotin', he'll be starting up this year too. E' didnut' have anyone to show him how to get 'ere so Ibrought him.”

Agena watched Nymphadora nod, but to her it sounded like he was a little uncomfortable talking about why he was here. Like he wanted to steer the conversation in another direction. But after listening to the two of them talk together, she came to the conclusion that he was a nice fellow, a little intimidating, but still good guy. And besides it's kind of hard to be scared of someone who's holding a pair of ice cream cones.

They walked together down a the road a bit, until they came up to the stores that they were looking for. Nymphadora said her goodbyes as Hagrid went on further down the road.

Flourish and Blotts had the look and feel of a small personal library that had about five times the number of books than it had self space for. The wooden selves bowed from their contents. And the books that couldn't fit in their destine location were stacked on the floor. There were tables that trembled under the weight that had been heaved upon them.

It took Agena a few moments to get herself oriented in the store. With the way the aisles were laid out it was like the shop was a cramped labyrinth. But slowly she began to see a pattern emerge from the clutter and chaos. She then spotted one from her list a One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. She looked around carefully and spotted another, Magical Drafts and Potions, on a self that was just a few feet away from her previous find. She looked around again and spot yet another book, when she suddenly found herself being pressed up against a nearby self.

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