Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Little Bundle of Joy

"Oh, You're Plenty Gay."

by MyVengefulRomance 30 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2007-08-20 - Updated: 2007-08-21 - 1237 words


Disclaimer- Nothing recognizable is mine, this never happened.

A/N- I have some really fucking bad news. My dad found out about my slash-writing hobby, and has banned me from writing anymore. So I can only update when I'm over my mom's house. Which is every other day, and every other weekend.I just wanted you to know so that you'd realize why updates are few. Dedicated to god_reads_ferards who you should all have alove/hate relation with, 'cause she keeps giving me sadistic ideas for these characters. Enjoy...


Frank sighed, "Thank you, officer," before walking away to join Mikey and Gerard on the porch. The sun had set an hour ago, and for what seemed to be the hundredth time this year, their yard was illuminated by flashing red and blue lights. The police had come and questioned and searched and questioned some more. Ray and Bob had left a few hours before, after the police had interrogated them thoroughly (which was pointless, as none of them had been there at the time of the crime).

Frank flung an arm around Gerard's shoulders as he sat down next to him on the stairs, allowing the older man to snuggle into his side. Of all of them, Frank knew that Gerard was the most tired, the most scared, the most miserable-feeling. The police had been ruthless, asking embarrassing (and sometimes irrelevant) questions without letting him gain composure after he lost it (multiple times) and without giving him a break.

"They're going to leave now, Gee. You can go to bed, but I've got to board up the window. We don't want to be attacked by rabid fan-girls, right?" Frank said, trying to lighten the mood. No one laughed, or even cracked a smile.

Mikey straightened slightly with a yawn. "I'll help you, Frank."

Frank, about to protest, sighed and decided that there was no point in arguing. "Alright...Gerard, do you want me to come up with you and tuck you in?"

"I'm not a child," Gerard snapped, speaking to them for the first time in awhile. Frank drew back slightly, surprised by his outburst.

"Fine, babe, I was just-."

"What-the-fuck-ever, Frank, I don't care," Gerard interrupted, standing up abruptly. He swayed slightly, grabbing onto the railing with a cry.

Mikey shot to his feet with a, "What??" as he grabbed Gerard's shoulder. Frank stood up slowly, cautiously. Gerard tore himself from Mikey's grip and backed away from the two men.

"I'm fine," he half-panted, "the babies just kicked the hell out of me. And they have been all day." He looked...worn out. Plain and simple."I...I'm sorry, guys. Today's just been...shit. I'm sorry. I'm going to bed. Board up the windows, goodnight Mikey, and Frank...I'll see you in the morning."

And with that, he turned and disappeared inside the house.

Mikey and Frank looked at each other, their surprised faces matching each others'. Then, Frank sighed and said, "I'll talk to him later...if he's still awake. If not, I'll talk to him in the morning."

"I hope he's alright," Mikey murmured, shaking his head."He's been through Hell and back, and now he's going through Hell again. It's just...not fair."

"Life's not fair," Frank snorted. He walked down the stairs and laughed, "You should've figured that out when Geetried to kill himself that first time."

Mikey scowled slightly and followed Frank to the shed in the back.

An hour, lots of curses, and a few rusty nails later, the two rock stars nailed a wooden board over the front window. Mikey and Frank stepped back, admiring their work.

"Well, Mikes, nice job. It'll stay for the night," Frank grinned.

Mikey yawned, "Hopefully. Well, dude, 'night. Have fun with Gee..."

"'Night," Frank smiled, hugging Mikey quickly before turning towards the house. Mikey waved at him at went to his own car. Frank entered the house and locked the door behind him. He frowned at the police tape surrounding his living room, frowned at the shattered glass, frowned at the brick ruining everything.

Frank let out a deep breath and trudged down the hallway to the room the couple shared, and pushed open the door. To his surprise, Gerard was awake. The lamp on the night-stand beside their bed was illuminating Gerard's pale face as he sat there, staring at Frank with eyes shining with unshed tears.

Frank stepped into the room and closed the door behind him, and met Gerard's gaze with an equal intensity. He just stood there silently, waiting for Gerard to say something. Really, he wanted Gerard to break the silence. He wanted to know what was wrong; he wanted to help his lover. And really, he couldn't do anything if Gerard didn't speak.

And that's why the room was filled with an overwhelmingly awkward silence for over five minutes, both men refusing to speak first.

Finally, finally, Gerard blurted out, "I'm so fucking sorry, Frankie, I love you and I need you and I've been somewhat of a jackass for awhile but I've had a hard day and I'm scared for the babies and I'm scared that I'm going to fuck up and lose you, the babies, my band, my friends, my family, my everything just because I can't cope with the little shit and God, I'm just so, so, so sorry!" He sat there, eyes wild and hair mussed and chest heaving as he had managed to spit that entire monologue out on one breath.

Frank couldn't help but laugh, "Oh, sweet Lord, Gerard..."

"What?" Gerard asked frantically, sounding on the verge of tears.

"Oh, Gerard, you're just so adorable!" Frank exclaimed, walking over to the bed and wrapping his arms around the older, and slightly stunned, man. Gerard, his mind finally deciding to function, quickly wrapped his own arms around Frank and held on for dear life.

"So...we're okay now?"

Frank laughed, pulling away and looking deep into Gerard's eyes. "We're always okay, no matter what happens. You just...we just need to communicate, alright babe? I can't help you feel better if I don't know what's wrong, 'kay?"

"Alright," Gerard said softly. "Come to bed now, please? I want to fall to sleep in your arms."

Frank snorted slightly as he undressed, "You're so gay, Gerard."

"But I'm gay for you, so it's cool. But...I'm not that gay, am I?" Gerard asked, crawling under the covers.

"Oh, you're plenty gay. You're gayer than Elton John's fanny pack. That's how gay you are," Frank said, sticking out his tongue for emphasis.

"How long did it take for you to make that up?" Gerard asked, rolling his eyes. Frank shrugged and climbed into bed, immediately pulling Gerard into his arms. Gerard snuggled into Frank's body and let out a contented sigh.

"I'm sorry I'm such a psycho lately. But, being pregnant kind of messes with you, ya know?"

"I don't know, Gee," Frank murmured. "But I'm learning."

Gerard smiled slightly and reached over to switch off the lamp. As the room was shrouded in darkness, Frank closed his eyes and let himself relax for the first time in a long while. Just as he was drifting into a restful sleep, Frank could've sworn he heard Gerard say something, but nothing else was said so Frank couldn't be sure.

"I love you."


A/N- Well, that's it for now. Please review!

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