Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You play with Fire, It's gunna burn You

Part 3

by x_Charlie_x 3 reviews

part 3. rating is a guess as usual.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-22 - Updated: 2007-08-22 - 1062 words - Complete

Frank’s POV- ‘Her Eyes Grow Cold as She Begs the World Just To Let Her Go’
When I say her ‘latest boyfriend’ I don’t mean that she’s a slt. I mean that due to people generally treating her like sht when they went out with her her relationships were usually big school gossip. You know how girls love to talk about each others misery so much? So when I say her latest boyfriend it’s more because I doubt he deserves to be regarded any better. And I was right.
I still couldn’t forget that day I’d found her sitting in the rain outside Costa. Just watching her then boyfriend cheat on her. That was probably around 2 months ago now. I’d just started hanging around with her brother. I found out from him about just how many of her boyfriends had been sh*ts to her. I knew from school that the guys saw her and most of the other girls as objects that as human beings and that most of them had a tendency to cheat on her or… other stuff.
Science ends and Amy hasn’t shed one tear yet. I’m glad. He doesn’t deserve her tears. I guess some of Bob’s protectiveness of her has rubbed off on me.
Second lesson passes by uneventfully. In fact I spend the lesson tattooing little stickmen on my arm with my ball point.
At break I head resignedly over to the usual hangout. You could see Amy and Tom and all their friends from over here. Normally I didn’t pay that piece of information any notice but today I couldn’t tear my eyes away.
Amy was stood with Tom and two other boys. I can see her quite well from where I was stood. Her eyes are tired. They normally shine like the stars but the lights had gone out. I had always been entranced by her eyes and how they danced with pure emotion. Even when we were kids I found them beautiful. Today they were empty. Dead. I fight back the urge to rush over to her because I knew she wouldn’t appreciate it. I’ll talk to her later, maybe get to her house early on purpose so that I would have to wait with her until Bob is ready.
Her head bows, her face crumples and the life goes right out of her. She doesn’t even cry she just stands there. In that moment I wanted to kill Dean.
She catches me looking and looks away, embarrassed by my stare. I turn away and see Dean, Mr Heartbreak himself, strolling over to the group I was stood with. Maybe if I was ‘more of a man’ or just better friends with Amy I would say something to him but I don’t. I just let it slide, greeting him with a somewhat forced smile.
“You can have her.” He says, following my gaze.
“She’s not yours to give away.” I reply, reluctantly tearing my gaze away from her and onto the people I called friends. The people that couldn’t be any more different to me if they tried.

Amy’s POV – ‘I Knew It All Along, You’re So Predictable’
Usually when this kind of thing happened it was all I could do not to burst into tears and sob melodramatically into Tom’s shoulder. Of course then the taunts would come about how I’m ‘such an attention seeker’ and the supposed advice that I should stop crying before I scare away every boy on the planet.
This time though none of this would happen. No when I saw the huge disgusting bruise of a love bite on his neck I was strangely acceptant of it. And it didn’t shcok me at all to see him walking through the school at break with his arm around a girl I vaguely knew. I expected it you see. Why should he be any different? At least he never hit me.
So I accepted it all with a sigh and a shrug of my shoulders. I didn’t cry but it did still hurt. It was that strange hurt though were you just go numb and don’t actually hurt at all.
Through break I stood with Tom like I did most breaks and some other people although I didn’t pay much notice to who they were. I had just seen Dean with that girl and I guess it had shocked me just enough to make me unaware of what was going on around me for the time being. After a while of staring into space I looked over to where Dean sometimes stood to find Frank staring at me with a weird look on his face that I couldn’t read from this distance. I looked away immediately. Embarrassed to find him watching me so closely. Then I see Dean walk over to him and his group of friends and turn my gaze away completely.
I used to be really good friends with Frank in junior and infant school. We drifted when we came here though and our friendship groups were too different now to reclaim what we had had. He had taken to hanging out with my brother and his friends recently so I saw him a little more than I used to. But I wasn’t his friend. I was his friend’s sister. And there was a difference.
The rest of break went by without event. At the end Frank came over to me and asked me if I was ok. I said that I was even though I wasn’t really then got whisked away to Health Care by Emily. She wanted to get there early so we could reclaim our table that some girls had stolen from us.
As I was being marched away I turned to look back over my shoulder and saw Frank watching me walk away. I gave him a week smile before turning my head back round to the way it should be pointing.
“It’ll be Ok. I promise.” He called after me. I wasn’t too sure what to make of that but Emily knew what she thought.
“What an arsehole. Stay away from him, he’s trouble.”
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