Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > No One Loves A Shadow

Chapter 10

by Deli_Senpai 0 reviews

Shadow saves Miya and Cyrus but it seems like Shadow came for more then he intended! Also more brutes come to start trouble again!

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Miles ,Shadow - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-08-23 - Updated: 2007-08-23 - 2458 words

Chapter 10
At this Shadow gets up and then as he reaches for me Cyrus sneaks up behind him, screaming in his ear.

"Yo, Shadow!"

"Aahh! Sonic?!?!"
Shadow screams, eyes wide open from Cyrus' loud scream. He turns around and sees Cyrus looking at him with an angry expression. He clenches his teeth, closes his eyes, and puts his hand over his face to try and hide his anger.
"You know. You should stop talking like Sonic. It's pissing me off!!" I immediately turn around when Shadow finishes, thinking Sonic was with him. Even after what happened.

"Where is Sonic? I'm gonna kick his ass for..."Jolting up to sitting position looking for my cerulean hedgehog. Disappointed in not seeing him. I fold my arms and pout. "Oh. It's just you two, stop screaming like that Shadow. Making me think Sonic was here!!" Cyrus laughs assuring me not to worry.

"Don't worry about us. Shadow is like the father I never had, right Shadow?"

"Yea, we always do this." Shadow puts his arm around Cyrus and to me they really do look like father and son. But now an idea pops into my head and I have to ask Mira if it's true.


'Yea, what is it?' She replies sleepily. For someone with a lot of rest, she seems to get none when we talk to each other in our head.

'Is Cyrus...?'

'NO!' She says cutting me off. Shocked at the quick reaction, I press her for the real answer.

'Damn! So quick to shoot down my question with out me finishing it! You don't even know what I'm going to say do you?'

'I do know what you want and the answer is No!'

'Then can you answer this? If it's not him them where is it? The baby I mean.'

'I really don't know. Remember, she was taken from the hospital and we lost the kidnappers tracks. But in a way, there is more of you in her than there is me. She just might be your god twin, seeing as to how you both look alike. Despite her name, you both are connected, more than you know.'

'Oh right, god mother....I forgot...'

'Now stop talking to me and pay attention to the two of them. For once, leave me out of your life while with friends.' I looked at Mira and with her hand she pushes me to go. Now in my body and not my head I watch as Cyrus and Shadow laugh. They're having so much fun. I feel I shouldn't ruin it but I speak anyway.

"Hehe...Shadow was actually the first 'friend' that accepted me. We met on the Ark. I was a test subject for killing when I got there. The Doctor had secret plans as well. Me being the ultimate life form's...."

I look at Shadow and I catch him watching me. Embarrassed, he looks down at Cyrus. Shocked, I can't help but look at Shadow sadly and then let my eyes fall to look at the floor. 'He doesn't want him to know.' Then I look back up with a happy expression and continue to talk to Cyrus.

"Anyway. He was supposed to be the Ultimate life form that would help the Doctor and his career. That was, until the military learned about Shadow and the weapon, which was me, so the military did what they do best, raid and destroy, causing the explosion of the Ark and the death of all its inhabitants. Isn't that right Shadow?"

Shadow is broken out of his day dreaming trance and looks at me. I look at him as if to tell him it's his time to talk. It takes him awhile but he starts to speak looking at Cyrus.

"Yup. They wanted you and me to be separated and used us for their own needs." Then Cyrus gets a confused face.

"Wait, you met Shadow on the Ark? That makes you how old?" Shocked by the question I still answer it, even if we've been friends for a long time.

"Yup! We met on the Ark...and actually I don't know how old I am and even if it did, despite my age, I can’t grow old. Actually I can't die of old age either. Thanks to those stupid experiments."

"Wow, that's weird." He says, scratching his head, bowing it so that he can open his eyes as wide as they can. I can tell he's surprised.

"Yea I know. It kinda sucks really."

"Yea it's gotta." He says as he lifts his head up. Shadow grabs him and says.

"Ok, so you lost your chaos energy, huh?"

"Um, yeah." He says confused. I get up and walk over to the door.

"Not just that, almost all of his energy. He could barely walk when he touched the orb."

I turn my head and smirk evilly and slyly. 'Wait for it...' I say to myself. I look at Shadow and he’s shaking. Then he screams.

"WHAT!!!" I shudder laughing at him for being so angry.

'There it is! I knew he'd be angry!' I say to myself again.

"See ya later!" I say waving goodbye to them. I try to hold my laughing until I get outside. I close the door and it burst out. It was just too funny. Then I get a message from Shadow's mind. I know it's not intentional but I can still here whether he wants me too or not.

'Hmm. Cyrus touched the orb. I know he's strong but, he should be alive!' Cyrus watches Shadow look at him. Then he gets annoyed.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

'Well duh he's strong and yes you did it again. Your thoughts were brought to me whether you like it or not. Besides how do you think he's alive? Me! Without me he would have died.'

'I know, I know.' He says looking at Cyrus worriedly. Cyrus sees this and says.

"What your problem man?"

"Nothing. Let us start getting your energy back."
I walk up to a bar. I walk inside and see 'her', sitting there by herself, Kelly the Rat. Bottles surround her and this tells me she's not even half way drunk.

So I walk over and motion my hands to the bar tender to bring me two more for Kelly. He obeys and I sit down, Kelly jumps. She gets up to run but I put my hand on her shoulder, sitting her back down.

"So Kelly…what you hear today?" Kelly starts to twitch, moving her head right and then quickly left.

"Nothing, I hear nothing!" I look at her and she turns her head. The bar tender comes by with the two drinks and as she reaches for one I smack her hand.

She retracts, yelping from the sting. She looks at me with the drink to my lips. I go to drink but then I stop.

I look at Kelly as she licks her lips. I smirk and then I start to lick the top of the glass and as soon as my tongue almost touches it she screams.

"Wait!" I smile. I take a couple of cheeses out and put them in her hand. Then I pass the drinks over. Kelly starts eating.

"Now what did you hear?" I ask, watching her. She talks while eating.

"I heard-munch- that you are wanted dead in-munch- the underworld -munch-."


"Cause of the people you keep killing-munch-. Your-so-called 'father' hates it. It's giving him more work to do so-munch- he wants you dead so that you stay in one place."

Back at the house Cyrus is questioning Shadow's knowledge of how to get back his energy.

Shadow is popping a Chaos emerald up and down, catching it every time. Cyrus gives Shadow a worried look.

"What's that supposed to do?"

"Cyrus you can't be serious. I'm just gonna stick a Chaos emerald in you."

"There has to be another way besides sticking that rock in me!" he says backing up. I sense what Shadow's thinking and I call out to him.

'What the hell are doing with that Chaos emerald Shadow? If you are thinking what I think you are thinking then I know what you are thinking!! So don't even try it! You'll kill him without my help. I know you'll kill him because you aren't a surgeon and there is no way you'll keep him alive with all that pain. Don't you dare! Hold on...thugs are coming in the bar. We'll talk later. Don't you dare touch him until I get back, ok?' I sit down and watch as the door opens.

Back at the house Shadow inches closer to Cyrus and he's screaming for his life.

"What the fuck?" He throws things to put some distance between him and Shadow.

"Come on Cyrus, I'm just gonna--" He says coming closer. Cyrus cuts him off with his screams finally turning around and running away from him.

"Are you trying to kill me!? Get the fuck away from me!"
At the bar the doors open and more thugs come in. They all stop at the doors opening and look around for someone. I turn to Kelly, pointing at her.

"Look one things for certain, my 'father' is a big boy. He can handle a couple more dead people. So if you see him, tell him to call off the search and I'll stop killing everything in my way. Oh, and Rat! You say anything, anything to these guys, and you are dead! Got it? You of all people should know I don't make ideal threats."

The thugs walk in more and I climb over the bar counter like a drunk reaching for more beer.

The bar tender comes over and I plop my arms over him, bring the rest of my body over the counter. I hang on him like a drunk but whisper in his ear.

"Get me the bat behind you and then when they're all knocked out get me the magnum. We'll finish then off with at least that much power." Then I speak louder so the thugs can hear me. "Hell, I'm so drunk! I love you Tom! Hehe!"

As I giggle to distract them. The bartender grabs the bat puts it in my hand and then---Cyrus comes busting in screaming.

"Get this fucking psycho off me!!" Everyone, even me, turns around and gives shim a weird look. Cyrus sees the thugs and results to quick thinking.

"Ummmmmm...I love that song!-singing- Get this fucking psycho off of mmeeee!" Everyone turns back to what they were doing and the thugs roll their eyes thinking that Cyrus was the psycho. They turn back to make an announcement while looking through the crowd.

"Anyway. We're looking for a brood!" He says scanning the crowd. Then he spots me and the bartender.

"Ah! About ya high' and looks!" He says touching my shoulder to get a better look at my face. I grab the bat tighter and then I jump over the counter backwards avoiding the leaders touch to grab me.

I smack one thug aside the head and he falls as I land. The others click into action. They try to dog pile but I slither away. About 5 of them fall and the other 2 almost do.

When they gain balance I wink and wave at them good night, knocking them with the bat. Then the ones on the floor, I start to bat away at them like I'm batting dust off a rug.

The one on top gives up and then the rest follow. 5 minutes later the thugs are groaning from pain and the bar tender throws the magnum in the in the air towards me.

I catch it from behind and then I point it at the thugs. I shoot all 6 bullets and they all hit right in the thugs heads. I reload and shoot one more for the one who was talking. Cyrus stands there shocked at what just happened.

"Uhhhh..." He starts to ask but Shadow comes running in and is happy to see Cyrus.

"Cyrus!" He screams. Cyrus looks behind him and screams.

"Oh shit!!" he turns around and starts to run looking back to see if it being followed as he turns his head to see where he's going, Cyrus runs into my breast. Panicked he recoils and I clinch my fist.

I punch him in the face, through gritted teeth and anime anger sign on forehead still clinching my fist, I speak, as Cyrus falls into Shadows arms.

"Now! We can get that 'thing' into him." My eye twitches and I try to hold my fist down. Cyrus moans as Shadow turns him over in his arms and then passes Cyrus over to over to me so that I can hold him still.

"Oooo fuck!" Shadow shoves the Chaos emerald in Cyrus' ass and Cyrus cries out in pain, jolting right up on to his feet, screaming. "That fucking hurt!!" Cyrus rubs his ass and then I walk over to him.

"There. Now that your Chaos energy is back. We need to get the other energy. The only way to do that is put you to sleep and train you 'again'!!" I snicker and pull up my sleeve. "Goodnight Cyrus!" I look at Shadow and nod. "Hold 'em Shadow!" Shadow grabs Cyrus by the arms and puts them behind him. As I go to punch Cyrus, he cries out.

"Mommy!!" Then I hit his face hard, very hard. Cyrus passes out and Shadow and I bring him to the house and lay him on the couch.

Shadow looks at me and I look at him. He reaches in for a kiss and I turn my head, making him miss. I look back down at Cyrus and Shadow understands.

"I see now. You only care for him is that it?" I turn to look at Shadow. He's close, too close. I give him a disgusted look.

"I'm sorry but it seems like there is no room for you here." I say as I put my hand over my heart.

He looks at me in the eyes and I look back. Then, unexpectedly, he grabs the back of my head and forces a kiss on me. He lets me go and gives me an angry yet evil-satisfied look.

"Don't you dare forget what we had!" He walks away and I kneel down to sit next to Cyrus. I look at his face with a sad expression and then I fall asleep.
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