Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 8 > Final Fantasy Soaps

The Party

by theguy2687 0 reviews

The party is in full swing.

Category: Final Fantasy 8 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Humor, Romance - Characters: Fujin, Quistis, Rinoa, Seifer, Selphie, Squall, Zell, Other - Published: 2005-12-27 - Updated: 2005-12-27 - 2721 words

Chapter 3

The Party


Aaron: Starlight, starbright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I make tonight.

A shooting star shoots flies by.

Aaron: I wish I owned Final Fantasy or Star Ocean ::looks around: Man! I still don't own them.

Aaron runs into the studio.

Aaron: ::enthusiastically:: Hey everyone! I'm the healthy part of this balanced breakfast!

Audience: 0.0

Aaron: ::blushes:: Sorry. I needed a sketch comedy fix and MadTv wasn't on and neither was SNL so I was watching the Amanda Show and it rubbed off on me.

Random Audience Member (RAM): He's gone off the deep end.

Another RAM: I knew he'd go crazy. I mean you can only work a failing show for so long.

RAM: I know. He has a dead-end job, probably no friends, no life.

Aaron: You know I can hear you.

RAM: Yeah.

RAM: So.

Aaron: One day you guys are going to push me too far.

RAM: Blah blah blah...

Aaron: Anyway, ::fixed controlled breathing:: we'll start as soon as Chisato gets here.

RAM: I wish Chisato were the host.

RAM: Yeah. She's so fun, free and energetic.

Aaron: ::eye starts to twitch::

A helicopter whirl is heard out side of the studio.

Aaron: Why is there a helicopter outside of the studio? ::walks over to the door and looks out::

Chisato: We'll do lunch! ::waves at the helicopter, which takes off:: ::notices Aaron:: Oh, hey!

Aaron: Hey. Who was that?

Chisato: ::walks into the studio::

Audience: ::burst into wild and loud applause::

Chisato: Oh, you guys are too kind. ::takes a bow::

Aaron: ::loudly:: Anyway, who was that?

Chisato: The head of Squareenix.

Aaron: 0.0 Really!? What did he want?

Chisato: He just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to spill the beans on the secrets of Star Ocean 3. So, to keep my silence he got me this. ::pulls out her hand:: Check out the ice!

All: 0.0

Aaron: It's huge.

RAM: ::loud whistle:: That's...big.

Chisato: It'll keep my lips sealed.

Aaron: Well, now that Chisato is here, let's start the show.

Chisato: It's so sparkly. ::captivated by the ring::

Aaron: ::rolls eyes and does a motion to start the show::

Lulu: Wow! This party was a big success.

Rikku: But nobody said anything about the door.

The screen pans over to where Eiko is standing.

Eiko: Next slow song I'll put my plan into action.

The music gets slow and romantic.


All the couples start to pair up. Cloud and Aeris, Zidane and Garnet, Tidus and Yuna, Lulu and Wakka, etc.

Zell: ::sipping punch:: I could be out there.

Tifa: ::walks up:: So could I. ::extends her hand:: Hi, my name's Tifa.

Zell: ::shakes her hand:: Zell.

Tifa: Hi, Zell. So why aren't you out there?

Zell: Couldn't get a date.

Tifa: Oh. ::takes a sip of punch::

Zell: How about you? How can a beautiful woman like you not have a date?

Tifa: Recently dumped.

Zell: I see.

Tifa: It's okay though. I found out he had a lot of.............mommy issues anyway.

Zell: Well that's good then.

Tifa: Yeah.

They stand awkwardly for a few seconds.

Zell: Well, since we're both alone, would you like to dance?

Tifa: I'd love to.

Zell: Great! ::escorts Tifa out to the dance floor::

They pass by Eiko who is laughing silently to herself.

Eiko: Good. The song's almost over. I can finally put my plan into action.

After the song ends Garnet goes to the restroom and Eiko sidles up next to Zidane.

Eiko: Hi, Zidane.

Zidane: Hi, Eiko.

Eiko: I brought you some tea. ::hands him a glass::

Zidane: Thank you. ::takes a sip:: Argh...this is unsweet tea.

Eiko: You like sweet tea? I'll go get some. ::she scurries away::

She pours the contents of the flask into the tea. She stirs it around and then adds sugar.

Eiko: ::comes up to Zidane:: Here you go.

Zidane: ::takes a sip and his mouth goes slack::

Eiko: Yes! ::takes his hand and drags him into a room::

The screen pans over to Yuna and Tidus.

Yuna: This party is the bizzzomb diggity.

Snoop Dogg: ::appears:: Never do that again.

Yuna: ::blushes:: Sorry, Snoop.

Snoop: It's okay nephew. Just don't let it happen again.

Yuna: You do realize I am a girl, right?

Snoop: It's ain't no thang. ::disappears::

Tidus: It is a great party! Everyone's having fun.

Selphie and Rikku run by.

Selphie: Woohoo!

Rikku: Woohoo!!

Selphie: WOOHOO!


Yuna: ::covers ears in pain:: They're definitely having fun.

Tidus: I wonder what's going on in Auron's head. ::looks over at Auron:: He just sits there drinking from his jug. I wonder why he came.

Auron: ::looking at Quistis:: (If only I wasn't so shy............and dead. I'd ask her out).

Quistis: Rinoa, don't look now, but there's a guy checking you out. He's kinda hot in a mature kind of way.

Rinoa: If he's not Leon, I don't care.

Quistis: Let it go! My god! He's. Not. Inter. Ested. In. You. Say it with me now. He's not interested in you.

Rinoa: Ugh...Quistis. ::gets up and leaves::

Garnet walks up to Quistis.

Garnet: Have you seen Zidane?

Quistis: I think I saw him go into one of those bedrooms with Eiko.

Garnet: Eiko?! That little-

Quistis: ::gives Garnet a sideways glance::

Garnet: -sweet child. Thanks Quistis.

Garnet runs off toward the backroom passing Cloud and Aeris.

Aeris: Are you having fun my spiky Cloud?

Cloud: Yeah, I am! Woohoo! Did someone spike the punch because I feel loose!

Aeris: .....................sure, why not? (Maybe if he thinks the punch is spiked, he'll stay this fun).

Rinoa walks by.

Rinoa: ::does a double take:: Is Cloud laughing?

Aeris: Yeah. It's a nice change wouldn't you say? After dealing with his................mother issues, he's been even more surly than usual.

Rinoa: Yeah.

Aeris: Leon looks pretty loose too! ::points at Leon:: ::whispers to Rinoa:: He must think the punch is spiked too, like Cloud.

Rinoa: ::whispering to Aeris:: Well, between you and me ::looks around secretively:: I spiked his punch.

Aeris: 0.0 You what?!

Rinoa: Yep!

Aeris: Do you think that was such a good idea? ::motions at Leon::

Leon: ::takes off his shirt and starts swinging it like a lasso:: It's getting hot in hurr. your........................................................................clo-::passes out on the floor::

Aeris: Oh my!! Is he okay?!

Rinoa: He'll be fine. ::goes over and drags Leon out of the party::

Quistis: ::shakes her head:: I can't believe her.

The screen pans over to Garnet.

Garnet: ::grabs the doorknob of the door to the bedroom:: If that little...::takes a deep breath:: Calm down Garnet. I can't lose my temper. She's only a little kid.

Garnet: All right. Here we go. ::she throws open the door:: I knew it. Ei- ::gasp::

Vivi and Freya are on the bed, in various states of undress, making out.

::Back at the Studio::
Aaron: Ack! That's just sick!

RAM: Good lord!

RAM: That's wrong.

RAM: ::faints::

Chisato: ::looking at the ring:: So sparkly.

Back to the show.
Garnet: 0.0 ::slowly backs out of the room and closes the door:: That's going to haunt me until I die. :grabs the other doorknob:: Okay. ::opens it::

Inside, Eiko is giving Zidane a back massage on the bed. Zidane is thoroughly enjoying it and Eiko looks positively ecstatic.

Eiko: What are you doing in here?!

Garnet: What am I doing in here?! WHAT AM I DOING IN HERE?! What are you doing in here? With my husband no less!

Zidane: You must be Garnet.

Garnet: What do you mean, must be? Of course I'm Garnet, your wife. Duh.

Eiko: Don't play around Garnet. I told Zidane all about how you've been trying to break up our marriage for years.

Garnet: 0.0 WHAT?!

Eiko: That's right. You home wrecker! ::snuggles up to Zidane::

Garnet: ::faces Zidane:: How can you possibly believe you're married to her?! She's like 8 years old for crying out loud!

Zidane: No, she's not. Eiko told me all about her gland problem.

Garnet: Her what?! Her glan- Her gland problem?!

Eiko: Yes. ::smiles wickedly at Garnet::

Garnet: Ha! This is too much. I don't know what you did but I'll find out and when I do I'll fix it. Then I'll hunt you down. And if I find you, you'll wish you'd never crossed Garnet Tribal. Until then, you little hussy.

Eiko: Riiiight. Buh-bye now.

Garnet leaves.

Eiko: Now about my back massage.

The screen cuts to Garnet leaving and entering into the main room. In the center of the room Auron is laying face down on the ground. Seifer's looking down at him and has Quistis' waist in his arm.

Quistis: Seifer, what are you doing?!

Seifer: Finally taking a stand. ::gets down on one knee:: Quistis...
At the studio.

Aaron: He won't!

RAM: This is a twist.

RAM: I can't believe this.

Chisato: It's so big. ::looking at the ring::
Seifer: Will you marry me?

Quistis: ::gasp:: B-b-b-but Seifer, we haven't even gone on one date yet.

Seifer: You can't deny the chemistry between us. You feel it too. I know you do.

Quistis: Yes, but...

Seifer: Then marry me Quistis.

Quistis: ::furrows her brow:: Yes, Seifer.

Seifer: Really?!

Quistis: ::crying:: Yes. Yes, I'll marry you.

Everyone surrounding them goes up in cheers.

Selphie: ::runs up and hugs Quistis:: Oooooo...I'm so excited for you. I always thought Rinoa would be the first one to get married.

Quistis: ::dryly:: Thanks Selphie.

Lulu: ::gives Quistis a hug:: Yuna and I will begin the plans.

Quistis: Thank you.

Lulu: Your welcome. ::looks at watch:: 0.0 It's 5:45 guys! We have to get ready for today. Everyone out!

All: Awwwwww...

Lulu: Yeah, I know it sucks. It was just getting started. Out!

Everyone files out of the party. Outside, people start to part ways and say their goodbyes.

Tifa: I had a good time tonight.

Zell: Me too.

Tifa: ::pulls a little slip of paper out of her pocket:: I'm gonna give you my number. ::writes it down:: Here.

Zell: Thanks.

Tifa: Talk to ya later. ::gets on her tiptoes and kisses him on the cheek:: Bye.

Everyone: Awwwwwwwwww! ^_______^

Tifa: Nosy people. Go home.

Everyone disperses except Zell.

Zell: 0.0 ::is in shock::
Aaron: Man! That episode was packed with unexpected romance, action, intensity, it had it all. What did you think Chisato?

Chisato: ::hypnotized by the ring:: Sparkly...

Aaron: ::waving hand in front of Chisato's face:: Hello? Anyone, home?

Chisato: sparkly...

Aaron: She's gone. Someone should slap her out of it, but I don't want to. I mean, she is my co-host, a woman, and my friend.

???: I'll do it.

A blue-haired woman walks in.

Aaron: 0.0 Wow! Everyone, it's Maria Traydor from Star Ocean: Till the End of Time.

Maria: ::starts walking toward Chisato::

???: ::runs up and grabs Maria:: And she's as direct as always.

Aaron: It's Cliff Fittir.

???: There they are.

A blue-haired boy and a red-haired woman walk in.

Aaron: Oh my god! It's Fayt Leingod and Nel Zelpher.

Nel: ::looking at Maria:: Why did you run off like that?

Maria: I have my reasons.

Aaron: Why do you want to hurt Chisato?

Maria: Oh, she knows.

Chisato is still in a hypnotic state and oblivious to all that's going on.

Maria: Chisato Madison, I call you out.

Chisato: ...

Maria: She did not just snub me. ::starts walking toward Chisato::

Aaron: ::moves to stop Maria::

Cliff: ::grabs Aaron:: Don't get involved. When she's this determined, there's no stopping her.

Maria: Hey, snap out of it. ::slaps Chisato::

Chisato: What the...? ::notices Maria:: Blue hair...gun by her side...trench coat must be Maria. ::glares::

Maria: Dang straight. ::glares::

Aaron: ::to Cliff:: Why are they so mad at each other?

Cliff: Well, the creators called Maria "The Chisato of SO3" and they told Chisato about it.

Aaron: Why is that so bad? And wouldn't Maria be considered the "Opera of SO3" anyway?

Maria: Because I'm not the "nobody of nobody." I am my own person.

Chisato: And no one can replace me.

Maria: Let's settle this!

Chisato: 10,000 HP
Maria: 10,000 HP

Maria takes a shot at Chisato, which she easily dodges.

Chisato: I hope you don't expect me to just sit here while you snipe at me.

Maria: That was just a warning shot. This time I won't miss.

Chisato: Sure you won't.

Maria: Aiming Device!

A red laser shoots out of Maria's gun and homes in on Chisato. Chisato tries to doge it but can't the light off of her.

Maria: I told you I wouldn't miss. ::fires::

Chisato: ::loses 400 HP::

Chisato: 9,600 HP
Maria: 10,000 HP

Maria: Whaddya think of me now?

Chisato: It's just one hit. Don't get so cocky. ::pulls out a pair of bunny shoes:: That'll never work again. ::equips bunny shoes:: Now you see me...::starts to run at super fast speeds:: now you don't.

Maria: ::trying to keep up with Chisato:: God, she's fast.

Chisato is running circles around Maria. She ends up behind Maria who is dizzy.

Chisato: Whirlwind!

Chisato trips Maria up and then brings her foot down in an axe kick on Maria. Maria recoils in pain. Chisato then finishes with a backflip to knock Maria up in the air.

Maria: ::in the air:: Just wait 'till I get down.

Chisato: Way ahead of you. ::pulls out her stun gun:: 10,000 volts!

Chisato takes the stun gun and jams it into the ground. Bolts of lighting shoot up from the ground and zoom toward the falling Maria.

Maria: Crap! ::gets zapped by the lighting and thrown into a wall:: ::takes 6,000 damage::

Chisato: 9,600 HP
Maria: 4,000 HP

Aaron: ::on a cell phone:: Hi, I'd like to take out an insurance policy. I have two wacked out video game characters beating the crap out of each other. What's that? You have a Star Ocean Characters Running Amok policy. I'll take it.

Maria: (This girl is dangerous. I need to slow her down first of all and then I need to finish this!) ::pulls herself off the ground::

Chisato: You still breathe?!

Lenneth Valkyrie appears.

Lenneth: That is my quote! You have no right to use it!?

Chisato: Um, we're in the middle of an important fight here. Could you please wait a minute? Jeez, the nerve of some people.

Lenneth: 0.0 Excuse me! What did you just say?

Maria: Oh, now you've done it. You just ticked off Lenneth. She could take you out in one swift blow.

Lenneth: And I will! Nibelung Valesti!

Lenneth grows wings and floats into the air. A blue energy starts circulating around her.


Audience: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone runs out of the studio in a panic.

RAM: Look! ::points at the studio::

Blue waves are emanating from the studio all around it.

Chisato: That's the big move you were talking about? It's not so hot.

All of a sudden the waves start shooting out destroying the wall and everything in the studio. Then the whole studio is engulfed a blue light.

Aaron: It's so bright. ::shields eyes::

After the light disappears nothing is seen but smoke and a shadow of a figure.

Lenneth: As you can see, resistance is worthless. ::starts walking toward Aaron and the group::

Aaron: Please Ms. Valkyrie ma'am. Forgive Maria and Chisato because they couldn't control their feelings. Chisato didn't know who you were. It's not her fault.

Chisato: ::nods humbly::

Lenneth: Well, I'm feeling generous today. I shall spare you today. However, if you anger me again, I will destroy you. ::disappears::

All: ::lets out a sigh of relief::

Aaron: ::turns toward Chisato and Maria:: Do you see what you two did? We lost the studio. Luckily I took a policy out on it, but now we have to rebuild it.

Chisato & Maria: Sorry Aaron. ::drop their heads::

Aaron: Ugh...I can't stay mad at you guys. It's okay.

Chisato: Good.

Audience: Awww...a tender moment.

Aaron: Shut up! Don't pipe in now and ruin the ending.

RAM: Ending of what?

RAM: What's he talking about?

Aaron: Anyway, after renovations come back for the next episode.

Yay! I finished my third chapter. Please R & R & R. (Because at ficwad, you can read, rate and review).
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