Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Agena

Chapter 07 – Reaching Out – Year 1

by JErosion 0 reviews

A chance encounter leads Agena to make friends with a trouble girl in her year. But what neither knows, is the danger that approaches on Halloween Night.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Hermione,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-08-25 - Updated: 2007-08-26 - 7265 words



Chapter 07 – Reaching Out – Year 1

Agena pushed her way into the bathroom. She was trying very hard not to allow her right hand to make any further contact with anything. Well,... anything else. Her face soured as she looked at the back of her fingers and the clump of her hair that was adhered to them.

It turned out that Herbology could be every bit as hazardous as Potions and Transfiguration. They hadn't seen anything too dangerous in class yet. But some of the plants they had been shown, had certain annoyances. As in today's lesson.

Fetterberries. They were a large, yellowish aggregate fruit. And for the most part, they weren't very spectacular. The berries were edible, however they were so bitter, they would give their eater an upset stomach. The same didn't go for all creatures. It turned out that fetterberries were a favorite of Gnomes, Brownies and other small humanoid pests. Aside of filling the bellies of such magical creatures, fetterberries did have one notable use. The juice, as it dried, became a very, very sticky glue.

Unfortunately some of the berries she had picked during the days lesson had been overly ripe. And as a result, they exploded at her touch. Also she thought that she had washed all the stick fluid off, while at the greenhouse sinks. But apparently some invisible traces of the berries remained, on the back of her right hand. After class had been dismissed, she and Daphne had been making their way towards Professor Binn's class. Casually she went to brush a lose strand of hair out of her face, when she discovered that her hair had suddenly become reluctant to let go of her hand. What a bother.

She could have tried to 'magic' it off, but seeing how it was her wand hand, that was entangled in her hair, not to mention that her knowledge and experience with cleaning spells were somewhat limited. It looked like she was going to have to rely on good, old-fashioned soap and water. And the sooner the better. She didn't want this stuff to cure and have to be forced to cut her hair.

She told Daphne to go on with out her, and made her way to the nearest bathroom. Once inside she practically had to dip her entire head into a sink so she allow for some warm to flow over the problem area. With the aid of some soap, she was able to slowly free her hair from that appendage. Once free she continued to rub the back of that offending hand, to make sure that she didn't miss anything.

Since she had been at the sinks a few other girls had filtered in and out of the lavatory. A few gave her odd looks, but she could hardly blame them for that. She was sure that she looked rather foolish. Now there was a pair of older Ravenclaws, probably fourth or fifth year from the looks of them, who were giggling loudly about the feast later tonight. They kept going on and on, about some boy that they wanting to sit with.

But that did reminded her that today was Halloween and according to the fliers that were posted in the common room, the Great Hall would be closed after lunch, for decorating. She had to admit, that she was really looking forward to it . She heard some of the older kids, say something about Professor Dumbledore personally saw to the decorating.

When those Ravenclaw girls were preparing to make their exit, the door suddenly kicked open. And a brown blur exploded into the chamber, it pushed it's way between the two Ravenclaws, and nearly plowed into aHufflepuff, who was moving towards an unoccupied sink. The frantic girl meandered about briefly, before running into one of the stalls.

The disruption caused by that student only lasted for a few moments before everyone went about their business. Well, almost everyone. Agena was most certain, that she recognized the girl who had come running into the room. And with that bush of brown hair, it was hard to mistake her for anybody else.

It wasn't long after that another Gryffindor girl came in. It was ayoung Indian girl, that Agena was sure, that was the sister of Padma Patil, who was a Ravenclaw in her year. After making a brief scan of the bathroom, the Gryffindor made a guess and went to the correct door that Hermione had disappeared behind. She could hear the girl speak softly at the door, but after a while she backed away from the door and shook her head. She exited the bathroom soon after.

Agena waited for the room to clear out, before she went over to that stall. She approached slowly, walking as quietly as she could. She turned an ear to the door and heard some choked and labored breathing coming from the other side. Hermione was crying.

When the warning bell rang, she expected the girl to emerge from stall and rush towards her next class. Even though they only shared one class, she was aware of the girl's studious nature. Only two months into the school year and Hermione Granger had garnered a reputation as aknow-it-all book worm.

She worked hard to get were she was. But her success in the classroom seemed to have done more harm to her than good. Misplaced jealously, had caused many of her classmates to distance themselves from her. And in some cases, she became the target of their hostility.

Agena could sympathize with her. She was getting some of the same sort of treatment from some of her own house mates. Both her cousin, Draco Malfoy, along with that tart, Pansy Parkinson, had been spending the last month or so, polarizing their house. It was hard to describe, but it would be like they were going around saying 'Your either with Us or your with the Mudbloods and Blood Traitors.'

Since she had already gotten herself on the bad side of those two, Agena found her self being placed into the later of the two choices. Not that she minded one bit. Considering the kind of people that Draco and Pansy were, she would have volunteered for the position.

In Agena's mind she was just a different sort of Slytherin. One that was cleaver enough to make her own decisions. And could make her own friends, regardless of blood. Thankfully Daphne shared her sentiments. There were times when she had to wonder why her roommate had been placed in Slytherin. She cared very little about blood. And truth be told she wasn't exactly the brightest witch in of her year. But it should be known that, there are many kinds of cleaver. As Daphne's social skills were rather remarkable. Her fun loving personality, coupled with her bright and infectious smile, made it difficult to find anyone who didn't like her. And if she applied herself, she could get someone to spill all of their secrets. But then again Daphne always seemed to know just what to say.

A combination of having Daphne as her roommate and how good her grades were, kept Draco or Pansy from getting the others in her year from completely excluding from the social activities that occurred in her house. Agena had already been helping Daphne with her homework, and from time to time she had others coming to her for assistance with some of their homework as well.

Fortunately she still had time to pursue her outside reading. Sometimes she went to the library to study and to read up on various subjects. On an occasion she even shared a table with the Gryffindor 'know-it-all'. Agena thought of her as a nice girl. Maybe a little wound up, but still a nice girl.

The start of class bell rang.

Agena waited a little longer. However Hermione did not emerge from the stall. Taking a chance Agena raised a hand and gave the door a quick rap. From the other side of the door she heard a small gasp.

“Hermione?” Agena tried.

There was no answer.

“Hermione?It's you, isn't?” she tried again.

Still no response.

Agena pulled her wand out , with a small semi-circular motion she incanted the words, “/Alohomora./”

She was rewarded with the sound of the latch clicking open, and she pushed the door open. Huddled back in a far corner was Hermione. Her knees were drawn up to her chest and her arms were wrapped around her legs. Her red rimmed eyes briefly, peeked out from above her knees before they disappeared again.

Go away!” she croaked in a low voice.

When someone tells you to go away. They usually want you to leave. But when they say it in that voice, it tends to mean the opposite. There was part of her that told her to leave the girl be, and just run off to class. Professor Binns wouldn't notice if she showed up late. He doesn't even notice when his students fell asleep in his class.

But she wasn't raised that way. She stepped into the stall and slid down the wall, squatting down next to the brown haired girl.

“Hey.” she said softly, placing a hand on the top of Hermione's head.

Hermione flinched at the touch, her arms tightened around her legs. She crawled back as far as the walls surrounding her would allow.

Leave me alone!

“Shhhhh,” Agena whispered. When she was younger, she use to have nightmares. Dreams that were bad enough that she would wake up screaming. She could never remember, what they were about. But even then she was still left with the feelings that her nightmares had produced. It was her Aunt that always came to help her. Andromeda would hold her until her tears subsided. And she would always speak softly to her, telling her that everything would be alright.

Agena did her best to emulate the tone of her Aunt's voice. “It's alright.”

Hermione's whole body hitched as she continued to cry. Agena waited a while, before edging close enough that she could move her hand from the top of the girl's head to her back. She then pulled the Gryffindor over. Initially Hermione resisted the motion, but eventually she gave in, leaning into Agena's shoulder.

It was quite a while before she calmed down. By Agena's reckoning, half of the current class period had to be over. But that wasn't really important. Not compared to this. Agena smiled as she noted how un-Slytherin -like she was behaving. Most people in her house wouldn't skip class to comfort a girl from another house, let alone someone who was muggle-born. Well, Daphne would, but that was just her nature.

For Agena it wasn't about, 'how could I use this to my advantage'. No, it was about what she could do for someone else. After all, her two biggest role models was both her Aunt Andromeda and Professor Dumbledore.

Her Aunt had taught her perseverance. And where and from whom you came from, did not dictate how you should live your life. As for the Headmaster....

She had heard that during the war he had led a small organization, with the single purpose of defeating the dark wizard Voldemort. His people, despite being horribly outnumbered, never left his side. Dumbledore was a man who reached out and helped others. And he was aman who gave people second chances. And in so doing, he earned their loyalty and trust.

That's what she wanted to be.

“I thought things would be different...”

Agena looked to the girl next to her. Once more her eyes appeared over the tops of her knees, she was looking blankly at the across from them.

“...but it's same,” she sniffed.

“What is?” Agena asked with uncertainly. She didn't know if Hermione was just saying that or if she was actually wanting to talk about what had happened to her.

“In primary school...” Hermione said slowly, “ all the other kids singled me out.... They wouldn't talk to me unless it was to tease me or something.... To them I was 'Bushy haired Granger with her face in a book.'

“I was already reading novels, when most everyone else was just learning their letters.... While my teachers praised me, all I got from my peers was mocking glares and contempt... Eventually, I was even placed in an advanced classes, with other students that show higher aptitude. But even then the other students wouldn't come near me. And things only got worse when I accidentally let my magic loose in class.”

Hermione raised her head just enough to reveal a mirthless smile.

“You have any idea what it was like to walk into class and find the word'WITCH', written in big letters across your desk.”

“um, Not really.” Agena replied reluctantly, ”I was home-schooled by my Aunt and some of her late husbands relatives.”

“Then you were lucky.”

“So what did you do, to get called a witch?”

“Oh, that?”

The smile returned to Hermione's face, however this time she had asatisfied glint in her eyes.

“I think the first time I was in a reading class. The teacher had stepped out of the classroom, this girl that sat behind me thought it would be funny to start flicking bits of paper into my hair. Every time she did, I'd turn around and ask her to stop. But she didn't stop. Even when I tried to ignore it, she kept it up.

“I eventually got so angry... that I turned around in my seat and I was about to tell her to sod off, when...”

“When what?” Agena asked, her curiosity peaked.

“She and her desk were covered in a half an inch of snow.”

“Wow!Really?” Agena laughed. Hermione nodded. “But why snow?”

Hermione tilted her head to the side, she seemed to be thinking.

“It may have had something to do with the story I was reading. It was astory about dog sledding in the Yukon.”

“Oh,” that was all that Agena could say. She wasn't entirely sure what this dog sledding was. And while she had been taught how to read and write, her exposer to muggle literature had been limited to what was considered to be 'crossover works.' Stories like Arthurian legends and Odyssey, which despite being written or collected by muggles, contained actual events or people from the their world. Merlin was very real, and is still considered to be the greatest wizard that ever was. The Odyssey mentions the Island of the Lotus Eaters. That was a real island. Although that was considered to be a place that was so saturated with dark magic, that it had long been made unplottable.

“Was that the first time you ever did magic?”

Hermione gave her a side long glance, before shaking her head.

“No, I had a habit of causing books to fall off of the high shelf in my father's study.... What about you?”

“Me?” Agena had to think about that. The first bit of magic that she could remember, involved talking with a snake. But that wasn't something that she was willing to admit, unless she had to. And she had a lot of incidents were things had happened. Summoning things from across the room was common to all magical children. But there was one thing that she did, that was certainly not common.

“Growing up in a magical household there was always something going on. But there was this one time, when I was around six or seven, my Aunt took me to park that wasn't too far from were we lived. There were a few other adults there with their children. I really didn't play with the other kids. I mean, it's not that I didn't want to, it was just that the muggle children kind of avoided me. But I think that's because they can tell I was different. That's just one of those things, Iguess.

“Young muggles tend to notice magic more readily than their parents would. Anyway at some point my Aunt got dragged into some conversation with some of the other parents. I was playing on my own. There are a lot of wooded areas around our neighborhood. And from the edge of the park, I suddenly heard a growl.

“When I looked up, I saw this enormous dog. I think it was sick, because It had this thick trail of drool coming out of it's mouth. And as it got closer it kept alternating between growling and making a whimpering sound.”

“What did you do?” Hermione asked, her eyes were still red and puffy, but not as bad as they had been.

“I was so scared, I couldn't do anything.” Agena continued. “I went from quietly playing on a slide, to having a giant mangy dog, running right at me. So I did what most kids my age would have done. I shut my eyes, covered my face with my arms, and started screaming.”

“What happen?”

Agena looked Hermione eyes as she concluded her tale. “I remember thinking in my head, that I wanted it to go away. I just wanted the dog to go away. And just when the dog should have bit me, I heard it yelp.” Agena paused for a moment, as she remember what had happened. “After it cried out, I reopened my eyes, and it was gone. There was no body, there was no puffs of smoke, and there wasn't even the crack of apparition. It was just gone. It turned out, that I had vanished it.”

“But-” Hermione whispered with some awe. “That's like a N.E.W.T. level transfiguration.”

“I know... It wasn't a second later before my Aunt had swept me up, in her arms. Some of the other adults had run over as well, though I'm not sure how many of them had seen the dog disappear. But I think Iheard my Aunt tell them, that the dog must have rushed back though the bushes, it had come through.

“She took me straight home after that. After she got me to calmed me down some, she asked me about what had happened. After she got all of the details, I think she flooed Professor Dumbledore about it.”

“The Headmaster?”

“Yes. Both he and my Aunt have been acquaintances for a long time. I don't know what they talked about. I was still kind of upset at the time, so i really didn't listen to them. But I'm pretty sure that it was him that she was talking to.

They fell into silence once more. Agena thought it might be the right time to ask her.

“So. What happened, to make you come here?”

And with a single question seemed to undo the progress she had made with Hermione. She could see the brown haired girl tighten her arms back around her knees.

“Was it those two again?”

She could see the girl's eyes water over.

“What did they do?”

Her head dropped, her face being obscured by her bangs.

“Stupid...,” she could hear Hermione mutter bitterly. And it was followed by the choked name. “Onild Wesley.”

Who the hell was that? Agena wondered silently. It was a second before the image of a train of redheads entered her head. Weasley. Or more specifically, Ronald Weasley. Hermione had mentioned him several times before. And usually not in a positive light.

“Hermione?” Agena asked, moving her arms into a lose hug around the crying girl.“What did he say?'

It's no wonder that no one can stand her... she's a nightmare... notice that she's got no friends...

It took Hermione a long time to get that out. All the while, hot tears resumed their flow down her face.

“Hey it's alright Hermione. You shouldn't listen to such nonsense. You've got a friend right here, even if they don't wear red and gold... That's if you'll have me.”

Hermione didn't say anything, but Agena received her answer when the others girl's hands came up around one of her arms. They stayed that way for a long time. It wasn't until the end of class bell rang, that Hermione managed to compose herself. She had cried for a long time. Then again, she probably been holding everything in for a long time.

“Are you going to be alright now?” Agena asked as she stood up. She wobbled a bit, the way she had been sitting hadn't been too kind to her legs.

Hermione nodded her head, but she made no effort to get up.

“Your not going to stay here, are you?”

Hermione stared off towards the floor.


“Oh, no.” she replied, jumping slightly. “I think...”


“I... I just need a little time.”

“Alright. I'm gonna go and find out what I missed from Professor Binns. I'll see you at the feast tonight.” Agena looked expectantly at the other girl, and didn't turn away until she got a nod from Hermione.

Agena left the bathroom, for her dormitory. She needed to find Daphne, so she could get what the days assignment had been. She had at least an hour before they would reopen the Great Hall and probably another half-hour before the Halloween feast would actually begin.

Yet she couldn't help but feel slightly queasy, as she though of Hermione. Agena hoped that the other girl would come out of there.


“You look distracted.”

Giant Jack-O-Lanterns with bright yellow flames burning inside them, floated about above their heads. Above that was the chatter of thousands of bats, that flew from spot to spot looking for places to perch upon. On the tables in front of them laid golden platers filled heavily with ham, heaps of baked potatoes, fresh pies and other treats that were so numerous that one could never hope to taste them all. So, was she distracted? Just a little.

“Agena?You there?”

“Huh?” The girl in question, turned to the girl next to her. Daphne's brow was knitted up in concern.

“Are you feeling okay? You look a bit pale. Well... a little paler than usual.”

“Don't worry, Daphne. It's nothing really.” she smiled in a assuring manner.

But from the exploring look in Daphne's pale green eyes, she could tell that her roommate wouldn't find that answer satisfactory.

“Does it have anything to do with you being gone from Binns class?”

Agena smiled at Daphne. She couldn't lie to her roommate. It wasn't that she couldn't lie. Agena could easily keep a straight face, whenever she was telling a fib. But the thought of lying to Daphne, made her feel guilty. Besides, Daphne would be able to see through it. That was the way she was.

“It's nothing really.”

“I wish you'd tell me what happened.”

“There was just someone who was in a bad way, and I had to try and help her out.”

“Is that why you keep looking over at the that table.”

Agena just nodded.

“Who are you looking for?”

“hmmm.” Agena stood up and looked across the all. Most student in the same year sat together. At the opposite end of the hall was the Gryffindor table. She couldn't see her, amongst the first years. In fact she couldn't see Hermione amongst any of the older students either. However she did see Ronald Weasley. With a scowl and a disappointed sigh she sat back down. “It was Hermione Granger.”

Daphne made a face. “Who's that?”

“She's in Gryffindor.?”

“Oh, you mean the bookworm, the hair out to here.” Daphne held her hands up, right above her shoulders.

Agena had to giggle at that.

“Her hair isn't that bad.” she said patting Daphne's shoulder. “I'm just a little worried, when I left her, she said she was going to come to the feast, but I don't see her over there.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

Agena had already stood back up. She was determine to go back to that bathroom, and pull Hermione out of there. And she was prepared to do it by force if necessary.

But before she could tell Daphne, a frantic looking Professor Quirrell burst into the hall. He looked as if he had been running for the last hour. By the time he reached the head table, he was wheezing.

“th-There's... a Troll... in the d-Dungeon!” he said between breaths.“Thought y-you ought to know...”

He then fell over.

The entire hall erupted into a clatter of shrieks and shouts. Half of the students present stood up, some of them even took it further by jumping up onto their benches, to look over the crowd.

There was then a series of loud pops, accompanied by bright purple flashes as fireworks erupted from tip of Professor Dumbledore's wand.

"Prefects!Gather your students and escort them to your dormitories."

Even from were she stood, Agena could see the degree of severity on the headmasters face.

But there was something that was even more pressing in Agena mind. Hermione Granger. Agena couldn't explain it, but she knew that Hermione was still in that bathroom. It was one of those feelings. Just like how you can feel it, if someone is staring from across aroom.

And because she was down their right now and she didn't know. And that particular bathroom was near one of the dungeon entrances. There was too much danger evolved. Agena looked up and down her table, there was no way she would be able to slip away from the rest of her house mates. That left only one option.

"Slytherin and Hufflepuffs, please take extra guard as you make you way to your respective dormitories. Teachers with me." Professor Dumbledore said right before he disappeared into a side door. He was quickly followed by Professor Flitwick and Professor Sinistra. The head of her house, Professor Snape had already slipped out of the room through an entrance on the opposite side of the hall. She had to hurry or she would lose her chance.

She pushed against a swarm of other Slytherins. Behind her, she could hear Daphne calling after her. But there wasn't time to waste, Agena's last hope was Professor McGonagall, who was just moments away from filing out with the others.

She had nearly reached the Professor, when a hand clamped around her arm. She was spun around, as a powerful arm pulled her back.

“Hey, stay in line!” It was the sixth year prefect, Marcus Flint. He also happen to be the Captain of the Quidditch team.

“Let me go!” Agena shouted back, trying to tug her arm out of his grasp.

“Get back in line.” he ordered pulling her in the direction that the rest of her House was going.

“Please, let me go!”

“I told you to get back in line!”

“No!Get off me!” She started to use her whole body to break his grip on her.

“Don't be difficult!” the Quidditch player snarled. He pulled his wand out of his robes.

“Flint!Just let her go!” came another voice.

Agena did bother to look for it's source. Marcus Flint had taken out his wand, and in all likelihood he was going to zap her with something to knock her out. And Flint was likely to do it too. As he was the kind to resort to brute force to get what he needed.

“LET ME GO!” Agena shouted in desperation. one more time. The desperation was rising in her. She had to get away, anymore of this and she might start speaking in Parseltounge. Intense moments of anger and fear could bring the snake out in her. And she wasn't ready for anyone else to know that she was a Parselmouth.

A bright flash of yellow ignited in front of her. Flint screamed out in pain and released her. She stumbled backwards, and almost fell to the ground. She quickly managed to regain her footing, and ran in the direction of the Deputy Headmistress. She didn't bother to look back at Flint, despite his cry of pain and the brief scent of sulfur that had touched her nose.

The few remaining Slytherins that lay between her and Professor McGonagall, moved out of her stepped out of her way. The commotion she had caused with her use of magic, did catch the attention of the transfiguration teacher.

“Ms. Culverin! What is the meaning of this?” The stern expression on her face threaten to turn her back. Not to mention the she was looking over her head, and in the Marcus Flint. “You need to return to your dormitory with the rest of your house.”

“Please!I have something to tell you!” Agena cry out.

“Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait. I can not emphasize, how dangerous it is to have a troll wandering about the castle. We can't have you throwing around spells, at a time like this. What did you just do to Mr. Flint.” Agena could tell from the look on her face that she was anxious to join the other teachers.

“He's not important. This is about Hermione Granger! She doesn't know!”

Professor McGonagall's eyebrows became raised, and any concern she may have had for the Slytherin Quidditch captain evaporated.

“What about Ms. Granger?” the teacher asked, the tone of her voice changing.

“Earlier, Hermione ran into one of the bathrooms, she was upset over something one of her house mates said. I stayed with her throughout the last class period... Before I left she said that she would come to the feast, but I haven't seen her since then. I think she may still be in there.”

“Now, surely she wouldn't...”

“She never entered this hall!” Agena interrupted. “If she was upset enough to not go to class, so she is probably still in there!”

Agena saw a fearful look enter the professor's eyes. She probably didn't know everything about her students. But a girl like Hermione stood out from her peers. A muggleborn witch, who was very intelligent and also very eager to please. It could get tough for a girl like her. And without a doubt Professor McGonagall could see that.

“Tell me, Ms. Culverin, which bathroom was she in?”

Agena took in a deep breath. “We were in the bathroom on the first floor, the one nearest to the Charms classroom.”

The older woman's eyes widened. Having worked at Hogwarts for years, she knew how close that bathroom was to one of the dungeon entrances.

“Thank you, Ms. Culverin! Hollis, do see that she makes it back to your dorms.”

Agena felt a hand comedown onto her shoulder. Hollis was standing right behind her.

“Yes, mum.” He said with a nod.

Professor McGonagall was already on her way out, when she shouted from over her shoulder. “And I've told you repeatedly, not to call me that!”

“Right you are, mum!” Hollis called out after her. With his hand still on her shoulder, he guided Agena in the direction in which the other Slytherins had filed out. They were the only ones left in the hall, except for Professor Quirrell., who was still slumped over on the floor. Nobody attempted to revive him. And with a troll in the castle it was probably for the best. He was so faint of heart, a strong wind could knock him out.

Aside from the two of them, they were the only ones left in the Great Hall. After they had let the hall, Hollis took hold of her arm. He bent down and examined the limb with scrutiny.

“hmm, Not a mark.” Hollis muttered, before releasing her arm. It was the same arm that Marcus Flint had grabbed her by. He straighten his back and gave her an appraising look, “You mind explaining what all that was about?”

Agena's face colored considerably. While she couldn't care less about what most her house mates thought about her. But Hollis wasn't like the rest of them. He had been one of the few members of her house to stick up for her and some of the other students when they were in trouble. Not to mention that he was also responsible for the growing number of offensive and defensive spells that she knew.

“I think a friend of mine may be in trouble.”

“A friend?” Hollis inquired. “So, is that the reason why you hit our Quidditch Captain with a brimstone hex?”

“A brimstone hex? I...” she shook her head, not sure what he had accusing her of.

“Yes, a brimstone hex. You singed his hand pretty good, and top of that you did it without even get a mark on yourself. That's not like lighting a candle or a fireplace. That is some advanced magic, and you even use you wand to pull it off. But we will have to have a talk about that later. Now, tell me about this friend business.”


She explained everything to Hollis. Running into Hermione in the bathroom, staying the entire class period with her. He asked her why she didn't try to get her. And told her that she could have slipped out of line easily when everyone else was going back to the dorms. That made her feel guilty. In all honestly she didn't think that she would have been able to slip away. As it was she barely made it to Professor McGonagall.

After Hollis had escorted her back into their common room, she slipped into the female dorm and went into her room. Everyone was in the common room. The feast that had loaded down their table in the Great Hall had been sent down. While she was hungry, Agena really didn't feel like eating.

That and the sour look she got from Flint and the other members of the Quidditch team. She was struck with the possibility that she could receive some sort of retaliation from him or other members of the team. But with the common room being as full as it was, and with another prefect was tending to Flint's injury with a bowl of ice water. It was unlikely that he would seek revenge, or at least seek revenge tonight.

Daphne had tried to get her to come out and join her and some of the others. Also she wanted to be told what had happened. But Agena wasn't feeling up to it. She was so worried over what had become of Hermione. She just promised Daphne that she would tell her what had happened later.

Agena began to brood. What was Professor Quirell thinking? Surely that was something he could have taken care of it. And how does a troll get into the dungeons anyway? She had been up and down these corridors for months, and there were no direct way into the dungeons from outside of the castle. The Great Hall was on what was considered to be the first floor. But there was lower level beneath that. But that lower level was hardly a dungeon. It had entry ways to outside the castle, large windows, and also the kitchens were suppose to be on that level. Now the level below that was where the dungeons started. And they had no direct access to the outside. Unless....

There was dungeon level below the dungeons beneath them. But it was like an unfinished potion of the school. Like maybe it had been started, and then left uncompleted for one reason or another. And nobody really went down there, because the hallways where always half flooded. And given the water marks on the rough stone walls, as well as the brackish smell of the water, it was likely that those corridors connected somehow, to the lake and the castle's sewer system.

So it could have been might be possible for a River Troll to get into the castle that way. But even then Professor Quirell taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, surely a troll should be too much trouble. It didn't matter if it was a River Troll or a Mountain Troll, it shouldn't be an obstacle for a qualified wizard.

There was something about him that she just did not like. It wasn't anything that she could name, but for some reason being around him made goosebumps rise on her arms. And there was that smell too. Like he had something horrible underneath that turban.

An hours later, the meal that had been brought to the common room had been largely devoured. From in her room she could hear other girls filtering back to there rooms to resume their talking or their homework. Daphne popped in for a moment and tried again to see if she could tempt Agena into a game of Exploding Snap, with some of the other girls. But Agena declined offer.

Daphne was about to leave, when there was a sudden knock on their open door. Standing in the doorway was Annette Yaxley. She was a tall and skinny blond from a pureblood family. She was also the other 5thyear prefect.

“Agena.” she called out in concerned manner. She had a soothing tone to her voice. In many ways she reminded her of Nymphadora.“Professor Snape, wants to have a word with you.”


Agena got up from her bed, and followed the blond. Daphne gave her aworried look. But Agena just waved her off, assured her that she would tell her everything when she got back. If she got back.

Agena paused when they reached the common room. The chamber was almost empty, just a few of the older students remained. Professor Snape sat in a high backed chair in front of the large coffee table that was in the center of the room. Next to him in another chair was Marcus Flint, his hand was wrapped in a bandaged now.

Flint wore a murderous look on his face.

“Go on.” Annette instructed, giving her a pat on her back. Against one of the walls, was Hollis, he gave her an affirming nod.

Agena's feet felt like lead as she approached the head of her house. She tried not to look at Flint.

“Ms. Culverin.” Professor Snape he acknowledged with a curt nod. Agena felt a nervous flutter in her chest. “I understand that you warned Professor McGonagall about one of her students.”

Agena just nodded, she wasn't sure if she should speak or not.

“It was fortunate that you did. The Professor arrived just in time to find a fully grown Mountain Troll swinging it's club around the room. If she hadn't shown up, it probably would have killed the girl and those two fools who tried to rescue her.”

“um, Fools, sir? “

“Yes. It seems that two other Gryffindors, made an attempt to save her.” The Professor continued. “Despite their idiocy, Professor McGonagall saw fit to reward them ten points a piece, for their /bravery/.” His face looked slightly bitter as he said that. “Likewise, she saw fit to reward you ten points as well. By going to her, you may very well have prevented the deaths of three students.”

Agena felt a wave of relief wash over her. She didn't care so much for the points, although she might be willing to celebrate that sometime later. But knowing that Hermione was alright... wait he only said they were alive. She could be alive, but all bandaged up in the hospital wing.

“Was anyone injured, sir?” She asked hopefully.

“You mean, was anyone injured, besides our Quidditch Captain?”

Agena winced.

“No Ms. Culverin,” He said with a bitter tone in his voice,“Neither that girl, nor her would-be rescuers received anything more than a few scrapes and bumps. That however, brings me to another manner.”

He nodded at the young man in the chair next to him.

“From what I've been told you didn't use your wand, so I'll assume that this was an accident.”

“um, Yes sir.” Agena nodded in a tiny voice.

“Where did you learn the spell that you used?”

“I...I didn't, sir” she shook her head nervously.

“I find that difficult to believe, Ms. Culverin. The nature of the spell you used isn't something you just cast. The only place you can even learn about a brimstone hex would be in Restricted Section of the Library. You haven't been sneaking into the Restricted Section have you?

“n-No Sir!” Agena shook her head.

“Because spells like that are both powerful and highly advanced magic. It One could even say that they border into the realms of Dark Magic.”

“I'm s-sorry sir... but I don't know any spells that do that.... after he drew his wand, I... I just wanted him to let me go.”

For the briefest of moments Agena felt a brief spike of pain, right between her eyes. And then it was gone, however she was left feeling slightly dizzy. She began to think that she shouldn't have skipped out on dinner.

“Very well.” Professor Snape said, he brought a hand up and began to rub the bridge of his nose. “Just be mindful of you magic in the future, consider this a warning. You are dismissed.”

Agena was a little surprised, she was certain that she was about to be punished in some way. Even the boy next to him looked flabbergasted. Agena had been effectively let off of the hook. She immediately turned and started to head back to her room. Not wasting anytime she turned around to return to her room.

From behind her she heard. Flint began to protest.

“But sir you said....”

“Quiet Marcus. I've changed my mind.” Was the Professor's response. If that was how he felt, Agena wasn't about to stick around and wait for the Professor to change his mind again.

Standing side by side, against the wall that was between the entrances to both the male and female dorms, was both Annette and Hollis. That had watched the whole thing. Agena received a smile from Annette, while the boy next to her gave her a nod.

Agena returned their gestures, before running off to her room. She needed to tell finally tell Daphne what had happened today. But also she now something to think about. It was a fully grown Mountain Troll. And there was no way a creature of that size could have entered the castle though the lower dungeons. And consider how long the feast had been going on before, Quirell ran into the Great Hall. Someone from Slytherin would have seen it or smelt it while on their way up from their dorms.

Professor Quirell had lied


Author's Note: I was a little longer between updates this time. But that's just how life is sometimes. Like the last chapter I was trying to create a moment between Agena and Hermione. To establish them as something beyond acquaintances. Iwas very tempted to have Agena face the troll, along with Hermione. But certain things that happened in PS must happen. And eventually before the school year is out Agena will at least meet one additional member of the Golden Trio. Although I bet if you look at the character filter I'm sure you will be able to guess. Also Agena's description of the 'lower dungeons' will come back at some point in the future. I'll try to start the next chapter in a few days and hopefully finish it before Deathly Hallows is out.

Well,I believe that it everything. So, show me some love and reviewing.
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