Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected

Im In Love

by joey001 0 reviews

After the club!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2007-08-26 - Updated: 2007-08-27 - 1647 words

Anna's POV

Walking outside there were a few paparazzi but it wasn't bad. They snapped a couple of pictures and continued on with what they were previously doing. Bob was parked literally right in front of the building in his black Tahoe with dark tented windows. I walked up and opened the passenger side door and smiled a Bob as I climbed in. I looked back to make sure the other two were in and realized that as soon as Jamie had gotten in the vehicle she laid down on the seat and passed out giving absolutely no room for Frank. He climbed in a shut the door before moving her legs and sitting down. I turned back around to Bob who leaned over and kissed me on the lips then we heard a muffled "Ewww".

"Don't you two ever stop?" Jamie said with her head still buried in the seat. I swear this girl is physic or something.

When we arrived back at my apartment Frank and Jamie got out of the car. Jamie then stuck her head in my window and smiled.

"Now be good you two." She told us
"Oh your one to talk. Having a guy that you technically met TONIGHT is staying over." I said "Um yeah about that... I gotta go." She said blushing and walking away
"If you need me call. Love you." I told her
"Ok, love you too." Frank yelled back and they both started laughing hysterically

On the way to Bobs' I had fallen asleep. When I woke up I was laying on his bed in a pair of his boxers and a tee. I guess I was more tired then I thought. I rolled over to face Bob and he woke up due to the movement.

"Sorry, did I wake you." I asked
"Eh, I have been in and out for awhile." He said back kissing me lightly on the lips
"How long have I been asleep?" I questioned him
"About an hour and a half." He said looking me in the eyes
"Oh wow." I said "You should go back to sleep, you need your beauty sleep." I told him
"But now im wide awake and looking forward to seeing all of my girlfriends' beauty." He said with a sly grin as he shifted to be on top of me and kissed me deeply.

The rest of the night, or shall I say morning, was spent making love 3 times.

I woke up the next day around 11am and decided to go and make a late breakfast for Bob. I slid out of bed and put on one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers and grabbed my sidekick and headed down to the kitchen. I decided to make French toast and eggs (my favorite and easiest to make.) I was almost done when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I looked up and smiled at a sleepy looking Bob.

"Hey there gorgeous." I said
"Hey, what are you making?" he said with a slight smile
"French toast and eggs for this really hot guy, that I had this really amazing sex with last night." I said with a smirk as I turned around to face him. He had a fake shocked look on his face.
"Where is this guy? Im going to kick his ass." He said with a fake angry look as he walked up to me and passionately kissed me.

After we had eaten and I was cleaning up the dishes Bob walked in holding my phone.

"It's your whore of a friend." He said trying to hold back the laughter
"Hi whore." I said answering the phone
"I am NOT a whore." She yelled laughing as well.
"Well, what's up?" I asked and all she did was giggle.
"Is he still there?" I asked her and she just giggles some more.
"ANSWER ME DAMN IT" I yelled laughing at her stupidity.
"Not much is up... and yes he is still here. In fact he is putting his ear up very close to the phone to hear what you are saying." She told me
"Hi Frank." I said
"Hello darling. Did you get laid last night?" He asked
"Why yes, yes I did. Three times in fact." I said with a smirk on my face
"Gross, I don’t want to know all the disgusting details." Jamie said while I heard Frank saying "Way to go Bob."
"When are you going to be home?" Jamie asked me
"Soon, cause I brought no change of clothes. Why?" I said
"I kind of want to go shopping. What do you say?" Said asked
"Sounds good. See ya in a bit."
"Okay, love you bye." Jamie said
"Love you too, bye."

I walked into the living room and saw Bob lying on the couch watching TV. I walked over and laid down on him and he wrapped his arms around me as I rested my head on his chest.

I loved this boy. I love how he makes me feel. I love how he treats me. I love his personality. And to be quite frank I love the sex.

I had fallen asleep and as he shifted I woke up.

"Hey move over for a second. I need to go to the bathroom." He whispered in my ear.
When he came back he laid down facing me.
"Hey." I said with a sleepy tone
He kissed me and said "What time do you want to head home?"
"What time is it?" I asked
"About 2:30pm" He said kissing me lightly on the lips
"I need to head home shortly, Jamie wants to go shopping." I told him
"Ok, well get your ass up and lets go." He said smacking my ass as he stood up.
When we got to the apartment Jamie's bedroom door was closed. I walked up to it and banged on it while yelling "Stop fucking you two. I want to go shopping."
About five minutes later the door opened and a half naked Frank and Jamie clad in his boxers and a t-shirt walked out. I had hopped in the shower and Bob was lying on my bed with the laptop on his stomach. Frank plopped down on the bed right next to him with his head propped up on his arm. Frank just sat there and stared at Bob with a smile on his face.

"Dude, What?" Bob said getting creeped out by Frank’s weird behavior.
"I think Im in love with someone I just met. Is that possible?" Frank asked with a lovesick fool look on his face.
"You are crazy." Bob said to him as I walked out of my bathroom in a towel and Frank whistled.
"Dude, get out of here. That's my girlfriend. You have one of your own now." Bob said getting up and pushing Frank out of the room. He turned around and smiled at me.
"You look really hot." He said walking up to me and pulling me into a kiss. Bob then backed me into the bed causing me to fall over onto my back with him on top of me. He unwrapped the towel from around my body without breaking the kiss.
"You BETTER be getting ready to go shopping, and not FUCKING like Im pretty sure your doing." Jamie yelled through the door.

I started laughing. "I should really get ready." I told him as he kissed down my neck making his way to my chest.
"How about a quickie?" He said as he stuck his bottom lip out pouting. When I was about to object he kissed me and slowly started pushing his fingers into me.
"You know you want it." He said when he released the kiss.
"Oh Fuck." I moaned as he softly rubbed my clit. Bob took that as an invitation and said "Ok".

About half an hour later I walked out of the bedroom dressed and ready to go. Bob had fallen asleep and I decided to just leave him there. Jamie then walked out of her room as well.
"Frank is asleep." She said. "Should I just leave him?" She asked me.
"Yeah I would. Im leaving Bob asleep in my room." I told her
"So I take it you two were doing the same thing we were." She said asked laughing.
"Yeah, probably. You ready?" I asked changing the subject as fast as possible.
"Yup, let’s go spend some money." She said grabbing her purse and walking out the door.

We arrived at the mall and headed straight for hot topic. I really wanted to get a new hoodie and a new pair of vans, the old pair had lovely wholes in the sides where my toes got some air.

"What are you looking for?" I asked Jamie
"I really need a new pair of jeans." She said looking at the t-shirts on the wall.
"Oh yeah, were do you wanna get them at?"
"American Eagle I think." She said holding up a 'The Used' t-shirt.

After shopping for three hours we headed back to the apartment. Walking in we found both Bob and Frank lounging around the living room watching TV.

"Don't you have a home of your own?" Jamie said to the two of them
"We do but we like yours better." Frank said
"Well get your ass' up and dressed. We're going out to eat tonight." I said

They both groaned and started walking back toward the bedrooms. As we were walking out of the apartment I made sure to turn off all of the lights and locked the door behind me.

A/N: Give me some feedback people. Also, just a heads up... there is drama coming up in the next chapter... this romantic stuff is cute and all, but we need a change.
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