Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Just For the Attention

A Dash of Formaldehyde

by silencing 3 reviews

Call backs begin, and an orgy commences

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-08-30 - Updated: 2007-08-30 - 1480 words - Complete

A/n- Oh please someone save me from myself. The restaurant mentioned at the beginning is also real. The coasters are red on one side, green on the other, and they will bring you every type of meat EVER when your coaster is green, and stop when it's red. There's one in Vegas, and one in New York. Go there. Black. Black. Please ignore the two previous blacks. It is completely necessary.

Reviews will be given diamonds. Fake ones, but you can still show them off. Anyone who can pick up on the last reference shall be given a cookie. Unless you live with me, then I'll hit you.


The girls sat at a small table at Pampas Churrascaria at the Planet Hollywood Resort Hotel and Casino, a place they had come to know affectionately as “The Meat Orgy” after eating at a similar place in New York City. It was a place where you could have any and every type of meat you had ever dreamed of for one flat rate, and the carnivores in them couldn't stay away. After receiving a slice of filet mignon off a spear from a friendly male waiter, Danielle flipped her coaster over, and began to work through the meat that she had sitting in front of her. Nikol had been going through her plate for quite awhile now, seeing as how she was not as much as a picky eater as her friend.

A few minutes of sporadic conversation, and a lot of good meat later, both girls were startled by the ringing of Nikol's phone.

`And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies…'

Nikol stared at her a friend for a second in shock, before opening her purse and digging through to find the phone. Finding it, she flung it open before the last ring and answered with a quick `hello'.

Danielle continued to eat looking at Nikol out of the corner of her eye. She noticed her friend's smile getting wider and wider, and when she finally hung up she let out a little squeal. Danielle fixed her with a questioning look.

“I made it!” she exclaimed. “First round of call backs, tomorrow morning, same time, same place. Thank God we requested the whole week off!”

Danielle beamed. “That's fantastic!” She immediately flagged down their waitress and ordered each of them a glass of champagne, when her phone started to ring. Looking quickly at Nikol, she answered it, hearing a very professional voice on the other line.

After hanging up, she smiled at her friend. “Well I will be seeing you early in the morning my dear, what say we get shit faced in celebration?”

Nikol smiled, and took a drink of champagne.


After three days of the same repetitive auditions, the girls pulled up to Silverado High School for the last time. It was the day of the final auditions, and only twenty-five performers of the countless hundreds had made it. Numbers had been reassigned, Nikol winding up with 13 and Danielle with 25, she wasn't entirely thrilled to be the last one performing that day. It would mean that she would be secluded from her friend for almost half of the day, considering they wouldn't allow contestants to talk to each other until they had completed all of the interviews and auditions for the day. Each audition had a twenty minute slot set aside, for the actual talent part, then the interview with the judges and the band, each one separate from the other, and finally the fittings and a mini photo shoot with some magazine that had been following the story and would be reporting the on the performers that made it. As each hour ticked by, Danielle was growing more nervous than she had ever thought possible, and finally, around five o'clock, Kristin, the same girl from the first day, came in and led her to the gym.

They had been warned the day before that any “fan-girling” in front of the band would cause means for immediate disqualification, but Danielle had never really had a problem with these things, and she knew that Nikol was too shy to ever react in that manner. By now she knew the drill. She set up her equipment, then went and stood in front of the bleachers, where the band, the original judges, some Cirque members, and a few choreographers were seated. She answered the questions, smiling politely, and not looking at the band at all. Her focus was on the judges, the people that would decide if she was professional enough to handle all of this. Finally, they asked her to perform and she did just that.

It was only at this time that she actually paid any attention to the band and their performers. She figured that this would be when she would get their attention. She sold every move, making the hardest thing look simple, and the simplest thing look hard, a trick that she had learned from years performing on the field. She knew what they would be impressed by, and sold it. Completely breathless by the end, she stood up with a smile, knowing that she couldn't have done any better if she had tried.


Brendon was pleased to see that the last of the performers was one of the girls he had noticed on the first day. She and the gymnast they had seen earlier had been two that had really caught his eye, along with the juggler who's style reminded him of Penn Jillette. Her performance this time seemed to be flawless, and he could tell by the look on her face that she was definitely happy with it. As she stood, he and his bandmates got up and excused themselves from the room so the judges could have their interview with the girl.

Once in the hall, the conversation started rapid fire.

“That was awesome!” Jon said.

“Reminds me a lot of that girl from Cirque's Ka. Not as good, but she's pretty impressive,” Ryan said, lending his two cents as he had between each of the performances.

Spencer nodded. “She has the costuming down at least.”

Brendon didn't lend anything for a minute, then finally spoke up. “I like it. It's unique, we haven't seen anything else like that today, and it certainly will please the crowds.”

They talked for a few more minutes before the door opened and the judges came out, allowing the band to reenter the gym for their interview. The girl was sitting perfectly straight on a low seat in the bleachers like she did this for a living. They walked over quickly, and sat down around her in a very unorganized manner.

Jon looked at her for a second, then started the interview. “Alright, first question. Danielle…is it? Could you not sit so straight?”

Danielle flushed, then uncrossed her ankles and leaned forward. “I'm sorry…It's a baton habit. We used to have to do interviews for pageants, and sit properly, I'm afraid it's been beaten into my brain. And boring story ending now, sorry.”

Spencer laughed, then started their real interview, which was a mix of random questions to try and see if the performer (a) had a personality, and (b) were compatible with the group. “So…what's your middle name and why?”

Danielle let out a laugh. “It's Kay. Stands for Kandy, which is what I am. No really, it's my grandma's name, who has insisted on coming to every competition I've ever been in, and would have been here if they were open to the public. And the boring stories start again, seriously.”

Brendon smiled. “So are you even a fan of Panic?” he asked in a playfully accusing tone.

Danielle brought her fingers about an inch away from each other and held them in front of her. “Little bit. I've actually wanted to do a routine to that song since the first time I heard it, and I seriously need to stop with my rambling. Now.”

Ryan gave her a sideways look. “Do you think you can handle life on the road?”

Danielle straightened up, she had thought they might ask that. “Well I've never toured, but I'm no stranger to traveling. I've spent at least a week every year on a vacation, and long car rides haven't phased me since I was five. College made me learn how to keep in touch with friends when they're not right down the street from me, and since I'm no longer living in my childhood home, being away from it probably won't bother me. So other than adjusting to sleeping in something other than my sensational bed, I think I'm pretty much ready to go.”

Jon smiled, and supplied the next question. “What comes to mind when I say `banana hammock'?”

Danielle just extended her arm for a high five.
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