Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Walk Amongst the Stars Because You Shine Like One

Chapter 8-One, True, Love-July 8

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

Kendra meets her one true love, but she's met him before?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-08-31 - Updated: 2007-09-21 - 891 words - Complete

Yeah I know I added a chapter just, like, two minutes ago but I may not be here this weekend or Monday cause it's labor day and I tricked myself into thinking the fangirls of this story around the world would die without it so I decided Chapter 8 would have to do...

Ryan and i were haniging out mre and more. I went to a diner with him once. He took me to a movie and finally, when he took me home he took a deep breath and kissed me. It tasted like soda and popcorn but it was sweet and I walked on air for the next week.

Of course he saw the necklace I hadn't taken off for two years now and aske dme aobut it bringing me down from my Ryan Romance high. I pulled another typical Kendra movie and lied about it.

"Bought it." I stated.

"Where?" Ryan asked fingering the bartskull on my collarbone.

"Can't remember." I replied.

He shrugged and then dropped the neclace. It bounced on my collarbone for a second and then stopped moving.

We stared at each other for a while, not knowing what exactly to do.

Brendan, of all people, broke this awkward silence by running into the room.

"Hey Kendra," He greeted. I nodde a 'hello' and then dropped my gaze to my hands. Brendan continued. "Ryan, Pete needs us in the studio."

Ryan nodded and stood up. He looked at me expectantly. "Are you coming?" he asked.

Brendan winced at his words. Ryan didn't know. I looked between the two boys. I shrugged. "Alright."

Brendan's eyebrows went up and Ryan offered his arm. We walked towards the studio silently, just watching the scenery. It felt like a death parade.

It was when we got to the studio and Pete's eyes landed on his necklace around myneck that I realized I had left it on. My hand instinctively went to it. I felt the some-what sharp edges of the wings on my palm. It felt like it was making a bid for freedom. To go back to it's true master.

Pete's eyes crinkled in sorrow and he turned towards the recording booth, wiping his eyes. "Come on boys. Let's get this record recorded." His voice was strained. He was holding back tears.

Spencer an dBrend, oblivious to their boss's pain, stood up and placed a hand on their foreheads in mock salute. "Sur, yessur!" They exclaimed and then they raced to the recording booth, Ryan and Brendan following behind.

I stood next to Pete as he fiddled with the buttons of the control panel.

"I see you didn't throw that away." He whispered.

I examined my nails and replied with a "Why would I throw it away?"

He shrugged quietly, still avoiding eye contact. "Because that would remind you of what we had."

Had, what a word. What we had. Burning my heart away.

"What do you me what we had?" I whispered, "Don't you mean what we have?"

He looked up at me quietly and sadly. "What do we have? A few one night stands? Longing for something that will never again happen?"

I stared at him and shook my head. "No, Pete. We still have it."

He frowned. "You've moved on. Brendan, Ryan. Not me. Not anymore."

I opened my mouth to tell him the real story. That the story Stacy had twisted so much that mad Pete angry at me was a lie and that I still loved him but, of course, Rebekka stumbled in wearing high heels that could kill you.

"Petey!" She squealed. Pete sighed but plastered a smile on his face.

"Hey Bek." He said placing a kiss on her cheek. A kiss that I wished he would have given to me.

"Hi Kendra!" she exclaimed. "How are you?"

"Dying slowly." I replied. Pete stared at me strangely, trying to see if I was telling the truthe. I laughed inwardly and repeated it. "I'm dying slowly without my one, true, love."

Rebekka patted my shoulder., "It's alright, Kendra. I'll let you share a little of Pete. He's my one, true, love but he can be yours too."

Me and Pete stared at each other for a minute. Then I stuck out my hand "Hellow, one, true, love, I'm borrowing you for a few days. I'll be your new one, true, love."

Pete smiled at me and took my hand. I only expected a hand shake but he bent down and brushed his lips against my skin. It made my hand tingle up my arm and down my spin and the sexual tension brewed between us.

Rebekka, being the complete idiot she is, smiled at us and patter our connected hands. "There you go you've got it!"

I looked over towards the Panic! boys to see if Ryan had seen the near act of cheatness I had preformed.but he was convering with Brent although I did see Brendan watching me and shaking his head sadly.

Damn you Pete for making my hormones go crazy. Damn you hormones for letting Pete drive you crazy.


There, Chapter 8 of a lot of chapters. I may be going to Nebraska (maybe not) but I will not be able to add more this weekend so I added 2 today because I love you all.

Stay frosty peeps!

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