Categories > Original > Drama > Tales From Behind the Tour Bus

Tale 1, Chapter the Second

by A_Chemical_Tragedy 3 reviews

Addie dies and goes to heaven.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor - Published: 2007-09-02 - Updated: 2007-09-02 - 1168 words

Addie embraced the warmth of the house, reluctantly. She felt like she was about to pass out and the warm was comforting. They were in the main hallway of the first floor, surprisingly there was no one walking through at the time. Mora rushed onward into the living room. A couple of kids were sitting on the couch, watching TV. One of the girls was talking to a man who had his back to them. Mora released Addie to tap the man’s shoulder. For some bizarre reason, Addie stayed put, she felt like something was going to stab her in the head if she moved anywhere.

“Hang on, More, I‘m having a very nice conversation with someone,” the man said without turning back to Mora.

“He thinks that‘s code,” Mora shrugged at Addie. “You‘d think he‘d be a bit more creative than that.”

“Jerr,” Mora tapped the man’s shoulders again. “Jerry, I want you to meet Addie!”

The man sighed then turned to the girls. Addie fell to the floor. Everything around her was corroded by black and just before she fell into the darkness, she felt glad she was blacking out because the day was getting weirder than ever.

As Addie came back she could hear people’s voices around her, “Val, would you look at her? Just like Bill and Ave, hard to tell who she looks more like, though. You know you could‘ve prepared me a little better than that, Mora.”

“Well, I didn‘t think you‘d knock her out, Jerry!”

“Yeah, well I didn‘t make the last kid you thought was Addie CRY!”

“Oh, very mature, Jerry, fighting with a twelve year old,” an unfamiliar voice said in a mocking tone.

Finally, her eyes slowly winced back open. Standing above her was Mora, to her left, and to her right was the man she wished was always at her side, Jerry Only.

Oh, God. Addie thought to herself. I‘m dead, Jerry Only‘s the Grim Reaper, and he’s gonna take me to hell! It seems more like heaven with him, but maybe that‘s the thing about death, they get your hopes up and then throw you to the devil. That‘s what happens in life, why not in the afterlife? Addie was now propped up on her elbows, watching death fight with a teenager. She was actually having very entertaining last moments on Earth, or limbo, or wherever she was.

“Addie!” Mora had apparently looked down and seen that Addie was conscious again. Jerry flinched, then wrapped an arm around Addie’s waist and helped her stand-up.

“You okay, Princess?”

“Wha?” Jerry smiled sadly at Addie’s bewildered face.

“You know, that‘s what your mom said the first time I called her that?”

“Wait, so you mean you knew my mom, like as a friend?” Addie could now see her reflection perfectly in Jerry’s now glassy eyes.

He nodded and gave Addie a quick hug, then kissed the top of her head gently. “It‘s been thirteen years since the last time I did that,” Jerry seemed to say to himself. “You were only about fifteen minutes old. I was the first person after your mom and dad to hold you.”

“Really? So I guess you hung out with them a lot if you were there right after I was born, right?”

Jerry laughed a bit, “Yeah, I guess I did, but your mom and Val over there were best friends!” Jerry spun Addie around by the shoulders, showing her a short, woman who looked like she was nineteen but had to be at least twenty-three or so if she knew her mom.

“Addie, you have no idea how much you look like Bill and Ave!” Val said as she came over to hug Addie. “You’ve definitely got Bill‘s eyes, his hair too, but Ave‘s hair color. We always knew they’d have a gorgeous kid, but damn!” Addie smiled and looked at the ground. “Wow, even his smile, he had a gorgeous smile too, and you‘ve got your mother‘s shyness too, she always stared at the ground when she was thinking about something.”

“Wow,” Addie thought, as she took an extreme interest in the hard wood floor. “Either they‘re all apart of some sick joke or I‘m seriously dying.”

“So, you guys really knew my parents, right?” she asked aloud, Val and Jerry nodded. “So, what happened to them.”

Addie looked to Mora and Val first, their heads were on everything else but Addie. She looked to Jerry and he was looking her dead in the eye, “I‘m sorry, Princess but this really isn‘t the place, your parents were great people and to talk about them here would just be…. ” Jerry waved his arm around in the air as if it would help his vocabulary.

“Oh, well when can we talk then?”

“You got the stuff Val?” Val held up a folder full of papers. “Then, I guess in about ten minutes, I just have to do something really quickly.”

“We‘ll be in the car,” Val told Jerry as he ran up the stairs. “Come on, girls.”

“What‘s Jerry gonna do?” Mora spoke for the first time in about ten minutes.

“No idea, probably gonna get Addie‘s stuff,” Val looked back at Addie as she led her and Mora to a midnight black Mercedes. “You okay, Addie? I know it‘s a lot to take in for twenty minutes but it‘ll get much easier. Promise,” Val winked at her before opening the passenger seat of the Mercedes.

“So what were they like?” Addie asked after about three minutes of silence.

“Your parents? They were amazing, they were full of life, caring, talented!”

“What do you mean they were talented? Is that how they met Jerry?”

“Yeah, you see, Addie, your mom and dad were…extremely gifted from a really young age and they just rocked the world and, ugh it‘s so hard explaining stuff like this, here,” Val went through the folder and gave Addie a page ripped out of a magazine.

It showed a group of 8 teenagers: smiling, talking to each other, all walking to the right side of the picture, but there was a couple that stood out to Addie the most. They were standing in the back of the group, the guy was walking backwards, the girl was leaning up against him, pressing her lips against his. The caption below the picture said: Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel and Avelin Answers of Confusion kiss each other “good luck” before a show in Hamburg, Germany.


Note from the Author: I know, I know, Tokio Hotel, go ahead and shoot me! But I needed to have someone young and in a band for the story, it's a really important part of the story. You'll see, all in due time. Thanks, for reading! -illusen167
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