Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gone for Nothing

Chapter 2

by disturbedangel6 3 reviews

her life

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-09-03 - Updated: 2007-09-03 - 1096 words

My feet started to ache again from running last night with barefoot. Damn I should have taken Bob’s shoes or something. I didn’t know where I was going but I just had to get out of there. Hell, I don’t even know why I’m running away, what or who am I running away from? I sighed I don’t care why, I just need to. I walked past a couple of blocks and soon after half an hour of walking I came to a suburban park. I pushed my tangled brown hair back and sat on one of the swings and started to swing. I just love it when its quiet and you’re just swinging and the only thing you can hear is the swing squeaking and the wind blowing past my ears. I shut my eyes, I just felt like sleeping forever and not having to care about the world or your problems. I just wish I was my older sister who passed away at the time of her birth due to some disease, she’s in her grave and she do not have a care in the world I guess it’s because she’s in heaven and God’s taking care of her. I’m not that religious but when it comes to death it makes me wander about religion, God and the afterlife. I looked at my crinkled black shorts, it feels weird wearing it over night. I wander what my family is doing at the moment. I guess mum is frantically searching for me or maybe not, since I’ve ran away from home a couple of times because I either had a fight with my parents or my siblings. My life was never perfect. My dad expected so much from me. He use to smack me when even I got a low score of 60% in my exams, my mother, she was ok but she use to always complain about how selfish I am and other shit. My siblings… who cares about them! I remember at my last birthday when I turned 19 my parents kicked me out of the house and didn’t take me back for at least a week. I can’t even remember what the problem was. But thankfully my best friend, God bless her, Sally took me in and made sure I had the biggest birthday party ever. It was amazing.

I remember last night that I was pissed off at my mother because she was going to drag me to some dinner party, so I went for a walk to calm myself down and ended up at Sally’s. She looked terrified when I saw her, I asked and she said that some dude was stalking her because she got a message saying that he could see her now.

“What do you mean? He must be joking” I said.

“No!” whimpered Sally, “He said your reading a book right now and its title is ‘Vanished’ and that’s what I was reading!” she cried.

It was scary and we tried to figure out who it was but couldn’t suspect anyone. I was scared but I told her that everything will be fine and told her to just grab a few clothes so she could stay at my house. I waited more than 5 minutes when I went upstairs and found her on her bedroom couch with blood rushing out of her chest. No one was in that room but me and her, I was just staring at her in shock I didn’t know what to do. I was just hoping that this was all a horror movie or something or a dream.

“Help me” Sally choked.

I breathed heavily with tears welled up I was shaking rapidly. I heard Sally taking big breaths until it went shallow and soon where I couldn’t hear her at all. The life inside her just faded away and she was pale and lifeless. Her big green eyes just stared at the ceiling her chest wasn’t moving and her blood wasn’t rushing out anymore but slowly flowing out.

“Sally” I said in a small voice.

No movement, she was dead. I couldn’t be there anymore; I didn’t want to be killed too. I ran and never stopped.

When I came to my senses I wasn’t swinging anymore. Tears welled up in my eyes, how could I have let her die like that? Why did I let her go to her room by herself?

“Why?” I asked to no one as I pulled my hair. “Why?” I smacked my head hard where I felt a huge headache from it, but still I didn’t stop. I cried; still pulling my brown worn out hair and shaking my head. I stopped what I was doing and looked up to the sound of a car. Suddenly I regretted looking up because the car automatically stop and the blonde man named Bob ran out of it. I leaned my head into the palm of my hands again as I heard he’s footsteps come to me.

“Cassie?” he said.

I didn’t make a sound.

“You shouldn’t have run off like that” he sighed. “Why were you crying?”

“I wasn’t crying” I replied without showing my face.

“Cassie, why did you run off like that?”

“What’s it to you?”

“Look I want to help you”

“And how is that?”

“By helping you get through this”

“Just leave me alone ok? Besides you don’t know me, I might become some serial killer or something”

“I’m sure” he said in sarcasm.

“Looks can be deceiving. Just leave me alone ok?” I looked up with my teary eyes, “I just went through a horrific situation and I need to put myself together”

“Will you be ok?”

“I’ll be fine”

“How about you can stay at my house till you put yourself together?”

I sighed, “Why?”

“Because I care about you”

I gave him a face.

“I mean about the human race”

“I’m sure” I narrowed my blue eyes.

“Please trust me; I’m here to give you a home and food”


“I promise” he smiled.

I guess I don’t want to live in the street so I went to the car with him and he drove us home. Let me tell you this, he did not stop smiling I guess I didn’t either.

please tell me what you think is it too weird or something?

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