Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell me I'm an Angel.....Take this to My Grave

Ch. 5 "Lessons"

by feeandgee22 0 reviews

Gee teaches Frank a lesson. Maybe he'll behave now! Grins*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-09-07 - Updated: 2007-09-07 - 601 words

Im updating like crazy and i swear the chaps will get longer but im leaving you guys in suspense a little at a time!

Chapter 5 "Lessons"

"What the hell happened man," Bob asked looking confused. "You never fuck up anything." I looked around and everyone seemed to wondering the same thing.

"Uh.......I...uh....I lost my pick," I stated lamely, blushing dark red. I kept my head bowed so no one would see that i looked like a fucking apple.

"Well,,,,hell. Don't do that shit tonight or I'm gonna kick your ass," Bob said laughingly as he walked away. I looked up once more to see Gerard's eyes, bright green, staring back into my dirty hazel ones. In the that moment I knew it......I was fucked! Whenever they turn green like that I can never look away. i just have to stare as the mass of liquid green swirls around his pupils. I was frozen, lost in them, and i couldn't look away, not even if I had wanted to. Out of nowhere, Mikey coughed loudly, snapping me back into reality and out of those green masses.
"Well...I'll see both of you guys later," he chuckled quietly, walking back to the bus with Ray, leaving just me and Gerard, standing awkwardly and not speaking. Since Mikey's cough had broken my eye contact, i didn't dare look up again, fearing I'd fall right back into Gerard's pooling depths. I just stood there, shifting my weight from foot to foot when one leg got tired. Again, i could feel Gerard just staring at me, searching. i chanced a look up and mentally sucker punched myself because he caught me again with those eyes.
"So......," I started awkwardly, playing with my feet. "I guess......I guess I'm sorry," I said looking up at him. Gerard seemed to snap out of whatever thoughts he had been residing in at the time and seemed to take greater interest in my eyes. Maybe if he looked deep enough, he could see exactly what i was thinking, what I was feeling. I looked away again, a bit uncomfortable. We stood in silence for a few minutes before he spoke up once more.

"For what?" For a minute i had almost forgotten I had just apologized minutes before.

"For earlier. It was really fucked up. I'm sorry," I said looking away embarrassed and trying to keep my face from turning red once more. I couldn't bear to look up so I once again buried my hands in my pockets and studied my pin-striped converse. For a few moments nothing happened, but soon he walked up to me, his face inches from mine. i glanced up, but looked away again when I saw those eyes intent upon me. he lifted a pallid hand to my chin and made me look him in the eye. I was scared shitless and he knew it. I was practically quaking under his touch and i felt weak in the knees. Finally, i couldn't take it anymore and looked away. He chuckled at my awkwardness and pressed his mouth close to my ear. I could feel his warm, tantalizing breath on my neck as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Well if you're going to misbehave, I'll just have to teach you a lesson, eh," he whispered seductively, before pressing his tongue to the soft area of skin beneath my ear. I visibly shuddered at the contact and he grinned maliciously before walking off towards the bus. I sure as hell wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. That was for sure.
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