Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Child Of Time

Off With His Head

by starmage 3 reviews

The Dursley's abandoned Harry after finding him on their doorstep because of a strange transformation he goes through. Crossover with Doctor Who

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry - Published: 2007-09-07 - Updated: 2007-09-08 - 1722 words

Disclaimer: You know damn well that I don't own Doctor Who or Harry Potter.

A/N: MY GRAMMAR SUCKS! Enough said, either offer to help beta and actually be good at it or Don't Complain. (I also like to state that I have seen people with worst writing then I have.) And don't think I haven't tried getting a beta for my writing. You lot who complain about my grammar, when I ask a couple of you if you would beta you suddenly become silent and don't respond back. Yes I also know that I didn't ask all of you, so don't say but you didn't ask me.

Second thing my grandma just died so I am not in the best of mood.

Third I had made a challenge out of this, so if you want, go write your own version if you don't like my grammar. Provided you of course inform me and make it different from what I wrote. The challenge is in my forums.

Fourth would someone please make a picture of Evan and the Doctor at the Boston Tea Party. I would like to see Evan dressed as an Indian and the Doctor with a feather headdress. You may include past Doctor's in the background. And before people start going off about the Doctor being some place he has already been. I would like to state that it is possible (in my opinion) and I would gladly explain my reasoning. I will even create a forum just so people can debate this.

Fifth it has been hot as hell where I lived recently and I got several dead fish to prove it. It finally cool down enough where it doesn't feel like I am going to die because of the heat.

Sixth I don't have to write this. I was very tempted in the past month not to continue.

Seventh I an not happy with this chapter but it is what you get because of my mood. And no I will not be changing it later on. (I think)

Eighth right now I don't give a damn about my grammar. So *&%#$ all you want about me getting a beta because right now I don't care.

Ninth be happy with what I wrote. I was going to just start off with them being chased and leave it at just one page for this chapter but I decided instead to show what happen.

Tenth well I was cheered up when I saw David as Davina. That is why you lot have something to read.

Ch. 5 Off With His Head

"Oh no, please don't order your guards to kill me," the Doctor exclaims. Queen Elizabeth looks at the Doctor with a neutral expression on her face.

"Why would I order your execution," ask the Queen.

"Ah because you can." Hearing no orders for his death The Doctor relaxes, "So wait you don't want me dead."

"I have no idea what you are going on about. However if I wanted you dead I would have already gave the order." Answers the Queen with a note of finality in her voice. The Doctor stares at the Queen as she moves away, a huge grin spreading across his face.

"This is absolutely brilliant. She doesn't want me dead yet. Oh I can't wait to find out what's going to happen. Although it is best to be on our toes, who knows what will occur. Evan I want you to be on the look out for anything suspicious."

"How can you be sure that something will happen here that will make her want to kill you?"

"You know that she had her guards chase after me for something which I had no idea for. It is also possible that the reason for that happening may or may not occur during this party. However I have a good feeling that it will happen today."

"Wouldn't it be more of a bad feeling. An why not just ask the Queen to try too kill you the next time she sees you. You wouldn't be changing the future and we get to avoid any trouble."

"Now Evan I have enough beings wanting to kill me without me going about asking people to do so. Besides you know trouble has no problem finding us."

"So wait you rather want her to kill you?"

"Yes! Wait no!" The Doctor pauses, then smiles as he gets an idea, "Here take the sonic screwdriver, but use it only if you are in danger." The Doctor then takes off moving through the party crowd. Evan smiles as he got his hands on the sonic screwdriver and for making his dad flustered at the same time. With the sonic screwdriver in his hand Evan starts exploring the party.

So far no disaster had yet to occur, nor had Evan found anything out of place. As he looked around he sees his father has the Queen's undivided attention as he is busy chattering away with her. Moving around Evan tries to keep busy and enjoy the party but his mind keeps wondering back to what he learned that day. The fact that he will never become a Time Lord.

Ever since he was a child Evan wanted to be just like his father. To be a Time Lord when he grew up, now he knew that could never happen. He grips the sonic screwdriver tightly as his frustration grows. 'IT WASN'T FAIR' he screams in his mind. The entire sonic screwdriver glows and sparks in response to his mood. Suddenly all the glass in the room shatters.

Everyone freezes in alarm, not a single sound is uttered. All they do is stare at the shattered glass all over the place. The Queens guards move to the windows looking out for anyone who could have broke them. They find the streets are bare, not a single soul was out there.

Evan stares at the sonic screwdriver wondering what happened to it. As he inspects it he notices the setting kept changing. Evan starts adjusting the screwdriver trying to fix it. He manages to get the sonic screwdriver to remain on one setting but it is one he does not recognize.

The Doctor rushes over to Evan the moment the glass breaks. The Queen follows him but not at the same hurried pace that he moved. When the Doctor gets to Evan he sees him adjusting the screwdriver. "What happened?"

"I don't know it just started to glow and spark, an then all the glass broke. When I checked on it the setting kept shifting. I manage to get it to remain on this setting but I have no idea what it does." The Doctor grabs the screwdriver. He looks at the setting it is on but couldn't remember what it does. As he inspects the screwdriver the Queen moves next to him. The screwdriver sparks again but only the focus glows this time. Before the Doctor can stop it the screwdriver goes off.

The Doctor looks up to see what damage the screwdriver had done. He grimaces when he sees the Queen standing where the screwdriver was pointed at. "Doctor what is that strange object you are holding." Before the Doctor could reply a piece of cloth fell from the Queen's dress. As he stared at the cloth falling to the ground he finally remembered what the setting did. When the cloth hit the ground he immediately looked up at the Queen with dread. He watched as the Queen's gown literally came apart at the seams.

Everyone stared as the Queen desperately clung to as much of what remained of her gown as possible. The furry the Queen was feeling was easily visible on her countenance. She screamed for her guards and at her command they quickly surround her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sor...." The Doctor started to plead but the Queen interrupts him.

"Silence! You Doctor are now my sworn enemy. I have no idea how this could have happen but I am certain you are responsible for it. I will not allow you to go on just so you can cause more chaos later on. You have humiliated me in front of my subjects and I will set an example with you. Guards, off with his head!"

"Evan RUN!" The Doctor grabs hold of Evan's hand and pulls him out the door. They run all the way to the Tardis, the Queens guard trailing not far behind them. Once they get into the Tardis the Doctor quickly sets it in motion. "I must say for all the things to happen. I did not expect that to be the cause for the Queen wanting to kill me." The Doctor says this with a big smile on his face. Evan can't help but grin as well at the ridicules situation they just ran from.

"I guess it was worth running for our lives just to see that happen to the Queen. What I would like to know is why the sonic screwdriver have such setting? Please tell me it's not for some perverted reason like taking peoples clothes of quickly."

"What, NO! I have that setting for whenever I need to undo some seams. You know when I mess up quilting."

"You don't do any type of sewing including making quilts."

The Doctor scratches the back of his head. "I may some day pick it up as a hobby. Besides you never know one day we might be attacked by some type of cloth monster and then where would be without that setting."

Evan stares at his father with a dubious look. "And where exactly would we face an animated cloth monster?"

"I don't know but with my luck it is very possible. Now enough about that, what I want to know is what happen with the sonic screwdriver." Placing the screwdriver down the Doctor starts scanning it. The results surprise him, "What! This can't be right. How could the screwdriver be saturated with this kind of energy? Unless but no I would have picked it up sooner." The Doctor stares at Evan. His intense gaze unnerves Evan who starts to fidget uncomfortable.

"Of course!" The Doctor suddenly shouts.

A/N: Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think I ranted enough for one day.
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