Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Child Of Time

Like A Giant Wand

by starmage 5 reviews

The Dursley's abandoned Harry after finding him on their doorstep because of a strange transformation he goes through. Crossover with Doctor Who

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-11-02 - Updated: 2007-11-02 - 2093 words

Disclaimer: Really, what is the point you already know the answer to this. I don’t own anything from the Doctor to Harry Potter.

A/N: I have just moved so that is why it took so long to update. From now on my updates may take longer since I do not have the internet any more. This makes looking up information harder since I can’t access it anytime I want now.

Chapter 6 Like A Giant Wand

The Doctor drags Evan to the medical lab and with no effort lifts him on to a medical bed. “I need you to lie down while I run a full diagnostic scan on you.”

The Doctor switches the controls by the bed causing a beam of light to pass over Evan, immediately data rolls across the screen. The Doctor stares at the impossibility of what he is seeing. Adjusting the controls, he sets the scanner to exclude from its search the energy it was detecting. Looking at the new readings, he grins manically. “Oh yes, I knew it.…but still the earlier readings brings about whole new set of questions.”

“Dad what is it, what does it say about me?”

“It’s nothing you should worry about but it appears that your body still has some regenerative energy. This is unusual because it should have dissipated after fifteen hours from regenerating. However, because of the regenerative energy coursing through your body it made it impossible to detect any other kind of energy. That is why I never notice it before, but after I had adjusted the scan it picked up another kind of energy from you.” The Doctor scratches the back of his head. “I should have realized sooner. The way strange things happen around you whenever you were in danger or very emotionally. It seems silly now in hindsight that I did not put it together but I never did spend much time around wizards."

“Wizards, as in magic spells and hocus pocus.” Evan said disbelievingly.

“Now don‘t give me that look. I may have never taken you to any wizarding places before but you must have suspected something. Why else would you be asking about magic earlier?”

“So I’m a Wizard?”

“Well that are what the males are called, females are referred to as witches. However that is beside the point, what it boils down to is that your body generates a unique kind of energy. This energy can manipulate things at its most basic molecular structure. With it one can shift from one point to another, animate objects, transform things from one form in to another, and so many other possibilities.”

“So I will be able to do all those things.” Evan sits up excitedly.

“It is not that simple, you will need to get a wand in order to best use the energy or if you want to say magic. The wand not only increases the amount of magic you have access to but it also helps you to focus the magic. The wand is made up of a core from a creature that also generates magic: this gives you more magic to access. The core is then encased in wood which acts as a conduit allowing you to focus the extra magic combined with your own.”

Evan sits up on the bed contemplating what he has learned. “So that time when you used the Archangel network it was like you were using it as a giant wand. The satellites, like the wood of a wand, helped you to tap in to all the energy that people were generating. The people acted as the core of the wand, providing a boost to your psychic energy. Because on your own the psychic energy you generate wasn’t enough to do anything.”

“I never thought of it like that but that is a very good example.”

“So can we go get me a wand now?” Says Evan as he jumps of the bed excitedly.

“No, you are going to have to wait until your eleventh birthday. That is the age when a person can receive their own wand. It is not possible to get a wand any younger no matter what time period we go. Now don’t be too upset this will give you time to learn and be ready to use magic properly once you get a wand. Also it would be a good idea to look into how your Gallifreyan biology may affect your magic and vice versa. Now that I think about it you being magical could also explain why you still have regenerative energy and how you could have regenerated as a child.”

“I guess I can wait for my wand and I do want to figure out how I could have regenerated as a child,” Says Evan.

“Brilliant, why don’t we get started by you reading up on the magical books in the Library and I will go over more thoroughly the data from your scan.” Moving out in to the corridor Evan and the Doctor go into opposite directions. Navigating through the Tardis quickly Evan soon arrives in the Library.

The library is breath taking to look at. The walls are covered with bookshelves from floor to ceiling. Each shelf is jam packed with varying types of books. Against the bookshelves are sliding ladders which can be used to reach the higher shelves. The ceiling is of patterned color glass that lights the library in different hues. The library’s shape is more like a hall but when one looks down in either direction it never seems to end.

Peering down the endless halls of the library Evan ask the Tardis for the books he is looking for. A grinding noise can be heard as the bookshelf in front of him shifts back and another takes its place. Pulling one of the books from the shelf he checks the contents and finds it is what he was looking for. Thanking the Tardis he grabs a few more books before heading back to his room.

Opening the first book he pulled from the shelf Evan flips to the first chapter.

Magic is a force that still remains a mystery and which no amount of study has been able to solve. Magic seems to easily defy known laws of the universe with the greatest of ease but at the same time have its own rules that it can not break. As powerful as magic may seem it has it limits and most often sentient beings that have magic can unknowingly become limited by it. Beings with magic often come to believe their superiority over others, because of this they would often dismiss anything from those they see as inferior. Alas because magic can make tasks easier, beings that use magic fall into a pitfall that magic can solve any problem. If you have been gifted with the ability to use magic then it is important that you don’t make those mistakes and to remember that even magic can’t accomplish everything. Do not forget that magic is not the only way to accomplish tasks and that there are many other ways to going about things.

The basic rules of magic are this:

Magic can not create life. It may imitate life, it may animate, it may make something function on its own but it will not be alive. The reason many theorize on why magic can not create life is that it can not create a soul. Some would argue on this point saying magic could destroy a soul and that it can bind a soul so why not be able to create one. They point to such examples like Dementors and Ghosts. However there are few spells that affect the soul and like how magic is still much a mystery so is the soul. It is not possible to track a soul after a person dies and no one knows how a soul comes to exist in the first place.

Magic can not make something from nothing. Most find this hard to believe because of the branch of magic known as conjuring. What many are unaware of is that, with most conjuring spells, what is really happening is that an object is being transported from one location to another. After some time most objects will return to the location from which it came if they are not banished back. The more complex an object is the harder it is to conjure and the less stable it will be. Objects with very few details are the easiest to call forth and will last longer. Now some objects can be set up by an individual to be called on, these objects will remain after being conjured.

Magic can not overcome death. Death is inevitable, no matter what ways individuals have tried to stop death by using magic in the end death always wins. Most methods that have been created tend to have a detrimental effect: loss of magic, loss of mental capabilities, instability to the body, fracturing of the soul. For many magical beings the battle to overcome death proves the greatest downfall. But for some it is not about preventing their own death but undoing the death of one they care for. This proves even more unfruitful than trying to stop death. For if they succeeded in reviving the body it is as a soulless husk with the body in a state of decay. Yet if they succeed in bringing back the soul after it has past on it is only as a specter. Either way magic fails at restoring the decease to the way they once were.

If you keep this basic rules in mind when using magic then you will be able to prevent falling in to the traps that many others have. Remember that magic is a gift as well as a responsibility. I’m not saying that you have to use it for the greater good but to not become arrogant and let the power you have consume you. Always be sure to know your limits and use magic with respect.

Evan was already regretting his earlier rush in wanting to use his magic. He hadn’t even started to truly control and use his magic and he had already been thinking about using that power without realizing what consequence it may have. He did not want to become like those who have become consumed with power.

The sound of the door opening brings Evan out of his reverie. “Evan you must come and take a look at your scan results. This is just incredible why I ……. Evan what’s wrong.” Concern is on the Doctor’s face as he takes notice of Evan’s slouched posture and worried look. Hesitantly Evan tells his father the fears he has.

Taking Evan in to his arms the Doctor holds him comfortingly. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. You are still just a child and you still have much to learn. It is alright for you to want to use your magic. You were reacting just like any other child would have; excitement at having something so amazing. I know you would never misuse your abilities. Besides your worries are all the proof I need to know that you won’t let this power go to your head.” Evan smiles at his father’s words, his worries disappearing with them.

“Thanks dad.”

“Now that is all cleared up how about we take a break. We can go to Barcelona! What do you think, which one should we go to the planet or the city.”

“Well if we go to the planet can we get a dog?” Evan asks giving his dad a puppy dog look.

“City it is.” The Doctor says before suddenly taking off to the control room not daring to look back. Evan follows right after him not about to give up.

A/N: I hope that I establish limits for magic well enough and kept it working the way it seems to be in the books. Please tell me if there are any problems with it. I also like to state that the power in the heart of the Tardis isn’t magic, so please people don’t go pointing to Jack and how he is still alive. Also just because I say magic can’t do something doesn’t mean there are not other means.

Also sadly Evan will not be getting a dog with no nose.
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