Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silent Whisphers


by BrokenPieces 3 reviews

Nicole learned something surprising

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-09-11 - Updated: 2007-09-11 - 1080 words

By the time I even began to pay attention I was far behind everyone else in the class. I was too wrapped up in the previous night. It traumatized me. I mean, he had never hit hit me. The most pyhsical touch that I got from him was a surprise poke or pat on the shoulder. That was it. None of his gestures toward me were, in the least bit, nice. He despised him and I despised him.

The funny part about all this (well not all that funny) is that I wanted that man to be my stepdad when I was like 7 or something. Ha ha funny right? Though I never told him. I don't know why either. I find myself wondering that a lot lately. Maybe it was instinct that I didn't tell him? No, it was fear. I have always feared that man.

"Nicole!" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face an angry Mrs. Newark. She was a bitch from hell when she was angry.

"So glad that you could join us." she sent another peering look at me before continueing on with the lesson. Something told me that wasn't the last I was going to hear from her.

For the rest of the class I pretended to be copying down notes on what she was saying and such. But me and my stupid imagination had other plans. I began to write a poem of someone, no one particular in mind, who cut and died in the end. Joyfull right?

I heard papers being shoved into back packs and saw, with relief, that the last bell of the day would ring soon dismissing it's eager students to go home for the weekend. As I gathered things into my bag I heard more conversations of me. Ok, serilousy, did I have toliet paper on my shoe the entire day that I hadn't noticed? Just to make sure I checked. No toliet paper. Ok then what could it be? This was honestly driving me nuts. Maybe someone would clue me in.

The bell rang and I began to take off along with the other students when the bitch from hell called me back. Damn, I hated being right about these types of things. I would be more than happy to be wrong.

I dragged myself back over to Mrs. Newark, "Yes?" my tone was drowing in loath.

Her eyes squinted, "Listen Nicole. I know."

I never felt panick run through me so fast and make my heart drop to my stomach. How did she find out? This morning when I told Tish? Was the bruise noticible? Or maybe my mom reported it? The last one was a dead no. The day she would report what happened was when monkeys shoot out of my ass and sing me 'Happy Birthday'.

"I know your excited but you need to realize that now is now and that is not for another few days. Please concemtrate now and play later, ok?" I nodded dumbfounded relief washing over me. What the hell was she talking about? I felt so confussed but so glad that she didn't find out. It would of just meant another red line added to my collection of them.

Mrs. Newark apparently seemed satisfied and dismissed me. She could be a bit off sometimes. Ok, all the time really. I left the classroom my mind fogged with confussion. What did she mean. I wanted to know.

Tish was waiting impatiently at her locker for me. I mumbled a sorry and we headed to her car. She didn't ask what happened. I knew she wanted to know but she always let me deal and process first unless it was an event like last night.

"How was your day?" Tish asked breaking the silence as we pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Eh, a day. You?"

"Mr. Burns decided to be froggy and assign a 300 word essay on Ancient English Litature. Fun huh?"

Mr. Burns loved to torture as much as he did. Though Burns did it legally. Huge difference. "Sounds like your going to have the time of your life!" sarcasm was dripping heavily in my voice. Tish chuckled. I had sarcasmitis. What ever the hell that was. Basically, my first language is sarcasm.

Tish bounced in her seat as 'Helena' came on the radio. She loved MCR, but not as much as me (which she proudly admitted). "I can't believe it! Your the luckiest person in the world Nic!"

Once again confussion washed over me, "What the hell are you talking about Tish?"

Now it was Tish's turn to be confussed, "You mean you don't know?" I shook my head and she continued, "Geez, no wonder why you weren't hyped up today."

I waited. Was she ever going to tell me or just torture me? I gave her a look.

"Hold on!" she turned up the radio.

It was Mark from 97x, "That was 'Helena' by My Chemical Romance. As you all you My Chemical Romance fans know they held a contest to where you could tour with them. And as you also know, millions of kids entered from the entire US. Though, here, in this state was the winner! We just want to congradulate Nicole Picka! She has the honor of touring with My-"

I stared at the radio, mouth wide open. I could of swore I was drooling. Suddenly I screamed out of pure excitement. "Oh, my, god!" (my most hated prep moments, everyone had them).

Tish beemed, "No wonder why you seemed paranoid today..."

The rest of her words faded away. I was going to tour with My Chemical Romance. I was in shock. I was all above excited. Me, Nicole Picka, was going to meet the guys I loved the most, the ones who inspired me, and the ones who help keep me alive.

Suddenly everything changed. Tish pulled in front of my house. My stepdad seemed to be waiting for me, a letter in hand, and angry as hell.

I knew I had to face him. So I bid good-bye to Tish and watched her drive away, as she peered out the rear view mirror. I gulped and walked up to my stepdad, "Hey." I kept my tone light and friendly.

"House, now." he snarled pissed beyond any reason I could think of. I follwed him into the house. What was going on and what was he going to do to me?
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