Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Down and Out

Chapter 6

by rori795

Mike gives Julia something to think about.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres:  - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-09-12 - Updated: 2007-09-12 - 2309 words

A/N - Thanks for the reviews guys!

Chapter 6

Later that night, Julia was in her hotel room, clothes scattered all over her bed, trying to choose which outfit she should wear to the little party the guys were having later. She had narrowed it down to three outfits, but couldn’t decide on which look she wanted to go for, the ripped jeans with her old Beatles shirt, a light and flouncy empire-waist summer dress, or a jean mini skirt with a lacey black v-neck top. She knew that the guys wouldn’t be dressed up, so part of her was longing for the old ripped jeans, but a part of her wanted to make Brendon (who she knew would be there) jealous by wearing the sexy outfit. After hearing a rapid knock at the door, she opened it, revealing Mike, leaning against the door frame.

“Hey Jules, can I come in?”

“Yeah sure,” she stood aside and let him in. He took a seat on the end of the bed and she sat in the desk chair near the window, “What’s up Mike?”

“Umm, I actually wanted to talk to you about William.”

“What’s up? Did you guys get in another fight, because you know that you just have to stay away from each other for like 24 hours when that happens and then you’ll be fine again.”

“No, nothing like that actually. I want to talk about you and William.”

“What do you mean?”

“He told me about the kiss, Jules.”

“Oh? So much for forgetting about it,” she said this under her breath, but loud enough for Mike to hear it.

“When you pushed him away it nearly broke his heart Julia.”

“What? No it didn’t. I’m pretty sure the whole thing was just a joke.”

“It wasn’t.”

She could tell by the serious look on his face that it hadn’t been a joke and that William had kissed her because he actually liked her. “So, you mean to tell me that William has a crush on me? After all these years?”

“It’s more then a crush, Jules. William’s in love with you. He always has been. Think about all of the things he’s done for you through the years, how he’s always been there for you. The boy will do anything you want him to.”

Julia’s hand was cupped over her mouth now, and she was silent in contemplation. The realization of Will’s love was hitting her in waves and everything started to make sense. ‘He’s right. He was there for me through everything with Nick, he took me into his house and helped me safely remove my things from my old house. He wanted me to come on this tour. He was mad when I started dating Brendon, and there for me when everything happened last night. And the kiss…’ her thoughts trailed off and her fingertips traced her lips, remembering his touching them that morning.

“Just think about it Jules. You don’t have to decide anything right away, and if you aren’t interested, let the kid down easy. And don’t tell him that we had this conversation. He would kill me.” Mike got up and started to walk to the door, before glancing back at the bed and the three outfits laid out on it. “Hmm,” he walked back over to them, “If you’re thinking that possibly you might have feelings for him, I’d go with this one,” He held up the lacey black top and the jean skirt, “However, even if you’re not having feelings for Will, you could still add a little bit of joy to all of our lives…”he was cut off by the THWAP! of a balled-up towel hitting him in the face. They both laughed and Mike left the room.

Julia slowly rose from her chair and walked over to the bed, running her fingers down the lacey top. How could I not notice this through all of these years. Why was it never obvious until now that William had feelings for me? But then she thought back through the years. She had known Will since she was thirteen. They had gotten to know each other in their English class in school, but when she was fifteen she had started dating Nick. Then after Nick it was Brendon. Of course William had never made a move before, she was always in a relationship with another guy.

Although she had never thought of him as anything but a best friend, now she couldn’t get her mind off of what a wonderful boyfriend he would be. She hurriedly changed into the skirt and black, lace shirt and looked at her watch. She was supposed to be in Butcher and Sisky’s room in 5 minutes. She applied some light makeup to her face and ran her fingers through her medium length brown hair, making sure that her side bangs were just right before walking out the door.

Julia was the last one to arrive, and she was greeted to the room by a bunch of male catcalls and whistles. It was something that she had become used to since being the only girl on the tour with them, but she still blushed violently every time. “Here Jules,” Mike handed her a beer, “nice outfit.” He winked at her, knowing that since their talk, she wouldn’t wear that outfit for anyone’s pleasure but William’s.

She smiled and made her way across the room, looking to see who was there. All of the musicians and their crew were there, but she didn’t see Brendon anywhere. She kept looking, figuring that she was probably just skipping over him with her eyes. “He didn’t come,” William walked up next to her, half finished beer in his hand, “He was going to, but Ryan told him that it wasn’t a good idea. I’m glad, because I probably would’ve kicked his ass if he showed up here after what happened this afternoon. You look beautiful, by the way.”

She didn’t know how to respond to this. She felt awkward and her face was hot, partially from the alcohol working its way into her system, and partially because of the compliment she had just received. “Thanks,” she muttered, “Umm, you look good too.”

William looked confused and looked down at his outfit. He was wearing an old pair of tight, ripped jeans and an old t-shirt that she had seen him wear probably 500 times. When he looked back at her he was surprised to see her taking a long swig from her beer, finishing it in only a few gulps. Usually at parties and get-togethers Julia would only have two or three beers in many hours, so to see her downing her first beer within five minutes of walking in the door was unusual. “Umm, do you want another one?” he asked.

“I’ll get it. Be right back.” She smiled as she walked across the room to the cooler in the corner, the alcohol, after being drunk so fast, went straight to her head and she gained a new confidence that caused her to put a little extra sway in her step. When she turned around to look back at Will, she saw him staring after her, his mouth open slightly and his eyebrows were cocked in a look of surprise.

She grabbed her beer and headed toward a small couch in the corner, motioning for him to sit with her. “Will you open this for me?”

“It’s twist-off.”

“I know, but they always hurt my hand.” He took the beer from her and twisted the top of it off before handing it back. “Thanks,” she whispered and winked at him. Immediately after doing it, doubts swam through her head. ‘Oh God, I’m such a bad flirt,’ she thought, but the truth was that she hadn’t had much practice.

‘Is she flirting with me?’ William asked himself, doubting it, ‘it’s probably just the alcohol getting to her already.’ But no matter how much he doubted it, his heart still skipped a beat thinking about the possibility.

The night went on and everyone had a wonderful time. People started to dribble out of the crowded hotel room one by one until there were only a few people left. “I better go to bed,” Julia said looking at her watch. It was about 3:30 in the morning. She stood up from the couch and stumbled back down onto it.

William laughed. He hadn’t seen her this drunk since high school, and even then it had only been once. “I’m going to walk you back to your room,” he said to her, hoisting her up off of the couch.

They stumbled together, down the hall and to her room, and she slumped against the wall next to the door. “Where’s the key?” Will asked her, noticing that she didn’t have any pockets in her shirt or her skirt. She handed it to him out of her bra. He unlocked the door and slid it open before helping her inside.

Julia flopped herself down on her bed, but the bouncing sensation sent a wave a nausea through her stomach and throat. “Oh God,” she said, running to the bathroom. Will was only a few step behind her, holding her hair back as she retched into the toilet.

“So how many beers did you have?” he asked a few minutes later as she stood by the sink brushing her teeth.

She was feeling a lot better, and almost completely sober. “I’m not really sure. I lost count after six.”

He looked at her tiny frame in disbelief and couldn’t believe that she wasn’t passed out after drinking over six beers in a few short hours when she wasn’t used to it.

She rinsed the toothpaste from her mouth and smiled at him, “Thanks Will.”

“No problem. Listen, I should probably be going.”

“Oh. Yeah,” she walked him to the door. “Thanks Will,” she said again, “thanks for always being there.” She pulled him into a hug and tilted her head up to look at his eyes. They were closed. Without warning she pressed her lips against his and his eyes shot open. Before he could register what was happening, she deepened the kiss, parting his lips with her tongue.

Seconds turned into blissful minutes and William’s mind was racing with thoughts. Julia gently pulled away from the kiss and they looked into each other’s eyes, asking each other the same silent question. She grasped his hand and lead him over to the bed, turning off the lights on the way.

Julia turned to face him again and their lips met with a fury. She ran her fingers through his long hair, as one of his hands rested on the small of her back and the other one at the top of her back, holding her close to him. She broke away from the kiss again, only long enough to remove her shirt and his.

As the kiss intensified again he backed her up to the bed, and gently laid her down on it, their lips still locked. He ran his fingers through her hair and then down her face and neck, finally reaching her breasts. He cupped them with each hand and gently squeezed, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. He reached under her back and unclasped the bra, pulling it loose from her and throwing it on the floor. He broke away from her mouth and began a trail of kisses down her neck and to her chest, planting a kiss on each nipple and causing her to moan.

He continued his trail of kisses, down the undersides of her breasts and down her stomach, stopping right above the button on her skirt. He hesitated for a second and moved back up her body to face her. “Are you sure about this?” he asked, “I’m not moving too fast for you?”

Julia smiled, “William, I’ve known you for seven years. This isn’t too fast. This is what I want.”

“Me too,” he said, smiling back at her.

He kissed her again on the lips before returning to his previous position. He unbuttoned her skirt and slid it down her legs and off her body sliding his hands in between her thighs and kissing the soft skin on each side of her inner-most thigh. She shivered and he felt her hands pulling him up to face her once again.

This time she kissed him passionately and flipped the both of them over, so that she was straddling his hips. He moaned loudly as she nibbled on his ear and kissed his neck. She could feel him growing harder with each kiss, and it was her turn to kiss down his body, unbuttoning his jeans and slipping them off. A tent was visibly forming under his boxer briefs before she slipped them off as well.

She slipped off her panties before joining him again at the head of the bed. They hungrily and passionately kissed and she pulled him on top of her, positioning him between her legs. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “Is this really happening?” he asked.

“Yes. This is really happening William.”

“I love you Julia.”

“I love you too William,” she kissed him hard and he thrust into her, making her moan in pleasure. She gripped his hair recklessly and they moaned together as pleasure washed over them in waves, until their bodies finally collapsed into each other a few minutes later, exhausted and gasping for air.
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