Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Down and Out

Chapter 7

by rori795 3 reviews

The guys wake up in the morning and where's William? Brendon is a problem again.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-09-13 - Updated: 2007-09-13 - 1874 words

A/N: Sorry, this chapter is a little bit of fluff, but there hasn’t been too much fluff before so forgive me this time. Also, I know that Brendon Urie isn’t this much of an asshole (I hope). In fact I’ve written fics about him before, so I really do love him. I don’t know why I made him so mean. Don’t hate me, please!

Chapter 7

Michael awoke to sound of his cell phone alarm buzzing obnoxiously. The sound meant that it was 11:30 and they had less then an hour to leave the hotel. “Wake up Will,” he said groggily to the next bed over, his head still in his pillow.

Will didn’t respond.

“Did you hear me Will?”

Still no response. Michael lifted his head from his pillow and looked at the bed on the other side of the room. The blankets were neat, and he could tell that no one had slept in them the night before. Puzzled, he picked up his cell phone and dialed Will’s number. It went to voicemail, so he decided instead to call Sisky.

“Yhello?” Sisky answered, bright and cheerful as if he’d gotten plenty of sleep.

“Sisky, did Will pass out in your room last night?”

“No, dude, why?”

“Well he’s not here, and it looks like he wasn’t here at all last night. I guess I’ll try with Mike and Tony.” He dialed Mike’s number and was greeted this time by a grumpy tone.


“Is Will with you?”

“What? No. Why would he be with me?”

“I don’t know. He’s didn’t sleep in his bed last night and I was just trying to figure out where he is.”

“Hold on, let me ask Tony. Tony, you know where Beckett is?”

Michael heard a, “Yeah, he’s roomies with Michael,” in the background.

“Uhh, well Michael’s saying he’s not there.”

“Try his cell and with Sisky and Butcher?”


“Hm,” Tony pondered for a minute, “I guess we’ll just have to go find him.”


The sun was streaming in through the window, and Julia, half asleep, shielded her eyes from it. She relished the weighty feeling of the long arm that was wrapped around her. She had never been this comfortable and this happy in her life. The knock on the door jolted her back to reality and she carefully removed herself from Will’s arms and wrapped a towel around her body before answering the door.

Tony stood before her, his brow crinkled slightly, “’morning Jules. Do you know where Will is? He didn’t sleep in his bed last night, and…” she opened the door the rest of the way to reveal Will, still sleeping soundly, her in bed. “Oh, I see,” a look of amusement filled Tony’s face. “Well, we’ve got to be out of here in about a half hour, so when you’re ready we’ll meet you on the bus.”

“Okay,” she closed the door and walked over to the bed, dropping the towel to the floor on the way. She leaned over Will and whispered in his ear, “It’s time to wake up William.”

He groaned and turned to face her, “Why aren’t you in this bed with me?” he asked, and pulled her down on the bed. He rolled on top of her and kissed her on the lips.

She giggled, “Will, we have to get up. We have to leave in a half hour.”

“But I don’t want to get up. Let them leave without us, and we’ll stay here in this bed forever.”

“You know they aren’t going to leave without you. They’ll just be mad that we’re late.”

He kissed her again and then climbed off of the bed, “I guess you’re right.”

They got dressed and packed up their things and then walked together out to the large bus waiting for them in the parking lot. When they climbed up the steps they realized that everyone was already waiting there for them, and they both blushed violently as they were greeted with a bunch of catcalls and Sisky singing Ludacris’ “What’s Your Fantasy?”. Will glared at him and he abruptly shut up.


That night was another hotel-staying night, and Julia and Will, not wanting another drunken puke session to occur, decided to spend the night holed up in their room.

“Let’s order room service,” Julia said, flipping through the channels on the television and stopping on a rerun of Sex and the City.

“Sure,” Will said, picking up the remote and changing to a sports channel. “What do you want to order?”

“Hand me the menu.” He reached for it, and she changed the channel to The Gilmore Girls.

“I think I’m going to get a salad,” he said, handing the menu to Julia. He changed the channel to some stand-up comedian on Comedy Central.

“Hmm, a burger sounds good. Oh, and look! They have cheese fries! Split cheese fries with me?” She looked up at the TV. “Hey! Put the Gilmore Girls back on. I love that show!”

“They talk too fast. I never get any of the jokes until like five minutes later. Besides, you’ve seen every episode!”

“Fine, but what about the cheese fries?”

He looked at her funny, “A burger and cheese fries? How do you stay so skinny?”

“Good metabolism I guess. C’mon Will, split them with me. You need a little more fat in your life anyway. You’re too skinny.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll order the food. Do you mind getting us some ice?”

“Sure hon. Be right back.” She took the ice bucket that was sitting on top of the mini fridge and walked out into the hall.

She reached into the ice freezer and took a large scoop of ice when she heard a voice behind her, “Well if it isn’t the little whore.”

The scoop fell out of her hand and she whorled around to see Brendon, leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “Go to hell,” she told him bitterly.

“I just don’t understand Jules, why you were so upset that I hooked up with another girl, and here you are fucking Will the whole time we were together,” he raised one eyebrow.

“For you information, Will and I just started a relationship. I never slept with him while I was with you. Not that I owe you any kind of explanation.”

“So what, are you guys totally in love now?” he stepped toward her.

“William and I have been friends for many years, Brendon. We have a deep understanding of each other. I’ve loved Will as a friend for years, so transitioning into a deeper love wasn’t hard for either of us.”

Brendon laughed loudly, “You really are that naïve, aren’t you?” He reached out and touched her hair, but she backed away from his touch. “You know that the only reason that Will’s with you is because now he has proof that you’re a slut. I mean, you only slept with me after what, a week?”

“Get the fuck away from me,” she tried to push past him, but he grabbed on to her wrists with a tight grip, making her cry out in pain.

“Babe, what’s taking so…” William’s voice cut off as he came around the corned and witnessed the sight in front of him. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked Brendon.

“Sorry Bill, I couldn’t help it. Your little whore was just trying to proposition me; I had to hold her back. I mean, do you blame me? She probably has more STDs then the free clinic. Oh, but wait, you’re sleeping with her now! What happened? Did you get the memo that she was easy?”

William charged toward Brendon and Julia watched in horror as his fist collided with Brendon’s stomach. “Will, stop! He’s not worth it!” she cried out, but he wasn’t listening to her. Brendon bent over in pain and William picked him up and pinned him against the wall.

“You’re not going to bother her again, Urie,” he said through gritted teeth. “I don’t want to hear one more wisecrack out of your mouth about her or us together. And you’re going to keep your hands to yourself.” Brendon nodded in agreement and Will let go of him, letting him slump to the floor.

“I don’t know what all the big deal is about. She wasn’t even that great in bed,” Brendon said under his breath after William and Julia had turned away.

Will turned back to face him, “Are you stupid or something?” he asked, wondering why Brendon would still be mouthing off after what had just happened. Will turned once more and started walking down the hall, before thinking of something and turning back again. “I feel bad for you Brendon,” he said in a low voice, “You’ve never had anyone to love. You don’t even know how it feels.” He walked all the way back to the room this time, where Julia was waiting for him.

“We left our ice bucket down there,” she said.

He laughed and pulled her into a hug, “I love you for saying that.”

They went inside together and Will let her watch the Gilmore Girls until the room service tray arrived.

Will answered the door and tipped the man and Julia jumped off the bed and skipped across the room, lunging for the cart, “CHEEEEEESE FRIES!!” she squealed, “I haven’t had cheese fries in so long.”

Will moved himself in between Julia and the cart of food, “I have a confession to make. I didn’t order cheese fries.”

Her face dropped, “What? Will! That was like the one thing I wanted!”

“You’re whining about cheese fries,” he pointed out, “that’s pretty sad.”

“I really wanted them,” she jutted her bottom lip out into a pout.

“I got us something better,” he smirked. She gave him a doubting look, like nothing could be better then cheese fries. “I got us lobster.”

“Lobster?! I love lobster, but its so expensive!”

“I have the money to cover it, after all, I am a rock star,” he struck the “Superstar!” pose from that stupid MTV movie and she giggled. “And for dessert I got us strawberries and whipped cream.”

“Mmm, kinky,” she winked.

“And I was figuring that it may be a good idea to check out that Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom, so…” he pulled out a bottle of champagne.

She clapped her hands and jumped up and down, “This is sooooo much better then cheese fries.”

“Well I figured that since we haven’t actually been on a date, and we might not get a chance to be until this tour is over, I better make a nice substitute date thing.”

She kissed him and he couldn’t think of anything but the sweet taste of her lips.
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