Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Down and Out

Chapter 8

by rori795 3 reviews

William remembers something important a little too late...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-09-14 - Updated: 2007-09-14 - 1729 words

A/N - Thanks for your reviews guys!

Chapter 8

“Why did we never think of this before?” Julia had just settled down in the Jacuzzi and was leaning into Will. His long legs surrounded her, and his one arm was wrapped around her torso. In his other hand was a flute of champagne.

“What’s that? Sitting in a Jacuzzi together?”

“No, I mean us. Why didn’t we think about become a couple sooner. It just makes so much sense.”

”I did think about it. You were the one who was late on the uptake.” He kissed the back of her neck softly. “Remember that time that I wrote all the lyrics to “The Rain Song” and put them in your locker?”

She turned to face him, “That was you?”

“Yeah. Who did you think it was?”

“I thought that Nick put them in there. In fact I remember thanking him for the note, and he did look a little confused.”

“That song has always made me think of you.” He began to sing to her and she smiled listening to his sweet voice, softly crooning in her ear.

“You’re wonderful,” she kissed him on the cheek and he blushed.

“I’m so happy that this happened,” he stopped, realizing that what he had just said might have come out the wrong way. “I mean, I’m not happy about what Nick did to you. But I’m happy that you’re here now, and we’re together.”

“Me too William,” she turned in the tub to face him, and wrapped her legs around his torso, kissing him deeply.


Two days later was the day of the long-away next concert. The guys got to the venue early and had many appointments and meetings that they had to attend to before the show, so Julia decided to take a tour of the nearby town and do some shopping, getting in some much needed alone time.

She was having lunch in a little café and reading a book when her phone buzzed in her purse and she whipped it out. “Hey Mom,” she answered, already knowing who it was as indicated by the caller ID.

“Hey Honey! I was just calling to see how things were going. How’s Brendon?”

Julia groaned, she had forgotten that she hadn’t told her mother about the Brendon debacle and didn’t really feel like talking about it now. “Brendon and I had our differences, so we aren’t, umm, seeing each other anymore.”

“Shame. From what you told me, he seemed like a nice boy,” her mother sounded disappointed.

“Well he wasn’t so nice Mom, but I don’t really want to talk about it over the phone. It’s a story for another day. In the meantime, I have bigger news.”


“Well, this is probably going to sound funny to you at first, but William and I are together now.”

“WHAT?” her mother was obviously shocked, “Julia Sanzo, you just can’t keep jumping around from guy to guy. This is ridiculous! And with William? You’ve known that boy too long to just have a silly little fling with him. Grow up Julia!”

“Mom! This is more then a silly fling. We’re both very serious about this relationship, and it’s the fact that we have known each other for so long that makes it so strong.”

“Julia, I just don’t want you to ruin your friendship over this.”

“It’s what we both want Mom, and honestly I can’t think of a better person to be in a relationship with. You should be happy for us.”

“Well, if it’s what you both want,” she started to laugh, “I always knew that William liked you! I mean, after I found out that he wasn’t gay. He was always hanging around and I could see it in his eyes when he looked at you. I always passed it off as a harmless little crush, but I guess it was more.”

“How come everyone picked up on it but me?”

“Well you were head over heals for Nick, and when you’re in love sometimes it’s tunnel vision. You never thought about Will as more then a friend, so the thought that he may be in love with you never even crossed you mind. Well, I’m happy that you’re happy Honey. Give Will a hug for me.”

“Okay Mom I will.”


Julia said goodbye and hung up the phone. It bothered her that everyone knew about Will’s love for her and she hadn’t until a few days ago. He had always been such an amazing friends, and had always picked up on her feelings so easily. He could read her like a book, and she couldn’t even see the most obvious signs. It made her feel like a lousy friend.


Meanwhile at the venue across town, the guys had just finished up a Meet and Greet and were taking a breather in the dressing room before their next appointment.

“So how does it feel to be in love?” Mike asked Will as they took a seat on an understuffed old sofa.

“I feel like the luckiest man alive. The past few mornings I’ve gotten to wake up to that beautiful smiling face everyday, and it feels soooo good.”

“Which reminds me Dude,” The Butcher sat down in a chair across from them, “The other day I was in this situation,” he cleared his throat pointedly, “And I needed a condom and I didn’t have one, and I figured that you would, so I looked through your stuff and no cigar. What’s up with that? Is Julia holding on to them for you or something?”

Will’s face dropped and a scared look came into his eyes, “FUCK!” he practically screamed and put his face in his hands.

“Wait, don’t tell me…” Mike trailed off.

“Are you serious Dude? You didn’t use anything?” Butcher asked.

Will shook his head, “I guess we just both forgot.”

“FORGOT?” The other two guys said together, both looking scared and on the verge of laughter at the same time.

Will looked like he was about to cry.

“Well, maybe she’s on birth control and you just don’t know,” Butcher suggested.

William took out his cell and dialed Julia’s number, but it went straight to voicemail. He didn’t leave a message, not knowing exactly what to say. “How could I’ve been so stupid?!” he cried out, head in his hands again.

“Well, looks like you weren’t paying too much attention in health class in high school,” Butcher said and he and Mike laughed. William shot them a life threatening look. He tried calling Julia again but there was no answer.


Will worried for the rest of the day, and it didn’t help that he couldn’t seem to get a hold of Julia, there were only a few minutes before the band went on stage and he was sweating profusely, his stomach twisting in knots.

“Okay guys, you’re on in one minute,” Tony shouted and the guys lined up to get on the stage. Right as they were running out Will saw Julia walk up to the side of the stage, giving him a confused look and pointing at her phone, which Will assumed was because of the fact that she probably had thirty-something missed calls from him. He figured that he could ask her about it as soon as the show was over.

Backstage, Julia walked up to Tony. “Hey Tony.”

“Hey Jules,” he stood with his arms crossed, facing the stage.

“Do you know what’s up with this? I have like 35 calls from William on my phone.”

“I don’t know. He’s been acting really weird all afternoon and he kept asking everyone if they’d seen you.”

“Hmm, I wonder what he wanted.”

“Yeah, I don’t know.”

“Well, I’d like to stick around and find out, but my stomach is really bothering me. I think I might’ve eaten something bad at this little café I went to for lunch. I’m going to go back to the bus and go to sleep. Could you tell Will that I’ll talk to him in the morning?”

“Yeah, sure,” Tony answered, but Julia doubted that Will would get the message unless he asked specifically, because Tony’s attention was already focused on the show again.

She made it back to the bus just in time, and ran inside to the little bathroom where she started retching. She cleaned herself up and crawled into her little bunk bed, shivering and feeling the world spinning around her.


The show ended and Will ran off the stage, furiously searching the crowd for Julia. He ran up to Tony and grabbed his shoulders, “Have you seen Julia?”

“Yeah, she went to bed though. She said she had a stomach ache.”

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Fuck!” William looked worried and started to run toward the exit of the venue and out toward the busses. Tony looked after him with a confused face.

When Will got on the bus he immediately ran to Julia’s bunk and pulled back the curtain. She was curled into a little ball and fast asleep. He didn’t want to wake her, so he showered and then climbed into her bed with her, pulling her close to him.


The next morning Julia awoke to find Will’s arms wrapped around her. She smiled and sank into him. She was feeling a lot better and figured that it had just been the food that she had eaten for lunch the day before that had made her feel so sick.

Will stirred beside her and when he realized that she was awake spoke to her in a groggy voice, “Julia, we have to talk.”

“Okay, what about?” Julia was a little worried about what he was about to say, because she figured that it had something to do with the 35 missed calls from him the day before, and 35 missed calls could only signify something important.

“I realized yesterday… God, I feel so stupid… I realized yesterday that we never used protection when we’ve had sex.”
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