Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Traveling Far From Our Lives

The Present.

by rachh15 3 reviews

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2007-09-13 - Updated: 2007-09-14 - 1258 words

[Julius's POV]

I crouched and peeked into the many windows of Dr. Dismays new lair. His back was turned to some machine, that was a weird shape, I couldn't quite place what it looked like. Nurse was sitting in a chair, with a helmet on her head. I heard grunts of struggle behind me. I whipped around thinking that my partner Delilah was in trouble. But instead she was there struggling with her outfit again. Her face was red, and her brows pushed together in frustration. I struggled to keep back a grin. Delilah was wearing another one of Scarlett's outfits, because our last mission involved...uhm...lasers and acid. You do the math. Anyways while Scarlett cooked up another outfit, Delilah was stuck with her current outfit. I stifled my laughs, but one escaped. Delilah narrowed her eyes at me and stuck out her tongue. I smiled. She was really cute when she did that. I turned my attention back towards the window. Dr. Dismay was throwing his hands up in the air, as in being frustrated or angry. Delilah kneeled beside me and her medium length brown hair brushed against my ear.

"So what's the plan Julius?" She whispered.

"Can't we just crash and burn the party?" I smiled sheepishly.

"So when I told you to make us a plan while I...uhm...adjusted my outfit, all you came up with was crash and burn?" She crossed her arms at me in a jokingly way.

I grinned cockily at her. She sighed.

"Should've known." She laughed.

We peered in the window again. Our mission was to see if Dr. Dismay was actually cloning Nurse, and to stop him. If he was planning on cloning Nurse, I want to definitely stop them. That woman is beastly.

"So think of a plan now?" I said.

"Patience." Was all she replied.

"I know. Why don't you unplug the machine and I will distract Dr. Dismay." I suggested.

Delilah nodded in agreement and we went out separate ways. I looked above me and found a vent. I smiled to myself. This is too easy, I thought. I grasped the edges and hoisted myself up. I crawled into the vent and started working my way in and I thought I heard someone calling my name, but I ignored it.

[Delilah's POV]

I sighed heavily. I tried calling Julius's name but he couldn't hear me. He went into the wrong vent, so now he is going to end out into the other side of the building. He really should learn how to use GPS. I walked over to the window, and slowly started to cut a circle, pressing my hand against so it wouldn't shatter. Slowly stepping into the building, I crouched behind the wooden post on the inside balcony.

"Julius! Julius where are you?" I whispered into my watch. I peeked over the balcony to see Dr. Dismay talk to Nurse.

"My machine is ready Nurse, soon we will be able to go into operation..." He paused and looked around. He saw me and smiled evilly, "GET DELILAH!" Nurse put her hands behind her back, and I knew she was grabbing her scalpels. Just as she was going to whip them at me, I leapt over the balcony tucking my knees tight to my chest, and rolled onto the cold, hard floor. The scalpels missed me and landed in the wall behind me. I smirked.

"You wouldn't be good at archery, since you can't seem to ever hit your targets." As I said this I launched my self in the air and front kicked Nurse into a pole. She fell over in a lump. I brushed myself off and walked over to Dr. Dismay.
He smiled. "Where's Spice?"

My smile wavered slightly. "Around."

"Hmm, got lost in my vent system? I knew one of you would get in using the vents. So I rigged them so they lead to a trap."

I put my face in my hands. "Argh Julius. GPS is so handy, why won't he use it?" I pondered this question.

"Mhm, yes, your boyfriend is not the smartest. So it would be easier to GET RID OF YOU!" Dr. Dismay grabbed a taser from behind pointed it at me. I tried to jump out of the way, but it was too late, he jammed it into my rib. I yelped in pain, and grabbed my side. As I was trying to recover, Dr. Dismay body checked me into Nurse you pushed me into this machine, that strangely reminded me of an octopus. As I hit the metal, straps surrounded me, not allowing me to move. As I struggled, I was seriously wondering what was going to happen to me.

[Julius's POV]

I crawled out of the vent and jumped out, and looked around dumbfounded. I was in a totally different part of the building. I walked down a lime green hallway and looked at a sign on the door. 'Women's Studies' was what it said. Ooooh...kay... I thought. Maybe Dr. Dismay's covering. I pushed open the door and closed it behind me. I was wrong. It really was a class about studying women. All the class turned around, once they realized someone has entered their classroom. I waved slightly, and went to turn around when someone grabbed my arm. She waved her other arm gesturing for me to take a seat. She had reddish hair, and greyish eyes. She was really beautiful and I was mesmerized. I numbly took a seat beside her.

"It's so nice to see a real man to take this class. My name is Janelle." She said.

All the other girls nodded in agreement.

"My husband wouldn't take this course with me, he said it was for girls." A pudgy, short, blonde girl replied.

Oh no. How am I going to leave this room now? I thought. I really don't know what to do. Delilah is probably furious at me for getting lost. But she will be okay right? I sat lower in my seat, trying to think of a distraction. A older lady, with librarian glasses stood up and walked to a chart, with a graph on it.

"Today," she began, "we will be focusing on Menopause and how it affects our bodies. This graph represents a survey of what symptoms affected women most."

"What's Menopause?" I asked blushing. Everyone laughed. The glasses lady looked at me strangely.

"The time in a woman's life in which the menstrual cycle ends." She sated curtly.

"Oh." I squeaked.

Janelle gave me a sympathetic smile, "don't be embarrassed, you are not the one having to experience it. Don't you have a girlfriend? Every girl experiences Menopause."

My mind flashed to Delilah. DELILAH! I frantically thought. I racked my brain thinking of a distraction. I raised my hand.

"Yes?" Glasses asked.

"Where is the washroom?" I said politely.

"Janelle, please escort him please."

Janelle stood up and bowed to me, "after you."

I stood and followed her out the door. As we walked down to the bathroom, I was thinking of ways to ditch this really nice girl. I just didn't want to go through with it. She smiled sheepishly and stopped outside a green door.

"I actually don't know where the bathrooms are, but I have searched this entire building for them, but I have never found them. Lets try here." She said.

Looking at her face, I couldn't say no, so I pushed through the doors and we both gasped at what we saw.
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