Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell me I'm an Angel.....Take this to My Grave

Ch. 13 "Nightmares and high fevers"

by feeandgee22 0 reviews

Frank gets really sick and Gerard comes to his aid, but he doesn't stay!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2007-09-14 - Updated: 2007-09-14 - 632 words

Hell fricking yes! I am typing like a crazy person today. I hope you guys really do like the story because if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't bother posting and continuing it. I began thinking out how the plots gonna go and let's just be upfront about this's going to be really long!!!!! So keep reading and reviewing and I'll keep posting more chapters!

Ch. 13 "Nightmares and high fevers"

I was running, running towards a wooden cross that never seemed to be getting any closer. Tied, crucification-style, was the one person I had hope it wasn't, Gerard. He wasn't moving and his head just lolled from side to side in the wind. There was a hooded figure at the base of the wooden cross, holding a touch out like a beacon. He spoke as I ran towards him.

"Homosexuality is a sin. It should be punished. His death should teach you.....," the faceless figure said, malevolently. He held the touch to Gerard's side and I watched, drowning in sorrow as Gerard's body erupted into flames. I screamed. This could be happening, this couldn't be real. Then I opened my eyes. There were four bodies crouched around my bedside, all looking worry-stricken.

"Stop fucking thrashing and we'll get you out," Mikey practically screamed back at me. I stopped moving, embarrassed, but every part of me was still tense. I was covered in slick cold sweat and I couldn't bear to open my eyes again. When I finally did, everything was blurry and I felt nauseous. I pushed my way out of my bunk and raced to the bathroom. As soon as i was in, i leaned over the toilet and let out everything. Then, I could feel hands on my back, rubbing. These hands were gentler than Mikey's, but I didn't care to look behind me. When the retching ceased, I flushed it all away and let my head rest on the cool porcelain. When I felt my world had stopped spinning so much, I opened my eyes and sat up, venturing a look at the person behind me. Who it was certainly wasn't who I had expected.

I had expected Ray, Brian, even Bob for fuck's sake, but not Gerard. My shock made my stomach churn again and I vomited until only acid came out. I felt pathetic and I sobbed like a child. Gerard took a wash cloth from the sink and wiped all the grim from my face. He sat down with his back against the wall and let me lit on the floor with my head in his lap. Mikey came in a few minutes later and covered my shaking body in a clean sheet. I fell asleep again almost immediately.

The next morning I was gently awaken by Gerard. I could tell that he felt guilty for having to wake me up. He told me he had to move me back into my bunk because we were moving and people had to use the restroom. I only nodded, too sick to say a word so he gathered me in his arms and laid me down in my bunk. I noticed the sheets were changed and a small window was open to let in some air. Gerard looked like he hadn't slept a wink. I was still too confused to speak to him so I did the only thing I could. I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him in.

"No, Frank, I can't. I've got stuff to do," he said, not looking me in the eye. It hurt, it hurt bad. It couldn't be plainer what he meant so I just turned away from him, tears welling in my eyes. He soon got up and left me to cry myself to sleep.
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