Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell me I'm an Angel.....Take this to My Grave

Ch. 14 "Whispered Conversations and Chef Toro"

by feeandgee22 2 reviews

Frank wakes and eat Gerard's hot dogs and Gerard isn't happy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-09-14 - Updated: 2007-09-14 - 743 words

Ok guys! My hands hurt I've posting these all in a row. that's means lots of typing. That means hand cramps so this may be the last for today so be happy and thankful!

Ch. 14 "Whispered Conversations and Chef Toro"

When I finally willed my eyes open again, it was just past noon. Everything was blurry and distorted for a few minutes, until my eyes adjusted to the light. When I finally took a look around myself, I found I wasn't alone. Mikey sat in a chair next to my bunk, smoking a cigarette and staring half-heartedly down the hall. Turning to me, he smiled and opened his mouth.

"Morning Sunshine," he said, taking another drag from his almost spent cigarette. I shook my head to myself and I'm sure he noticed. I looked past him at the bunk across the way when he turned and spoke again.

"He's out front with Ray and Bob. Sorry." I was still annoyed with the way Mikey could always seem to read my thoughts and action like they were telepathically beamed to him. even though he didn't say it, I knew why he apologized. I sat back down and stared at the ceiling, replaying last night's events in my head. The painful memory of Gerard walking away when I needed him plagued my thoughts. A voice suddenly grabbed my attention from up in the hallway and I felt my ear prick up, much like a listening dog.

"Hey Mikey. Can you come here for a second," Gerard said, his voice sounding distraught and almost shaky as he approached not looking at me once. Mikey gave me a fleeting look at my face before he stood up and walked to the back of the bus with Gerard. I listened intently for an snatches of the conversation, but I heard nothing. Feeling pathetically helpless, I put my hands behind my head and counted the tiny dots on the mattress of the bunk above me. When I got to two hundred and three, Mikey and Gerard passed by, whispering frantically to each other as if in debate. I didn't even bother to acknowledge either of them, but continued counting. When I reached one thousand fifty three, I grew bored of the game and stood up, throwing a shirt on. I didn't know whether it was clean or not, but I didn't particularly care. Up front, Bob was watching music videos on Fuse while Ray was tending to a large vat of Mac and Cheese on the stove.

"Morning Sunshine," Ray said, mimicking Mikey earlier, though he sound a bit less cheerful than normal. I gave a little jerk of my head to let him know I had heard him. He smiled and spoke up again. "This will be done in a minute. Want some," he asked, indicating the Mac and Cheese. I nodded, but at the same time I didn't think a single bowl of cheesy macaroni was going to fill me up so I went to the fridge and rummaged around. There wasn't much, but I found a near empty package of hot dogs behind the mayo with "GERARD'S. HANDS OFF!" written across the ziploc. Not giving two shits about Gerard at the moment, I grabbed the package and emptied the last two hot dogs onto a saucer. I put the plate into the microwave and pressed the timer, which started immediately. A minute later, they were done and I had them both in buns and adorned them with ketchup. Ray then handed me a bowl of Mac and Cheese and I sat down at the table. Bob glanced up quickly, looked back down at the tv, then just as quickly snapped back up when he saw me take a bite of my masterly cooked hot dog.

"Hey....aren't those Gerard's," he asked curiously. Not two seconds later, Mikey and Gerard both came walking into the room, an arm over each other's shoulder.

"Did I hear my name," Gerard asked looking around. When his eyes fell on me and the culinary masterpiece in my hand, he froze, an almost unreadable expression on his face. "That wasn't a very good idea, Frank. It said 'hands off' and it meant it," he said sternly. I just stared back at him, with that deer in the headlights look on my face. "Come with me and bring those hot dogs," he said, turning and walking to the back of the bus.
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