Categories > Original > Romance > Sweety, You Have Me. (Kevin Jonas)


by MVasquez-and-Ashes 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-09-14 - Updated: 2007-09-16 - 457 words

“Come again?” Antonia asked, Sara caught her breath and repeated her rant so human beings could understand.
“I won a date with the Jonas Brothers and now I’m dragging you and Katie with me!” Aaryn squeaked. Antonia flinched, she friends voice was a bit too high for her to take that morning.
“Your way to perky…I need coffee.” Antonia moaned walking away from her friend to the school cafeteria.
“Didn’t you hear me?!” Sara asked fallowing Antonia. She didn’t answer. “TONY?!”
“I heard you! I just really don’t care.” Tony answered truthfully. She didn’t even listen to the Jonas Brothers. A silence lingered after an overdramatic gasp from Aaryn. Tony shook her head as peoples attention was drawn to them. Tony got her coffee and paid for it. She began walking to first period until she was made def by Aaryn shrieking. Tony halted and almost spilled her coffee. She looked around trying to find a reason for Aaryn to screech; Katie. Aaryn had already bombarded her by the time Tony made it over.
"You won a date with the Jonas Brothers!" Katie said excitedly. Antonia rolled her eyes and mumbled under her breath. She look a long smoldering sip of her coffee and the world felt right again. "OMG!"
"So Aaryn, why are you bringing me?" Antonia asked as the world became clearer one caffeinated sip at a time.
"Because I am!" Aaryn said sounding extra proud of herself. Antonia shook her head and took off to home room. "Wait for us!"
"When is this happening?" Antonia asked as the other two caught up.
"Tomorrow!" Aaryn chirped happily. Katie smiled widely.
"So I guess you really like them too huh?" Tony asked Katie who nodded rather violently. "I guess I'll go, I have nothing better to do." Aaryn squealed loudly causing even more people's attention.
"YAY!" She yelled hugging Tony. "Don't worry Tone, it will be so much fun, me and Katie will go over to your house tonight and then we can go together tomorrow!"
"Okay Aaryn, see ya later." I waved as she walked into her home room. Katie and Tony continued walking down the ridiculously long hall way. "You wouldn’t think she's 16 from the way she acts." Katie laughed.
"I'm so excited! I love Joe! He is so hot!" Katie said excitedly clapping her hands.
"Right….I have no idea who you are talking about." Tony said stopping in front of her home room. "Just don't leave me alone with one of them please, it would be really awkward."
"No worries, we won't!" Katie said walking to her homeroom. Antonia sighed and entered the class room.
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