Categories > Original > Romance > Sweety, You Have Me. (Kevin Jonas)


by MVasquez-and-Ashes 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2007-09-16 - Updated: 2007-09-16 - 1161 words

The first part of this is not very relevant to the story I just wanted to introduce Noah. DO YOU REALIZE HOW HARD IT IS TO TYPE WITH A DOG ON YOUR LAP?!?!?! AND HEAD RESTING ON ONE OF YOUR ARMS SO YOU B=CAN ONLY TYPE WITH ONE HAND!!! YOU SHOULD TRY IT SOMETIME!
Date Outfits.


"WE'RE GONNA LOOK SO SEXAY!" Aaryn sang as she raided Antonia's closet looking for something she could wear on the date. Antonia sat on her bed reading a magazine as Katie downloaded the Jonas Brothers off itunes on to Antonia's iPOD.
"Aaryn you do realize your making a huge mess out of my clothes and you are going to clean it up BEFORE we go to bed, right?" Antonia asked looking up from an article about some art exhibit. A muffled 'whatever' came from the closet.
"IS EVERYBODY DECENT?!?!" Someone yelled throw the door.
"YES!" The girls yelled back. The door opened reveling Noah, Antonia's gay (if you have a problem with that leave) twin brother.
"I've brought sugar!" He said walking in with armfuls of junk foods.
"I LOVE YOU!" Katie said jumping onto the bed.
"I love you too, Kate. But I'm taken." Noah said sitting down on the bed.
"Noah help me!" Aaryn whined from the closet.
"With what?" He joke whined back.
"I can't find anything to wear for my date with the Jonas Brothers." She said coming out of the closet.
"How am I supposed to help you?" He asked eating a cheeto out of the bag Katie had just opened.
"What's the point in having a gay best friend if you're not going to dress me?" She whined.
"Thank you Aaryn, for placing me in that stereotype." He joked swishing his long black hair out of his face. "Wait, you have a date with the Jonas Brothers?"
"Yes, now help!" Aaryn demanded. Noah laughed and joined her in the closet.


A white limo pulled up the next day in front of Antonia's house. Aaryn was jumping up and down while Katie was close to hyperventilating. Antonia was calm, like always. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for them. Aaryn was the first to (literally) jump in. Antonia followed and nearly had to pull Katie in because she was so nervous. They sat in silence most of the way to there destination. The Jonas Brothers was pumping through the speakers as they sat and watched out the windows. Finally they pulled up to the Boardwalk. Antonia liked to come here sometimes and look out on the ocean. The door was opened again but this time by Aaryn. She was to excited to wait for the driver. They crawled out of the car and looked around.
Aaryn was the first to notice the three guys standing there leaning against the wooden railing. She ran over with the two others following. Aaryn and Nick had already started talking when Katie and Tony reached them.
"Hey pretty lady!" Joe said cheerfully to Katie. She blushed and mumbled a hi. Aaryn and Nick started walking away, obviously hitting it off instantly. Antonia spaced out momentarily, but long enough for Katie and Joe to get into conversation (and flirting). When she snapped back, she noticed Kevin standing there fidgeting.
"Sup?" She asked shuffling her feet. Like she said before: awkward.
"Not much, what's your name?" He asked.
"Antonia, but call me Tony." I told him, "let me guess, Ken?"
"Kevin," He smiled.
"Crap, I knew that!" She said defending herself.
"Yeah, sure," He mocked.
"You mock me." I smiled.
"Yes, yes I do." He laughed. They stared at each other for a moment the silence bubbling around them again. "So I'm guessing you're not the one who won the date."
"Nope, my friend Aaryn did, she was the one who ran off with Nick." Antonia said pointing off in the direction they had gone.
"Oh so you remember his name." Kevin joked.
"Well, she's obsessive over him like my other friend Katie is over Joe." She said using her hands.
"I feel the love." He joked.
"Well so many little girls are playing with you as we speak." Antonia laughed. "It must get tiring."
"Yeah, Barbie is very tiring." He said faking a yawn. Tony rolled her eyes and stood next to him leaning against the railing. He put his arm behind her to look at her better; she felt awkward about it but she let it slide. "Question, have you ever played with me?" She laughed at the question.
"That’s for me to know and you not to find out!" She laughed. They had only known each other for a few minutes and already they joked like they had been friends forever.
"TONE!" Aaryn yelled running over with Nick in tow. "We're all going to get ice cream want to come?" Tony looked at Kevin who shrugged. They decided to follow them to the ice cream stand. Katie and Joe were already sitting at a table eating their frozen treats. Katie waved to Antonia and was ignored. Antonia was mad that Katie had broken her promise. She and Kevin remained silent as they stood inline behind Aaryn and Nick. Kevin watched his other brother and Katie talking. They seemed to click instantly; he thought that him and Antonia had but he had began to doubt that. He turned back to Antonia; she was watching some pigeons peck at the ground.
"I wonder where they've been." Kevin said.
"What?" Antonia asked turning back to him. This time they really looked at each other, soaking up the physical features. They ended up staring again.
"Uh," Kevin said snapping out of his gaze. "The birds, I wondered where they had been."
"huh," Tony said in thought looking back over to the birds. "That would be interesting to know." They reached the front of the line and got their ice cream. They started heading to the table but stopped when they realized they'd been left, once again. 'Oh, come on!"
"Great, where could they be?" Kevin asked.
"As if I should know?" Antonia was a little irked before but now she was angry. "Why would they do that?"
"I don't know." Kevin sounding equally as frustrated.
"She promised me she would leave me alone." She mumbled to herself.
"Oh cause I'm just that horrible?" Kevin asked sounding slightly hurt.
"I'm sorry," Antonia said calming down, "It's just I barely know you."
"You could get to know me." Kevin mumbled.
"What?" Antonia asked liking off some ice cream that had dripped onto her hand.
"Well since they left (again) would it hurt to get to know each other and maybe enjoy this 'date'?" Kevin suggested. Antonia nodded and they sat down at a nearby table.
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