Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Throttle The Ignition
Throttle The Ignition
(#) clutsy_93 2007-09-21
that was awesome :)
Can't wait for the next chapter, please
make it soon !
:)Author's response
i will i just have to find time to type it up. but i do have it written so don't worry. it will be up soon, i promise! :DThrottle The Ignition
(#) Hatsumi_Narita 2007-11-14
Sorry I haven't been writing for a while, I've been moving and doing school work. It's hard to do all of that along with writing but I will post the next chapter! You'll have to find the story, because I'm making a new account only for MCR fanfics! so remember! the story is called "Throttle The Ignition", so type that in for a search and you'll find it!
-Thanks for reading!
-Misery Revenge
Author's response
Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. Things have been hectic[sp?], becuase I've been moving and ofcourse I do not have a laptop. In fact, I'm on my friends sidekick at the moment lol. Anyway because of that all that I still can't update. But good news! I have written more in my notebook. So be ready for a lot of chapters! All I've been doing is writing and drawing, but mostly writing. Even in school! My teachers are pissed. But you know what? I don't care because I love writing because everyone enjoys it! Also I have written a new story, its called "Just Like My Favorite Scene". So far, my friend Kristina is hooked! So I will be posting that and the rest of my stories. Thanks for hanging in there!
Again thanks for your patience!,
Misery Revenge
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