Categories > Original > Romance > Sweety, You Have Me. (Kevin Jonas)


by MVasquez-and-Ashes 1 review


Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-09-23 - Updated: 2007-09-23 - 480 words


Antonia sat on her couch fidgeting uncontrollably. She obsessively checked the clock every couple of seconds and jumped anytime she heard a car go down the street. Kevin was two and a half minutes late and it was driving Antonia insane. Soon she could see a pair of head lights pierce through the windows. She excitedly jumped up and ran out of the house. Kevin was just barely out of the car when Antonia hugged him.
"Good evening lovely lady." He smiled walking Antonia over to the passenger side door. He opened and closed it for her, causing her to blush. They started to drive. Making small talk with him obviously trying to avoid telling her where they were going. Soon he stopped the car in front of a small hill.
"What are-?"
"You'll see." Kevin interrupted her. She nodded and got out of the car when he did. He walked to the trunk and got a basket out.
"Having a picnic?" She asked raining an eyebrow.
"You'll see." He pressed.
"But it's after dark!" She protested.
"You are really bad at surprises." He joked carrying the basket to the front of the car where Antonia was standing. He took her hand and lead her up the hill. She gasped when she looked at the view; they were over looking a drive in movie that was showing black and white romance movies. One had just started playing. Antonia remembered seeing it before but the name escaped her. Kevin laid out a blanket, in front of a lonely tree, while she watched the movie in silence. He set up two plates and laid out the food as she sat down next to him.
"This is all so-"
"Over the top?" Kevin interjected hoping it wasn’t.
"You have a problem with letting me finish sentences." Antonia joked looking over the all vegetarian food.
"Sorry." He whispered.
"It's all so romantic." She told him shrugging off his apology.
"Hey I am the 'cute romantic one'." He said with air quotes (just because they’re cool!).
"Well it's true." She hugged him.
"I know." He smiled sitting back against the tree with her still hugging him. They laughed and joked through the movies playing silently in the background. Antonia was sad when he suggested taking her home. She didn’t want to go but she knew she had to.
"I had so much fun." She said while helping him pick up the blanket.
"Me too," He smiled. "Too bad it has to end. Why can't we just stay out here all night?"
"Because Antonia would get grounded." She laughed.
"Can I do one last thing?" He asked standing up.
"That depends what is it?" Antonia asked rising to his level.
"What do you have against surprises?
"I don't know, I just-" He cut her off once again but this time with a kiss.
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