Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Lie Once You Break My Heart, Lie Twice I Break You In Half

Am I More Than You Bargained For, Yet? (yes)

by FreakOfNature 3 reviews

Tonight, we dine in hell!!!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Published: 2007-09-24 - Updated: 2007-09-25 - 746 words - Complete

Patrick got out of the house as quickly as possible before someone came running after him, making up an excuse as to why he should stay. There really wasn't a reasons since he didn't want a party in the first place and would rather stay home and eat his popcorn in silence. But, he had no choice now, and was forced out of his own house.
He climbed into the driver seat of his car, and drove down the dark road of Chicago. He was still deciding where to go at such a late hour at night. Almost everywhere was closed, and even if he found somewhere to go, he had forgot his wallet at home. The only option was Pete's house.
Driving down the dimly lit street, he finally came across his friends house, after almost an hour in the car. Sometimes it wasn't worth it living on the other side of town, but it was where him and Joy were happy.
Pete's house was just up ahead, and he could see the lights in the house were on. Sometimes there were benefits having a friend with insomnia. As bad as that sounds, it was true.
Patrick got out of his car and walked over to the door. He knocked a few times and waited for someone to answer. It was only a few seconds before someone opened the door.

"Hey Pat." Pete smiled and held open the door, signaling his friend to come in.

"Hey Pete. I was- what happened to your face?" Patrick asked as he began to get worried already.

"Aw man, have i got a shit load of stuff to tell you. Just be quiet, Kate's sleeping on the couch." He said quietly as he closed the door.

Patrick starred back in disbelief. "Excuse me? Who did you say was here?"

Pete rolled his eyes and grabbed Patrick's hand, leading him upstairs. Pete brought him into his room and closed the door. Patrick sat down on the bed as Pete began walking back and forth.

"Yesterday was insane. A fucking nightmare, actually. Brace yourself, Pat."

Patrick nodded. "What happened."

Pete cleared his throat and continued walking back and forth franticly.

"There I was reading Captin Underpants, when i heard a knock at the door. It was Kate and apparently she was still fucking around with her boss. She needed somewhere to hide, she i let her hide upstairs. The dude came to my doorstep, and he was fucking huge. When I say huge i mean HUGE. He must've been pumping 200, at least."

Patrick interupted. "Shit dude. What happened after that?"

Pete continued. "Anyways, the dude was asking me where she was and i told him i didn't know. Then, that fucker came into my house and punched me in the face. Obviously, no one punches me without a fight, so when he turned back around i punched him in the face. After five minutes had gone by, i'd had my stomach punched, my balls kicked to the moon and back, my arm pulled out of socket, and a broken finger. Don't worry, i did some damage too. I kicked that asshole out my front door. Havn't seen him since."

Patrick's eyes widened. "Holy crap. Well, are you ok? You look like shit."

"Yeah i'll be fine. But here's the fucked up part; Kate said she loved me and watever; and being the dumbass i am, let her stay here. She apologized to me about everything she did."

"Your letting her stay here? I don't think thats a good idea. Do you even remember how messed up you were after you guys broke up? What if that happeneds again? You'd kill yourself."

Pete stopped walking and turned to Patrick. "Yeah, i know. I don't know what to do. She has no where else to go, and if she goes back to living with her boyfriend....I don't think i could do that too her."

"Well, things will fall into place. But seriously, for your sake, I wouldn't get to emotionally attached if i were you. That will only make things harder if something goes wrong." Patrick mumbled.

"I know. I can't fall in love with her again. I won't."

Pete paused. "If we had never met, i wouldn't be so fucked up all of the time. I just hate how she keeps coming back into my life over and over again."

Patrick nodded. "Sorry things are so complicated."

Pete sighed. "Me too."
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