Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell me I'm an Angel.....Take this to My Grave

Ch. 20 "Sleep and Coffee"

by feeandgee22 0 reviews

Frank and Gee cuddle and get coffee!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-09-25 - Updated: 2007-09-25 - 539 words

Here you go guys! I hope you enjoy! Does anyone know when Frank is supposed to get married. I gotta stop the wedding!!!! Just kidding! I love Jamia!

Ch. 20 "Sleep and Coffee"

I woke up a few hours later, still crouched in Gerard's arms. Carefully raising my head, I saw that he was fast asleep, looking peaceful and serene so I laid my head back down in his lap. That's when i first noticed Mikey sitting in the chair across from us. He stared, smiled, and returned to reading his Hellboy comics. After a few minutes, I began to get uncomfortable and restless, so moving carefully and deliberately I dislodged myself from Gerard's lap without waking him. It was then that I noticed we were again moving down a busy highway. Taking a seat next to Mikey I quietly asked, "Hey, where the hell are we?" Glancing at Gerard, I was thankful to see I hadn't even made him stir.

Mikey sat up straighter in the chair and leaned into my ear. "We're in Colorado. We'll be driving all night so we can get to the gig tomorrow morning," he said almost inaudibly. I nodded and sat back in the chair, wiping the sleep from my eyes. I couldn't help staring at Gerard every few seconds because he looked like a sleeping angel. Then my stomach gave a nasty rumble so I stood up and got a cup of steaming hot coffee. I usually drank mine with cream, but I needed a wake-up call so I just drank it black with little sugar. It was bitter, but it was a great comfort to me and it quieted my stomach.

I picked up a copy of Alternative Press Magazine off the table and began flipping through the pages. I read a few articles about our friends, Taking Back Sunday and Thursday, before Gerard stared to stir. I smiled when his eyes fluttered open, making him look thoroughly flustered and confused. He stretched and beckoned me over as his joints creaked. Smiling to myself, I walked over, coffee in hand, and sat next to him. He buried his head in my neck, mumbling about the light until he smelled my coffee and asked for a cup of his own. After taking a few sips, he seemed to regain some of his strength and wits. I told him where we were and what the deal was.

He sat listening, but even few seconds his eyes would travel to my neck and he'd smirk. I knew he was looking at the hickies he so gracefully put there and set him a look right back. After about an hour of sitting in each others arms, we decided to just go back to bed. I wasn't really interested in eating much because I often got sick and Gerard didn't seem at that hungry either. Pulling him by the hand, I climbed into my bunk and pulled him in after me. He giggled and we buried ourselves under the covers, him mumbling something about them smelling like me, before planting a few chaste kisses on each other's lips before we feel asleep, his head in the crook of my neck.

Yay! More to come soon!!!!!
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