Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Die For Me

Chapter 30 - "J-Jane?"

by Christiexox 3 reviews

You'll all hate me for what I wrote in this chapter =P

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-09-29 - Updated: 2007-09-29 - 654 words

Frank’s P.O.V:

I stared at her through the rusty steel bars separating us. If they weren’t here I’d be over there in an instant comforting her.

“ Natalie,” I continued quietly, “ It doesn’t matter what you did or what happened before. What matters is that you’re alright. I don’t know what I could have done if I lost you,” I told her, putting my head down slightly. It was quiet for another couple minutes with her not replying to what I said. ‘Maybe she didn’t hear me’ I thought with what little hope I had left. It was silent before Gerard spoke up.

“ We have to get out of here. I remember a spell an old friend told me.” Without another word he fixed his attention on the lock before shouting a phrase of the ancient language. In another two minutes we were wandering down the hall as quietly as we could with Natalie as far away from me as possible. It hurt to see her trying to avoid coming near me but I had to focus on the task at hand.

Gerard’s P.O.V:

Natalie guided us through an assortment of hallways and doors when we neared a hall with strange animal-like creatures adorned with armour and had hold of our weapons. All of a sudden Natalie cursed out a spell and they were in one massive heap on the floor.

“ Grab your weapons. I’m afraid we’ll come across far more dangerous things before we reach her. Once we reach Jane we’ll be holding the universe’s fate in the palm of our hands. Something that hasn’t been done for a 1000 years,” she stated sadly. I felt like asking her about what she meant but my mind was yet again thinking of Jane.

Jane… The simple thought of her made my heart flutter. I wish we weren’t in this mess… that Jane hadn’t even met Anthony. Anthony… Thinking of him made me want to torture him as much as possible for what he’s done to her.

We started walking again after gathering our stuff and made our way up a flight of stairs to a cleaner environment. We soon realized we were in a house. I then noticed exactly whose house it was.

“ Gerard, isn’t this your mom’s place?” Frank questioned, wandering a bit into the living room area.

“ Yeah, it is,” I replied softly.

“ Don’t be fooled you two. This is ju…” Before Natalie could finish there were loud thuds on the other side of the door. Then the most beautiful voice called out my name…

“ Gerard!!!” I heard Jane yell from outside.

“ J-Jane?” I stuttered as tears came to my eyes. I ran as fast as I could to the door as I heard her voice call out my name even more. I could hear the faint cries and shouts from Frank as they ran after me. But none of them mattered. She was on the other side of the door. She was calling to me. I’ve finally reached her at last. I swung the door open and started to run out before I felt the ground come out from under me.

“ GERARD!!!” Frank yelled as I started to fall into darkness. At that moment my life flashed before me. The last thing I saw was Jane.

“Jane,” I whispered as I plummeted further.

Then all of a sudden it was dark.

A/N: I am soooo mean! I leave you all waiting impatiently and then I finally post my next chapter and it turns out to be the best cliffhanger EVER… Heheh sorry I’ll update tomorrow if I can! Already half-done writing chapter 31 so fret not! Thanks for reading! I love reviews so if you review the next one might come sooner… hint, hint, wink, wink* =P --Christiexox
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