Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Teacher

The Teacher

by my_famous_last_words 0 reviews

There's a new English teacher in town.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-09-28 - Updated: 2007-09-28 - 396 words

"DING DONG THE BITCH IS GONE!" Me and Riley sang. Our old english teacher Ms. Polski was gone! They walked into the classroom
"This new teacher better be cool" said Daniel stretching out and putting his feet on the desk.
"Yeah if it's a Ms. Polski double I'm definitely switching out" Claire said
"Yeah, I hope this teacher is younger too. Old teachers are the mean ones" I said the class nodded in agreement. The doorknob turned and everyone stared at the person about to come in.....this was it! Ed Nerkman came in the class groaned but a really responsible, intellegent man followed him. He had black hair, and was wearing a suit. He didn't talk to the class at all.
"Hey did you guys hear about MCR?" I asked some of my fellow classmates. "Turns out Gerard left to do something else"
"I know! It fucking sucks!" Riley said angrily,
"Like I know! Gerard was the ho one right?" Tammy asked
"Tammy go suck dick." Daniel said, "God damn teenies"
"UM! New teacher guy Daniel just told me to suck dick!" Tammy whined, blonde idiot I thought. The teacher raised an eye brow and shook his head. Why did this guy seem so familiar?
"Well why don't you?" the new teacher asked, the class broke out into laughter and Tammy looked shocked.
"We'll see how long you last" she muttered, "when daddy hears about thi-"
"Yeah, yeah whatever" the teacher said, this guy was awesome.
"My name is Mr. W" he said
"What's the W stand for?" I asked
"Umm I um don't like my last name, so just call me Mr. W alright"
"Okay" Riley said
"Okay let me get to know some of you" the guy said, "Tammy Arling?"
"That would be me" Tammy said, Mr. W had a grin etched on his face.
"Claire DePont?"
"Present" Claire said
"Christine Dearny"
"Right here teach" I said, he eventually finished roll.
"Now, I really hate some of the rules here so let's get things straight as long as I'm not talking you can have iPods and stuff out. Just no cells. Please" he said, I loved this guy, he had my vote for principle. He continued talking and finally he gave us an assignment. "I want papers about who your hero is and why" he said as the bell rang, "Due next week"
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