Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Chapter 17

by MCR_music_mad_girl 5 reviews

To The End

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-09-30 - Updated: 2007-09-30 - 1598 words - Complete

Bob’s POV

Trips to Jersey aren’t normally that bad. Especially in the airport. But today was fucking hell. The flight was two hours late, then it took is half and hour to land and on top of that bag took an hour. You would want to have some patients to deal with it.

Jen was half asleep in the cab. She over did the alcohol this morning and she was paying for it big time now. My cell started to go off. Which woke Jen up. Who the hell is ringing me at this hour?


“Hey dude.” It was Gerard. He sounded pretty happy. “Can you collect me from-wait this guy will say it.” The guy on the other line gave me directions to were Gerard was.

“Yeah okay. I’ll see you in about twenty minutes wait there okay.”

I hung up and wondered why he sounded so fucking happy. “Whose that?”

“Gerard. I’ve to collect him. Here.” I dug around my pocket and pulled out a bunch of keys. I handed them to her. “Red one is Gerard’s.”

“You have a copy of his apartment key?” she asked cuddling into me.

Ops looks like I forgot to tell her about that. “Yup and everyone else’s.”

“Awesome.” She smiled. “Do they know you have a copy of their keys?”

“Hell no. You just tell them the door was open.” She laughed lightly. “Right you up with the bags while I get big daddy.”

Jen leaned over and kiss my check. “I love you babe. Call me if there’s anything wrong okay?”

“I love you too. Yeah I will. Just go up its freezing out.” She walked off into the block and I gave the cab driver directions.

Jenna-Lou’s POV

I hauled out luggage into the nosey hall. Kris was crying and Lena was standing there just gazing at me.

“Your not my daddy.” She frowned.

I smiled at her. “No I’m not sweetie. Were is Eliza?” she shrugged her shoulders. “Where’s the babysitter?”

“I don’t know.” Why wouldn’t she? God I hope these haven’t been alone for to long. “Where’s daddy?”

“He’s with Bob. Sweetie if you go to sleep I’ll wake you when Bob and your dad are home.” She yawned and went to her room. I rushed into Kris and picked him out of his cot. “Sh come on lil’ guy. Don’t cry. You hungry? Is it your nappy?”

I changed him and warmed up his bottle. But he was still crying when I tried to feed him. “Open up. C’mon I’m not uncle Frankie.” He finally gave in and decided to drink the milk.

Kris was fully dressed in a black and white Misfits one piece. He is Gerard’s kid coarse he would be wearing some form of Misfits merch.

I smiled as I thought about me and Bob having babies. Then reality kicked in. we’d have to adopt or try IVF. I never got my hopes up any more. Call me pessimistic if you want but after hoping your pregnant for the 50th time and then finding out your not is a major downer.

I brought our luggage and Kris into our room and set him down in the middle of the queen-sized bed. I unpacked everything and put it away. I called Eliza loads but she want picking up.

I sighed Bob wasn’t back with Gerard yet, I didn’t know whether to call him or not. I placed the baby holder on me and slipped Kris into it. Making my way towards the kitchen I heard the front door open and close.

“Babe that you?” I called.

“Yes.” He grumbled. He did not sound happy. I soon saw why he wasn’t happy. Gerard was hanging onto his shoulder.

“Gerard..” I whispered moving closer. He gazed up at me. He was drunk.

“I know you.” He laughed creepily. “Your nice.”

I just stood there looking at him. Why would he drink after all these years? Bob dragged him into the sitting room and lay him on the sofa. He grabbed my hand and led me to the hall.

“Where’s Elle?” he asked looking at Kris.

“Not here, hasn’t been all night. Why is he drunk? Do you think we should call the guys?”

“I don’t know. We can’t call the guys, two of them aren’t in the country and I don’t want to worry Mikey.” He bit his lip. He was thinking, he always bits his lip when he thinks hard. “Don’t call his parents either.” I was gonna ask why but Donna would murder him. “Did you say Eliza wasn’t here all night?”

Without thinking I nodded. Bob didn’t say anything he just sprinted to Gerard. Nest thing you know Bob has punched him hard in the face and pins him against the wall. “BOB. STOP.” I screamed at him. He ignored me and pushed him against it harder. “Bob please. Put him down.”

“You think its funny Way? Leaving a baby and a six year old on their own? Huh?” he didn’t answer. “ANSWER ME!”

They locked eyes and Gerard’s eyes filled with tears. “She cheated.” He cried.


“Eliza used me. I loved her, she was my whole life.” Bob let him go and Gerard slid to the ground crying. I was dumbfounded. Eliza didn’t seem like the kinda person that would do that.

I took Kris out of the holder and handed him to Bob. Sitting down beside Gerard I tried to comfort him in some possible way. Bob just stood there looking in disgust. “Put Kris to bed I’ll deal with Gerard.” He didn’t move an inch. By god could he be a stubborn fuck when he wanted. “Go now. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

He stomped off and didn’t come back. Looking after Gerard had brought back memories of when my dad when he went through a rough patch. “My tummy hurts is that okay?” he asked like a child.

I smiled. “You stay here and I’ll get a bucket.” I left him for a few secs to get a bucket, towels and water. This was going to be a long night. “G does your tummy still hurt?”

He looked down at his stomach. “Um I don’t think so. Is that okay?”

I couldn’t help but giggle a little the guy was so damn helpless. I picked him up, well tried, and rolled him onto his side. But he went back onto his back. “Sweetie you need to stay on your side.”

“I know. ‘Cause I’ll choke on my sick and die like Jimmy.”

At least the guy knew his rock history. “Exactly.”

For the rest of the night I stayed up watching over Gerard. Just ‘cause he went to sleep didn’t mean he didn’t puke.

I woke up a few hours later with a blanket over me. I guess Bob was awake then I went in search of him. I found him Lena and Kris in the kitchen feeding them breakfast.

“Honey I’m really sorry about last night.” He said honestly.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Its okay babe. So what did my loving hubby make for my breakfast?”

“My attempt at a fry-up.” He explained. “Its in the oven.”

Lena was sitting besides drinking her juice. “Daddy said me is going to grandma and granddad house today. When is I going?”

I looked at Bob he scooped food into his mouth and held Kris’ bottle up to his mouth. “Bob will bring you in half an hour. Kris is going as well.”

“Otay. Can I bring my teddy? And can I stay?”

“I’ll call your grandma and ask her. She might have plans. But you and bring your teddy and clothes just in case.” Bob answered her.

“Yay. And Monday I have school. Can Dylin come over?”

Bob looked unsure so I told her instead. “Ask your dad later. You go get your stuff sweetie.” She squeaked yes and ran out of the kitchen. “Why are you pissed with Ger? There’s nothing wrong with them they’re fine.” He didn’t say anything but I knew he wanted to. “Bob?” stilling nothing. “B-?”

“Its nothing.” He said getting up and leaving with Kris. I sighed and continued eating.

Ten minutes later Bob left with the kids just as Gerard woke up. He looked some state with the bruise Bob on his eye and a bit of sick on him.

“Look about yesterday. I’m sorry I just let go.” He apologised.

“Sorry isn’t good enough right now. Do you know what could have a happened to the kids? Or yourself? You’re a complete fucking moron Gerard Way. Your lucky that me and Bob were coming here this weekend.”

He sighed and he let a couple of tears slip. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do it. Can I have a lecture now? It would make me feel worse.”

I smiled sadly. “Yeah. Just don’t ever do that again. The kids could have got hurt or even killed. This is never gonna get out. I promise.”

“Next time kill me. Actually there wont be a next time.”

THE END!!!!!!!!!

{{Yeah I know shit ending but if I get enough reviews I’ll do a sequel. Kay? Good bye =] comments?}}
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