Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Just Another Chicago Girl

Chapter 3:Fall Out Boy

by petewentzforever14 0 reviews

Still not telling.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-10-05 - Updated: 2007-10-06 - 674 words

Chapter 3: Fall Out Boy

We find Elizabeth on Fall Out Boy’s bus sitting next to Pete Wentz. While they watch Andy and Joe
Try to beat each other in Guitar Hero. And Patrick was back in the bus asleep so best not wake him up.

Lizzie: Pete
Pete: Yes
Lizzie: Exactly what do you do for fun on tour.
Pete: Well basically I either go online, mess around with my computer, pull pranks, or since you’re here you
can talk to me if you want. Do what you want I don’t mind.
Lizzie: Hey Pete I like pranks lets have fun and pull a prank on someone.
Pete: Yeah we could do that, but what kind prank do you want to do.
Lizzie: Uh I used to do prank calls all the time and I’m really good at it. Oh and one time I prank called My brother. Then again I was fuckin bored as usual.
Pete: Well then since you’re a beginner lets do prank calls this time and next time I’m planning the prank.
Lizzie: Hey Pete give me your cell real fast I’m going to call Patrick first just to test.
Pete: Ok here it is (handing her the phone)
Lizzie: (dialing Patrick’s number)
Patrick: Ugh what the oh jeez who is it now. Hello (as he talks into the phone)
Lizzie: Hello there you have just won a million dollars. (talking in the phone with a fake accent)
Patrick: Sorry you have the wrong number.
Lizzie: (talking in a robot voice) If you do not except money your planet will be destroyed.
Patrick: Look who the fuck are you. You know what goodbye. (Patrick hangs up phone)
Pete: Wow that was interesting.
Lizzie: Oh that’s what everyone meant when they told me I suck at certain things.
Pete: Hey you know what lets just talk it’s seems that pranks are just not your thing.
Joe: Ha in your face Andy I won and you didn’t ha.
Lizzie: Wow that was random.
Pete: I bet I could beat them both.
Lizzie: So you want to go play guitar hero.
Pete: Sure watch me get the monkeys away from it first.
Lizzie: I wonder what Panic’s up to
Pete: I don’t know ,but I’m sure am tired.
Lizzie: wanna see my Myspace
Pete: sure why not it’s better than watching those two play Guitar Hero
Lizzie: Wow
Pete: What oh is that Buzznet and I could of shorn you said we were going to look at your myspace.
Lizzie: Wow look at all these comments I must be pretty awesome. Go me.
Pete: Oh yah can I check mine.
Lizzie: No you may not, Just kidding Clandestine.
Pete: oh do you have me as a Friend because I’ll add you.
Lizzie: Yeah I do.

After 30 mins Lizzie fell asleep against Pete’s shoulder and Patrick woke up and now was on his laptop.
And Andy and Joe finally stopped playing guitar hero and went to go sleep some.

----------------------------------Pete’s Point of View------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I close out on her computer. I noticed she had fallen asleep. I gently, but quietly lifted her petite body into my arms and carried her off to bed.
I laid her down on my bunk ,and I sat down on the edge of the bed.
Wow was she beautiful how in the world did I fine such an angel. I may have been imaging this, but its like her body was radiant ting heat all around me.
Nah dummy I’m freaking blushing fuck I hope she can’t see me now. I so want to wrap my arms around her and cuddle her into my chest.
No I can’t I hardly know her then again who cares. I finally made my mind up. As I got into bed with her.
Pete:(whispering) go to sleep my angel I’ll watch you.
---------------------------------------------------------End of Pete’s Point of View-----------------------------------------------------
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